ANLY482 AY2016-17 T2 Group7: Gap Analysis

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Project Overview

Project Findings

Project Management


Gap Analysis

Excessive System Logging of Search Queries

In our EDA, we discovered that there exists a problem of excessive system logging of search queries. We have found 2 examples of such occurrence:

Time Search Query Logged
12:55:02PM Re
12:55:04PM Resol
12:55:06PM Resoluti
12:55:08PM Resolution

Example 1: Log data is logged every 2 second

Key Press Search Query Logged
1st Key Press: T T
2nd Key Press: r Tr
3rd Key Press: u Tru
4th Key Press: m Trum
5th Key Press: p Trump

Example 2: Log Data is logged with every key press

In our analysis, these presents a problem to us in the form of how do we determine which is the actual search query that a User is searching for? As illustrated by the example by ‘User A’ below, in a single session logged by ‘User A’, there may be multiple search queries searched by users. In this case, we used 3 search queries as an example. The challenge to us is to sieve out which are the search queries (eg. Jack, Singapore) that User A is searching for when it is not the end of the session for him.

Eg. List of 3 Search Queries being logged with every key press by User A:

[ Start of Session for User A ]













[ End of Session for User A ]

We decided that this shortfall not only affects us as project analysts, but to other stakeholders as well.

Interim Gap Analysis by Stakeholders

The Actual Performance in this case would be if everything remains status quo, meaning the problem of multiple logging of search queries would persist.

The Desired Performance in this case would be if this problem does not exist and 1 line of logging is created for 1 full, actual search query.

Stakeholders Involved/Impact of Performance Actual Performance Desired Performance
Our Team as Project Analysts Presents a problem whereby we need to find out how to determine which line of search query logged is the actual, full search query by end-users so that we can begin the analysis from there Every line of search query would be the actual, full search query by end-users so we need not clean the dataset even further, thereby reducing the amount of work we have to do and saves time which can be better spent in progressing the analysis
End-Users of Library’s e-Resources Presents a problem whereby end-users may experience unnecessary lag in obtaining the results from their search queries No lag when completing searches would mean a better overall user experience. Furthermore, such seamless experience would mean that the system do not stand in the way of the intensive research that students have to do in their course of study, but rather serving as an effective aid to them.
Library Team as Project Sponsors for this Practicum Presents a problem whereby the project sponsors run a risk of the project analysts not being able to sieve out the line of search queries which are full, actual and useful to determine the accurate search queries that users are actually searching for No such problem as whatever the search query is, it would be logged as exactly that.
Library Team in charge of ensuring that the EzProxy server serves the users in the best possible way Wastage of resources and can potentially slow down the servers when multiple logs are triggered and recorded before searches are completed. This utilizes processing RAM of the server unnecessarily and takes up precious memory space when being recorded as a line of search query. There would be no wastage of server’s processing RAM and memory space as 1 line of logging would be created for 1 full, actual search query entered by users.