ANLY482 AY2017-18T2 Group12: Project Overview

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Background Data Source Methodology

The National Arts Council champions the creation and appreciation of arts in Singapore. However due to the traditional perspective of arts and culture being non-essential towards one’s livelihood, the arts scene continues to receive little attention from the general public.

Majority of attendance to arts events are driven by the nature of arts events being complimentary as Singaporeans continue to deprioritize arts and culture. This has led to the arts scene being sustained mainly through government support while artists are more often than not uncompensated for their contributions. Therefore, the National Arts Council is interested in understanding how to change consumer behaviours towards the Singapore arts scene, especially their propensity to pay for arts events, such that they can work towards a self-sustaining arts and culture ecosystem.

Project Background and Motivations

With a wealth of data, NAC recognises the potential of data in unlocking insights to achieve their business objectives. They work towards the self-sustainability of the arts and culture scene in Singapore for several reasons:

  1. Local artists are motivated to continue producing content to promote and enrich Singapore arts scene
  2. Raise public awareness of arts and culture scene and uplift the maturity of Singaporeans towards art pieces
  3. Create a vibrant arts scene so as to draw foreign arts enthusiasts/professionals to consider Singapore as a world-class tourist destination for the arts
  4. Long-term goal: To promote Singapore’s global competitiveness and urban development by building a world-class arts and culture scene, so as to attract the world’s best and brightest professionals from an array of industries

We hope to enable NAC to achieve these long term goals by systematically answering the questions they have so as to shape their marketing campaigns towards effectively generating more revenue for the arts scene in Singapore.

Project Objectives

The National Arts Council currently engages an external market research agency to conduct an annual Population Survey with a sample size of approximately 1000 households across the past decade. The survey feedback covers the frequency of attendance and participation for different arts forms, public perceptions and motivations towards art scene.
Beyond using analytics to ‘watch’ NAC’s impact on a post-event basis, we are interested in taking a more proactive stance where we will help NAC in deep diving into understanding the characteristics of individuals who currently attend and pay for arts events versus those who do not.
In order to improve the current situation, Team NAC intends to:

  1. Discover motivations of high value individuals with preexisting buy-in to the arts
  2. Examine relationships or correlations between independent variables towards increasing such high value individuals’ propensity towards attending and paying arts events more frequently
  3. Utilise the insights to convert non-paying individuals or leverage certain high-value art forms to expand revenue avenues

Scope of Project

The scope of the project includes the following phases:

Phase 0 Discovery and Data Preparation:

  • Researching business objectives
  • Data collection
  • Data cleaning, identifying untidy and missing data
  • Data normalisation and transformation

Phase 1 Data Exploration:

  • Generate summary statistics and data visualisations
  • Interim Observations

Phase 2 Model Planning:

  • Correlation/cluster analysis

Phase 3 Data Analysis and Model Building:

  • Regression analysis

Phase 4 Communication:

  • Deliverables to Prof. Kam and National Arts Council
  • Final Observations: Generating actionable recommendations