AY1617 T5 Team AP Overview
Revision as of 10:08, 29 December 2016 by Lychiang.2013 (talk | contribs)
Project Overview
Project Overview
As social media and the internet become increasingly widespread in Singapore, users are seen to be trending towards video related content from text based and pictured contents. For SGAG’s videos to remain popular amidst current competitive forces, they seek to place their focus on understanding their audience in order to bring curated contents which are relevant to their target audience. These objectives raised specific business questions like:
- Which type of videos does my audience like most? (Based on Content type, Video Quality)
- What have we done well/wrong (Evaluate) and what improvements should we make(improve)?
- Which are the popular and trending videos on the internet space to emulate(Future plans)
Business Problems and Motivation
Business Problems and Motivation
biz problem and motivation
Project Objectives
Project Objectives
Project Objectives