ANLY482 AY2017-18 T1 Group2 Project EZLin Project Deliveries

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Tableau Visualization
In the first half of the project, we will deliver a detailed visualization based on the End-to-End flow of the company in order to understand the flow of materials, and identify the cost spent in each tasks in the whole production chain, as well as how products are bundled and sold in the last distribution center. We will analysis from there and identify any waste or inefficiency in the flow.

Dashboard Reporting System

EZLin Dashboard.jpg

Through our project, we will develop a dashboard reporting system. This reporting system will let users filter data by location, time and materials easily. Users can explore the data interactively by using this system and see the big picture while diving into the details. By analysing the generated diagrams, users can have better understanding over the shipment flow and prices involved. Besides this, they can see clearly how each factor influences their total cost of producing and shipping. This can let XXX better distribute their resources to different plants and distribution centres, thus providing better services to their customers.