ANLY482 AY2016-17 T2 Group15 Analysis & Findings

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Data Source

The data that we obtained were all provided by Edufy Secondary School. In total, we received data covering three batches of students from 2014 to 2016. Each batch of data covers the four years of secondary school that the student have been through. Just to make it clear, the data we have will be consist of the following:

Batch of 2014 Batch of 2015 Batch of 2016
Secondary 1 (2011) Secondary 1 (2012) Secondary 1 (2013)
Secondary 2 (2012) Secondary 2 (2013) Secondary 2 (2014)
Secondary 3 (2013) Secondary 3 (2014) Secondary 3 (2015)
Secondary 4 (2014) Secondary 4 (2015) Secondary 4 (2016)

And for each year, we are also given the breakdown of the various examinations that each student has to take in a year. Here is the breakdown of the various data for each year:

  • Secondary 1: CA1, SA1, CA2, SA2, Overall (5 sets of data)
  • Secondary 2: CA1, SA1, CA2, SA2, Overall (5 sets of data)
  • Secondary 3: CA1, SA1, CA2, SA2, Overall (5 sets of data)
  • Secondary 4: CA1 OR CA2, SA1, SA2 aka Prelims, Overall (4 sets of data)

The 'Overall' refers to the overall score a student gets for that entire academic year. It is calculated by taking a combined score for CA1 & SA1 (37.5% CA1, 62.5% SA1) which makes up 40% of the total and CA2 & SA2 (25% CA2, 75% SA2) which makes up the remaining 60% of the total.

Data Cleaning

Exploratory Data Analysis

Time-series Analysis