ANLY482 AY2017-18 T1 Group2 Project EZLin Midterm

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ER Diagram

ER diagram is used to present the relationship between the excel sheets that we have received.

ER EZLin.png

Data Transformation

The transformation in data that we have performed are listed below.

  • Integrating the purchase information files
  • Integrating the Vendor and Plant files
  • Integrating material master file
  • Integrating dimension conversion
  • Transform the value of Amount
  • Integrating finishing products details

More details will be presented in 'Data' under 'Project Overview' part!


  • Exploratory Data Analysis was conducted to understand which variables were meaningful variables to be included in the analysis and that will allow us to achieve the objective of mapping out the end-to-end supply chain.

Some of the meaningful variables included the vendor, vendor country, CnTy, number of level, number of Finished Goods (Level 1), number of finished goods per plant, aggregated cost for each component (e.g. raw materials, packaging, O/H etc.) for each plant.

  • From the summary and initial exploratory data analysis, it can be seen that Adult Wash has 6 different BOL levels and is being supplied from 10 different countries (based on the PIR records) with 3 countries being the company’s internal manufacturing site.
  • In total, there are 158 Level 1 Finished Products coming out from the internal manufacturing plant and subcontracting plant. However, each L1 finished product does not equate a unique product. Some L1 products may consist of other L1 product from another plant that has been repackaged into a new product, with a new Material No, either for promotional or repackaging purpose.
  • Based on the Net Trade Sales data, initial exploratory data analysis was also done. As seen from the chart above, China has the largest Net Trade Sales (NTS) by dollar value for the period from January to August 2017. Even though no in-depth analysis has been done yet, the chart shows a clear representation of the top countries by NTS value.
  • We used JMP and Tableau as the tools for visualization, in order to see the relationships between products of different levels and the manufacturing plant or distribution centers.