AY1617 T5 Team AP Methodology Mid-Term
Revision as of 22:21, 17 February 2017 by Clara.ang.2013 (talk | contribs)
Revised Methodology
For our more in-depth analysis, we have decided to do go with the Principal Component Analysis, which uses an octagonal transformation to convert our 4 highly correlated variables, as seen in our multivariate analysis, into a set of values of linearly uncorrelated variables. From there, we will then do a Fit Model, plot out the quantiles, means and standard deviation, then proceed to compare the means using the All Pair, Tukey HSD function. Further into the project, we would also like to do Latent Class Analysis, Latent Semantic Analysis SVD and Topic Analysis Rotated SVD to analyse the comments of particular groups of videos which are under-performing.