AY1516 T2 Team WalkThere Methodology

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We will be doing our research on an area in Tampines East Zone 2 (the purple region) to identify the connectivity of the given residential blocks to the points of interests.

Objective 1: Identify how accessible the facilities, that are within walking distance and meet the basic needs, to the residents.

1. Using QGIS and residential blocks shapefile, draw a 400 metres buffer radius from each postal codes and identify the facilities that are within the radius. These facilities include schools, bus stops, green space, convenience stores, and places of worship. 2. Conduct site visit at Tampines East Zone 2 where an actual distance will be plotted with use of QGIS mobile application, Map It! While plotting out the actual distance taken to travel to the various facilities identified, areas that are in need of improvements such as areas catered to elderly, uncovered linkways, undeveloped footpath and dimly lighted pathways. a. Site visits will be conducted during 5pm - 7pm on weekdays, under sunny and rainy conditions, where majority of the mobility of the residents can be observed. b. The actual distances to various facilities will show the real distance of travelling despite having the facilities being located within the 400 metres buffer radius. 3. Display a heatmap of the travelled lines where the colour of the lines show the time taken to travel by 2 categories of pedestrians - young and old. a. Young individual: 5.4 km/hour b. Old individual: 4.6 km/hour

Objective 2: Fine-tune the design of the residential areas to ensure that the points of interests are connected and are well-served to the needs of the residents (based on demographics - elderly and children)

Work Scope

Proposed Timeline