Car Park Overspill Study Home

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Together with the progressive development of the society, density of urban population has increased and cities' infrastructure have become more and more complex. In the aspect of transportation, one of the crucial issue is the management of urban traffic growth. While Singapore is a small country which has limited land space, in order to utilize the land and improve the city infrastructure, the Land Transport Authority(LTA) aims to do an analysis to understand the current parking situation at these selected locations. The LTA Contract Parking Study was awarded to Media Research Consultants in March 2015 to undertake the Study involving 65 car park locations in Singapore, including 30 retail malls, 15 retail and F&B clusters in landed housing estates, 10 hawker centres, and 10 community clubs. This study was to conduct parking occupancy surveys, human traffic counts, and interview surveys at the selected locations at stipulated times. The study incorporated the conventional method of manual counting as well as deployment of automated counting equipment. Face-to-face interviews were employed for the interview survey segment. In addition to the study and taking of detailed data from field surveys, this project aims to develop a simulation tool that enables the systematic analysis of the impacts of various parameters, using a collected set of quantifiable data.

Project Team

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Project Team

Chen Xueye
Zeng Jiadong
Zheng Wei

Project Supervisor

Kam Tin Seong, Associate Professor of Information Systems

Project Sponsor