ANLY482 AY2017-18T2 Group01: Project Management

From Analytics Practicum
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Project Overview

Project Findings

Project Management


Main Page

Project Outline

We went through the following steps to execute our project:

Project ScopeEatigo.png

Understanding the Business Problem

We first wanted to gather all information related to the booking journey of customers and the key influencing factors. To do this we carried out the following steps:
1. Spoke with eatigo employees beyond our sponsor (Sales Lead and Marketing Lead)
2. Interviewed eatigo customers to understand their typical priorities and their customer journey. Based on our understanding, we have mapped out the customer journey map as follows:

Journey final.png

Data Preparation and Cleaning

The next step involved zooming into the data sheets provided to us and understand each variable, it's sufficiency and relevance in helping us solve the business problem, and then preparing it for analysis. These were the steps in Data Preparation:


The details of our work in each step has been summarized as follows:


After this, we conducted an exploratory data analysis. However, due to confidentiality reasons, we are not detailing the visualizations. If required, please free to contact us for more information [(Contact Details)] .

Clustering Methodology

We followed the following method for our Clustering:


Choosing the Clustering Method:

Literature Review:

Deciding on K-Means:

Based on our understanding of the literature and in consultation with our sponsor and supervisor, we decided on K-Means clustering as the appropriate clustering technique because of the following reasons: i) K-means clustering is suitable for large data sets ii) K-means is less affected by outliers and presence of irrelevant variables

Work Plan

We have prepared a work plan for our project as follows.


[Our discussions with the sponsor, professor and amongst ourselves ]