ANLY482 AY2016-17 T1 Group4: Project Findings

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Mid-Term Findings

Exploratory Data Analysis

For our exploratory data analysis, we went with analyzing the three different aspects of the data, namely, the clients and the policies.

Distribution By Age

In the dataset, age was not a present field, so it had to be derived using the customers' date of birth. The current year was subtracted by the customer's birth year in order to generate a derived field, which was then the customer's age. Using SAS EG's 'one way frequency' feature, we were able to generate the age distribution for the clients.

Measures (Distribution By Age)

From the data, we are able to see that the median age is around 45, with the standard deviation being around 13 years. However, there are missing age values, and those entries consist of 9% of the data, and have been excluded from this analysis.

Graph (Distribution By Age)

We can also see that most of the customers are around the ages of 31 to 45, from the graph. It can also be observed that the graph is right skewed, because of this particular distribution

Distribution By Gender

Clients were also grouped into their respective genders, and the distribution was then plotted into a pie chart. The males are denoted by the blue segment, while the females are denoted by the pink segment. Those clients that failed to disclose their gender, which appeared the dataset as "U", are denoted by the orange segment.

Measures (Distribution By Gender)
Graph (Distribution By Gender)

From the data, we are able to observe that around 53% of the valid clients are male, while around 46% are female. There is a very small percentage of individuals, however that did not disclose their gender (0.53%).

Distribution By Age & Gender

Below are two separate age distribution graphs that are grouped by gender. The graph on the top is for females while the graph on the bottom is for males. The bars are the frequency of clients who fall under that particular age.

For Females:

Measures (Distribution By Age & Gender)

For Males:

Graph (Distribution By Age & Gender)

What we can observe is slightly more women than men for clients aged 50 years old to their late 60s. However, we are also able to see that there are slightly more men than women clients for clients in their late 30s, by comparing both peaks, which both happen to fall within the similar age range of 30 to 45 years old.

Distribution of Customers By Occupation

Measures for Distribution Occupation
Graph for Distribution Occupation

From the above analysis, we are able to observe that the highest group of customers are managers, followed by “OTHR”. This could possibly consist of other businessmen such as Entrepreneurs. Following that are a group that did not disclose their occupation. Engineers, Housewives and Executives follow after that.

Understand Policy Based Data

For policy based data, we would be looking at a few fields, namely, CHDRNUM, which indicates the unique policy number, RIDER, which indicates the rider index number, INSTPREM, which is the premium that has been paid up for that particular. Also, we would be looking at the columns LIFE and COVERAGE, which are the columns that define the index of each contract’s coverage. Essentially, this is the visual representation of how each contract is modelled:

Breakdown Of Insurance Contract

Each CHDRNUM has many LIFE, which has many COVERAGE, which has many RIDERs. To illustrate, the table below shows a small sample of the data:

Example Of Breakdown

As seen from the small sample above, we can see that for a contract with CHDRNUM of 00240907, it contains two LIFE coverages, 01 and 02. Within each LIFE, COVERAGE then denotes each coverage plan within each Life Coverage. For each coverage plan, there exists various riders. However, one thing to take note of is that the all life coverages that come after 01 will be nested under the original coverage defined in the row where LIFE =01, COVERAGE = 01 and RIDER = 00. Therefore, if the product defined for the row of LIFE =01, COVERAGE = 01, RIDER = 00 is “Legacy Plan”, then the basic plan for the entire contract of 00240907 would be “Legacy Plan”. Also, another thing to take note is that as long as LIFE is not 01, then that particular record is a rider for the basic plan defined by LIFE =01, COVERAGE = 01, RIDER = 00 in that particular contract.

Policy's Uptake Vs Time

We plotted graphs for each of the basic plans and also for the riders, to allow the client company to understand the uptake of each basic plan over the years. The variable used in this analysis was the start date of the client's policy, and this was grouped by each unique policy, to generate one chart per policy.

For Basic Plans Only:

Basic Plan Uptake Over Time

From this, they will be able to understand which plans have an increasing uptake rate, and which plans have a decreasing uptake rate. These graphs have been put into a separate PDF, for their perusal.

For Riders Only:

Rider Uptake Over Time

Finals Findings

Clustering Analysis


Initially, K-means clustering in SAS Enterprise Guide was considered, but this procedure can only analyse numerical variables. The exploratory data analysis revealed that there were some important categorical variables such as marital status or nationality which is extremely essential in understanding the customer. On a side not, converting categorical variables to numerical variables is not a logical solution as it’s meaningless to calculate the Euclidean distance between the values of a categorical variable.

Hierarchical Clustering was avoided as it has higher complexity than the other clustering methods, thus it would take an extremely long time to experiment and execute an optimal clustering solutions for such a large dataset (consisting of nearly 140,000 customers). The complexity of hierarchical clustering is nearly O(), as opposed to O() for k-means clustering (Inaba, M.; Katoh, N.; Imai, H., 1994). But more importantly, there was no inherent hierarchy present in the data structure itself to use hierarchical clustering.

Thus, ultimately a Mixed cluster analysis was used to perform a clustering analysis on both categorical and continuous variables. Mixed cluster analysis extends the concept of Latent Class Clustering to a wide range of variables such as interval, nominal and date-time. SAS Enterprise Miner was used to execute the Mixed cluster analysis for the dataset.



The data preparation process was closely linked to the data analysis process. As opposed to the market basket analysis, a clustering analysis is usually analysed from the perspective of the customer. Thus the combined dataset was converted to a single customer view (SCV) where every row of the data represented one unique customer. The dataset consisted of demographic variables such as gender, marital status, age, and occupation. But along with demographic parameters, certain product variables were also computed to shed light on a customer’s behavioural parameters i.e. a customer’s knowledge, attitude and usage of the product.

Thus for the behavioural variables, the single customer view was linked to the contract header dataset and 4 variables were computed: total policies of a customer, total number of riders, total premium paid by the customer, total single premium paid upfront by a customer. The following Process Flow Diagram was used to import the data into Enterprise Miner:

Process Flow For Clustering

The clustering is automatically based to be computed on non-missing inputs, but this procedure leads to a loss of data and information. Thus an Impute Node was used to deal with missing values. In the property panel, the Default Input Method for both interval and class variables is changed to Tree. Thus this Impute node uses a tree method to replace missing values.


Standardization is an important pre-requisite for clustering, as the accuracy of the output relies on this. The way the clustering is devised sheds some light on the necessity of standardization. If a variable has a large range and/or variance, it will have a larger influence on the formed cluster, which will end up skewing the clustering algorithm towards itself. (Milligan, Cooper, 1988)

Standard Deviation Table

As can be seen see in the above standard deviation table, the TOT_SINGP has a much higher standard deviation as the order of magnitude of its standard deviation is nearly 105 times that of TOT_POLICY. Thus using these values directly will prioritize the variable such as TOT_PREM and TOT_SINGP over TOT_POLICY and TOT_RIDER, when in fact the later could be an equally powerful factor to determine the clusters. On a side note, if a variable is considered to be more important than the other, a priority weighting can be given to it after it’s standardized. Standardization, is thus, a univariate data transformation process in which the field values can be rescaled such that the mean and standard deviation of the values will be fixed across all the variables.

Traditionally, the benchmark values are fixed: for mean at 0 and for standard deviation at 1, but it’s not necessary to employ the same values for clustering. As it’s simply a matter of rescaling, the benchmark values themselves won’t affect the analysis, as long as the scale is identical across the variables. However, for simplicity the traditional benchmarks have been used for standardization of these variables. The following formula was used to rescale the variables:


where, represent the current value of the variable, represents the mean of the variable’s values and equals its standard deviation. The mean is subtracted from the current value and the resulting value is divided with the standard deviation, the value gets rescaled to a z-score such that the sum, and subsequently the mean, of all the resulting z-scores is 0 and the standard deviation is 1.


There is no direct criterion to determine which variables to use for performing the clustering analysis. This is usually derived from the context and certain indicators. Indicators such as the Variable importance and the Cluster Outputs were used to explore the variables to be selected for the final cluster analysis. Variable importance, an algorithm developed by SAS, is calculated based on how the variables are used in the finished output. The algorithm used to determine variable importance consists of count, surrogate count, RSS and the relative importance. The variable importance ranges from 0 to 1 with 1 being the highest importance.

As different sets of the variables were systematically experimented upon, the variable importance led to startling results. First all the 4 behavioural and 4 demographic variables were collectively analysed and it resulted in a skewed up cluster output:


In the above analysis, only the total premium variable was given high importance, while the rest were neglected. Thus, first the product variable was tested and it again led to an output as above. Next, all the 4 demographic variables were clustered which resulted in a healthy cluster breakdown and healthy distribution of variable importance:


Thus, finally after checking the variable importance and the cluster outputs the following variables were chosen: Date of Birth*, Marital Status, Occupation, Gender, Total Premium

  • Note: Date of Birth behaves like using Age since while importing the dataset, the date of birth field was set to Date-time attribute. For greater accuracy, the Date of Birth was used directly, although Age was used to profile the segments for simplicity