ANLY482 AY2017-18T2 Group01: Project Findings

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Project Overview

Project Findings

Project Management


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On running our clusters through the process detailed in our Project Management section, we developed 7 clusters with 3 tiers (High Value, Moderate Value and Low Value). The cluster and their key characteristics are as follows:

Cluster Summary.png

Cluster Descriptions

Cluster 1:


This cluster is probably one of our highest valued clusters with high Recency and Frequency scores. They prefer using the 50% Discount, booking higher tiered restaurants, planning their bookings in advance and booking for larger group sizes. There also seems to be a preference for booking over the weekend and visiting similar restaurants within the same cuisine. With this information, we infer that this group really understands and maximises the value that eatigo provides by booking expensive restaurants at discount, while planning their bookings for larger groups. With this, we refer to this group as the 'The Know-it-All Social Planners'.

Cluster 2:


This cluster is probably one of our lowest valued segments with low Recency and Frequency scores. They tend to have the maximum preference for 50% discount range, book in small groups, book lower tiered restaurants with little planning (bookings made on the same day), with low restaurant repition and bookings mostly made for weekdays. With this kind of observation, we refer to this group as the ‘Discount Seeking Occasional Bookers’.

Cluster 3:


This cluster seems to be a potentially high valued cluster. Currently, the recency and frequency scores are average. They seem to have similar traits as Cluster 1, in that they also tend to use 50% discount the most, prefer higher tiered restaurants, and pre-plan their booking. They differ in that they tend to book in smaller groups, their repetition of restaurants seems low and they seem to prefer weekday bookings. Therefore, we infer that this segment seems to understand how to use the eatigo platform, and book higher tiered restaurants, however, would need more attention to increase their bookings. So, we refer to this segment as the 'The Yet-to-be-realized Premium Planners'.

Cluster 4:


This cluster seems to be a low valued cluster with the lowest frequency and lowest recency scores. They do not seem to have a very clear preference for a certain discount type, book mostly in small groups at mid-tiered restaurants, do not plan their bookings (high preference for booking on the same day), tend to repeat restaurants and prefer booking on the weekend. Therefore, we inferred that this cluster seems to comprise of users that probably have restaurant preferences and use the eatigo platform if they find a discount for their restaurant.

Cluster 5:


This cluster seems to be another high valued cluster, with high recency and frequency scores. This segment tends to use the 50% discount tier the most, book in relatively larger group sizes, often book lower tiered restaurants and generally pre-plan their bookings. They tend to re-visit the same restaurants and have a preference towards weekday bookings. This segment seems to comprise most of eatigo’s customers (40%) and we interpret that they really understand the eatigo platform and use it for their everyday dining needs.

[Read about our Project Scope and Work Plan! ]