ANLY482 AY2017-18T2 Group13 Analysis & Findings

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Manipulation and Cleaning of Training Records

Using JMP Pro, missing data pattern analysis was conducted on training records to identify missing data points.

In order to rectify these missing data points, we replaced the values whenever possible as the team hopes to analyze as many data points as possible. When replacement of values are not possible, records are excluded from analysis.

Missing data (Field) Action
Start and End date 1. Attempted to find corresponding dates from exact course titles, unsuccessful

2. Attempt to take 'Create date' however inaccurate as record could have been created after actual start and end date

3. Excluded (Final action)

Category Replaced missing data with corresponding records with exact course title

Manipulation and Cleaning of Staff List

1. As the staff list provided were in separate sheets, data fields were standardized and merged into 1 data set.

Previous field name New field name Sheet affected
Job Code Job Title Dec'13 & Dec '14
Job Group Staff Group Dec'14
Designation Job Title Dec'15, Dec'16, Dec'17
Staff Grade Staff Group Dec'15, Dec'16, Dec'17
Section Department Dec'15, Dec'16, Dec'17
Department Location Dec '14, Dec'15, Dec'16, Dec'17


To be updated


To be updated