Analysis of User and Merchant Dropoff for Sugar App Geospatial

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Project Overview




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Project Management

Mid-Term Finals
Funnel Plot Analysis Time Series Analysis Geospatial Analysis


The ability to accurately evaluate and improve the sales performance of its merchants plays an important role in the success of a deals discovery mobile application business. Unfortunately, most merchants undergo cannibalisation, where the introduction of a store decreases the sales of another store, which will complicate such analysis. However, there are little to no studies to measure or detect cannibalization, validated using real world data from a geospatial approach of analysis. In order to address these limitations, a practice research study has been conducted to explore the use of geospatial techniques to analyse and visualise this cannibalisation.

Using a location-based mobile deals application (app) in Singapore as a case study, this paper aims to share with you our journey through this research process and the insights gained. The case study’s dataset will consist of transactions from 2014 to 2015, where we focus on the geolocation aspect of the data, namely the locations where orders are made, and the locations where the orders are eventually redeemed. We shortlisted a sample of 7 merchants, comprising of a total 9117 rows of orders and 48 branches where the orders are redeemed. We used an open source software, QGIS, to analyse these merchants using the cannibalisation detection methodology we developed. The QGIS software is used to calculate and visualise the distance between each order’s start location and the branch where it is and should be redeemed. This allows observations as to whether each user is going to the nearest branch or going to another branch.

Our results show cases of active cannibalisation between branches, leading to a loss in potential sales. This methodology can be used by our client for its merchants to advise them as to which branch may be cannibalising or being cannibalised by other branches. Possible strategies for cannibalised branches are discussed to help get a more even distribution between branches.

Introduction and Objectives

Cannibalisation is defined as the undesired situation in which sales for one product sold by a company results in decrease in sales for another product by the same company (Capstone, 2003). From the perspective of a multi-store merchant, cannibalisation may occur when the addition of a new branch will result in decrease in sales for another branch by the same merchant (Dibb & Simkin, 1994). This is in part due to retail market share. A merchant’s share in a market is a function of the merchant’s presence in the market, determined by the floorspace of the merchant, and the number and strength of other competitive merchants (Mahajan et al, 1988). In order to establish presence and increase retail market share, merchants have the option to add more outlets. However, with an increasing amount of stores, the market in the area may be overly saturated, resulting in a loss of sales per number of stores due to a shift of consumer patronage to new branches from established branches (Ghosh & Craig, 1991).

The purpose of this paper is twofold. Firstly, to develop a methodology to detect instances of cannibalisation within branches using geospatial methods of analysis and open source software. This is to ensure easier replication by merchants who may want to utilize the methodology. Secondly, to conduct cannibalisation analysis using data from a location-based mobile deals application (app) in Singapore. This analysis will validate the effectiveness of the methodology in detecting and narrowing down cannibalisation between branches, as well as pinpoint the exact branches that overlap and cause potential loss in sales in order for merchants to make actionable decisions.

Literature Review

Retail location is considered to be one of the most important elements in retail marketing strategy, because of its immense advantages at the cost of long-term capital commitment. A good locations can lead to strong competitive advantages, simply because location is one of factor that cannot be easily imitated by competitors, raising barriers to entry (Öner, 2014).

As such, analysis of trade areas and its impact on a company’s revenue is deemed to be extremely important. However, these analysis was usually carried out by gut feeling, before the introduction of spatial modelling in the 80s and 90s. However, the development of these location allocation-based retail siting models aims to determine the network pattern that maximises system-wide goals, such as total profit or market share, without consideration of the addition of new branches affect the performance of existing branches (Achabal, Gorr & Mahajan, 1982; Ghosh & McLafferty, 1982; Ghosh & McLafferty, 1987).

Most studies examine trade area analysis in terms of competition, but few studies have examined it in terms of cannibalisation. Cannibalisation is defined as the undesired situation in which sales for one product sold by a company results in decrease in sales for another product by the same company (Capstone, 2003). From the perspective of a multi-store merchant, cannibalisation may occur when the addition of a new branch will result in decrease in sales for another branch by the same merchant (Dibb & Simkin, 1994). Studies to analyse such instances of cannibalisation used geospatial methods of analysis, however they lack actual data to validate their analysis (Dibb & Simkin, 1994; O’Kelly, 2001; Clarke, 2006). As such, this paper will develop a methodology used to detect cannibalisation, and utilize a location-based mobile deals application data set to validate these effects using a geospatial approach.


Tools Used

For our analysis, the QGIS software was chosen as it is open source, with a large amount of documentation and plugins available in the market. It is also the preferred software of choice for the Geospatial class in our university, which allowed us to access to more resources, namely the teaching materials, as well as the experience of our fellow university peers. This allowed us to construct a detailed methodology that is easy and detailed enough for our client to replicate.

The two main functions that QGIS is primarily used for in this paper is to: 1) calculate the distance to current branch, 2) identify the nearest possible branch (which may not be the current branch) and calculate the corresponding distance. These data can then be visualised using a graphical interface. The QGIS software can be obtained from the following link:


The data set this paper uses for analysis is provided by a location-based ecommerce mobile app. The mobile app offers local deals tailored to the user’s location. It helps local small businesses such as cafes, restaurants, and small retail shops get discovered and market deals to users close in proximity. Whenever the user opens the app, they can see a list of discounted items from merchants nearby. Due to the multiple branches of each merchant, there is a chance for cannibalisation to occur within the branches of a merchant. As the app provides location based services, this gives us the opportunity to analyse the location of the consumer upon purchase, as well as the location as to which the consumer redeems the purchase. With this information, we can develop a methodology to detect acts of cannibalisation using geospatial methods of analysis. We can also proceed to validate this methodology using the dataset provided.

Flow Diagram

To ensure the replicability of the cannibalisation model, the steps taken to reproduce it are captured in a flow diagram which users need only follow.

Geo FlowDiagram.png

The steps are as follows:

  1. Clean data
    1. Remove all non-organic orders
    2. Constrain orders to within the geographical region of interest
  2. Shortlist merchants
    1. Due to computational complexity, shortlist merchants that are significant
  3. Import merchants and orders into QGIS
  4. Convert to SVY21 coordinates
    1. This is a Singapore specific coordinate systems that allow for accurate calculation of distance for the geographical region of Singapore
    2. If geographical region lies in non-Singapore region, user will have to find a corresponding coordinate system, or rely on the great circle equation
  5. Generate distance to current branch
    1. Done using Hub Lines of the MMQGIS plugin
  6. Generate theoretical shortest distance
    1. Done using Hub Distance of the MMQGIS plugin
  7. Identify merchants with significant cannibalisation
    1. Done by plotting merchants against the percentage of orders of the merchant that have the current branch being the nearest branch
  8. Identify cannibalisation rate of current branches
    1. Done by plotting current branches against the percentage of orders that have the current branch being the nearest branch
  9. Plot current branches against nearest branches
    1. This is to observe the specifics of cannibalisation, namely which branches cannibalise which others

By using this model, merchants can then analyse the cannibalisation rate of their branches. By doing so, merchants can then work with their branches to minimize the cannibalisation rate and improve revenue stream.


The app company provided the dataset. It consists of transactional data from Feb 2014 to Jan 2016 and has 3 tables:

  • Users table – over 46,000 rows of users id and their join date
  • Merchant Table – over 1440 rows of merchants and their join date
  • Order Table – over 54,000 rows of orders and the margin of each order

The first stage of data preparation involves preparing the data set only for Singapore. First, the Users table was cleaned to only contain Singapore users. Secondly, Merchants table was cleaned to only contain Singapore Businesses, and to eliminate duplicates. Thirdly, the Users table and Merchants table was inner joined with the Order table to eliminate all non-Singaporean users and businesses. We further cleaned the data using order’s latitude and longitude to eliminate all orders made outside Singapore.

First stage of cleaning data

The second stage involves cleaning out invalid orders and outliers. Using the order status, invalid orders were cleaned out. These orders are either cancelled, unpaid, or refunded and hence do not represent part of revenue. There were other orders that was part of the app’s promotional giveaway and were cleaned out as well.

Second stage of cleaning data

The details for the initial data preparation can be found at the following link:

Shortlist Merchants

After this initial data preparation, two verticals from the cleaned dataset are highlighted to be focused on: Orders and Merchants. Orders are what users have purchased and have the following fields which will be of interest:

  • Order ID
  • Branch ID (e.g. Store X )
  • Brand ID (e.g. Nike)
  • Latitude
  • Longitude

Merchants have the following fields:

  • Branch ID (e.g. Store X)
  • Brand ID (e.g. Nike)
  • Latitude
  • Longitude

However, assuming (for each merchant) there are n number orders and m number of possible branches per order, analysis will face a run time of potentially nm per merchant.

As such, the number of merchants will be shortlisted to those that have more than 3 outlets. After the initial shortlisting, there were 16 merchants in total. Out of the 16 merchants, these were shortlisted further by taking the top 5 in terms of number of branches, as well as the top 5 in terms of orders, resulting in 7 merchants left for analysis.

Geo Merchant1.png
Geo Merchant2.png
Geo Merchant3.png

This is a geospatial visualisation of shortlisted merchants and branches (blue circle: orders, orange square: branches)

Geo Merchant4.png
Geo Merchant5.png

Import merchants and orders into QGIS

As the first two steps (Clean data and short list merchants) were addressed earlier, the model will then carry on with the next step, importing of data.

Using database queries, the branches for each merchant, as well as the orders for each merchant/ brand was extracted before being exported into a CSV format to be imported into QGIS. This is done by opening the QGIS software, and navigating the overhead taskbar. Select Layer -> Add Layer -> Add Delimited Text Layer.

This following window should appear. Select the relevant CSV file, and place the longitude of the branch/ order in the X field, and the latitude into the Y field.

Geo Model1.png

Convert to SVY21 coordinates

Next, the system will prompt the user to enter the Coordinate Reference Systems. As our target branches and regions are in Singapore, filter for SVY21. This coordinate reference allows us to calculate the distance properly within the geographical context of Singapore.

Geo Model2.png

Upon the import of the order and branch data for the chosen merchant, the visualisation should be like this. For the sake of visualisation, the Singapore map is added in the background to allow a clearer picture of where each branch and order is from. Orders also also styled as blue circles, and branches as orange squares to better highlight these differences. This was edited by right clicking on the respective shape files, selecting Properties -> Styles.

Geo Model3.png

Generate distance to current branch

Upon importing the data, a plugin called MMQGIS was used, where two tools within the plugin called Hub Lines and Hub Distances were used to join each branch to their respective orders. The plugin will create a vector from each order node to the branch node, which the distance can then be calculated using QGIS’s field calculator.

The plugin was obtained by navigating the overhead taskbar and selecting Plugins -> Manage and Install Plugins. Search for “MMQGIS” and the search result was as follows.

Geo Model4.png

The option to install should appear and be selected. Following the installation, the overhead taskbar should have a new tab called MMQGIS. The two tools that required are in MMQGIS Create -> Hub Distance and MMQGIS -> Create -> Hub Lines.

Hub Lines calculates the distance between orders and their respective branches. From the data above, the order dataset has a branch id, which matches with the corresponding id of the branch dataset. The branch is then placed as the hub (the centre), with multiple orders (spoke) going into a branch. The program will then attempt to join the orders to the branch by matching the branch id of the Order file, with the id of the Branch file.

Geo Model5.png

Hub Lines will then output a shape file which places lines on the visualisation.

Geo Model6.png

This allows visualisation to see which orders were going to which branches. However, as of the time that this paper was written, Hub Lines did not calculate the distance automatically, and users had to generate them.

The following few steps will then add the distance to the dataset.

  1. Right click on the Hub Lines shape file and select Toggle Editing
  2. Right click on the Hub Lines shape file, and select Open Attributes Table
  3. Move to the end of the overhead taskbar, and select the furthest icon called Field Calculator
  4. Select the option to Create a new field
  5. Name the field. In this case, it is named as length
  6. Select the field type as Decimal number (real)
  7. Set the precision to 3
  8. In the bottom middle pane, double click Geometry -> $length, $length should then be added to the left pane
  9. Click OK
Geo Model7.png

Upon right clicking the Hub Lines shape file and selecting Open Attributes Table, a new column called length should have been added with the distance between the respective orders and branches.

Generate theoretical shortest distance

For Hub Distance, it will calculate the nearest possible branch to an order. As such, branches will be the hub of a network, and orders will be the spoke. Each order will then be matched with the nearest branch possible.

Geo Model8.png

The Hub Distance should add two things to the attribute table, the id of the nearest branch, as well as the calculated distance. The Hub Distance should also generate lines to show the nearest possible route. If no lines are being displayed, right click on the shape file, select Properties -> General, and ensure that the coordinate reference system is set to SVY21.

Geo Model9.png

Hub Distance will then output a shape file which places lines on the visualisation.

Geo Model10.png

The Hub Line visualisation and Hub Distance Visualisation can be stacked one on top of the other, to visualise the cannibalisation effect.

Geo Model11.png

Identify merchants with significant cannibalisation

In order to cross tabulate data, each merchant’s hub lines and hub distance shape files has to be joined together. By using hub lines as the base file, the hub distance can then be joined onto it. This was done by right clicking on the hub line shape file and selecting Properties -> Join. The following window should appear.

Geo Model12.png

By selecting the green plus button at the bottom left of the window, the vector join window should appear.

Geo Model13.png

By opting to join the Hub Distance on the Hub Lines, the join layer should be the Hub Distance shape file. The join field and target field should be the ID of the orders as the order id is the common aspect of both datasets. Following which, users can then choose which fields to join, which in this case will be the name of the Hub Distance, and the calculated distance of the Hub Distance, in order to prevent repetition of fields. Click OK once done.

Upon right clicking the Hub Lines shape and selecting Open Attributes Table, the Hub Distance name and Hub Distance distance should be added to the table. In order to calculate whether the current branch of an order, is actually the theoretical nearest branch, the following steps have to be executed:

  1. Right click on the Hub Lines shape file and select Toggle Editing
  2. Right click on the Hub Lines shape file, and select Open Attributes Table
  3. Move to the end of the overhead taskbar, and select the furthest icon called Field Calculator
  4. Select the option to Create a new field
  5. Name the field. In this case, we named it as Nearest?
  6. Select the field type as Whole number (integer)
  7. In the bottom middle pane, double click Conditionals if
  8. Input the formula and substitute the fields with the respective Hub Distance name, and the Current Branch name, followed by a 1 and 0. So if the Hub Distance name is equals to the Current Branch name, the value is a 1, else it is a 0.
  9. Click OK
Geo Model14.png

Upon right clicking the Hub Lines shape file and selecting Open Attributes Table, a new column called Nearest? should have been added with the values of either 1 or 0, indicating whether the current and the nearest branch is the same.

Next, save the data by right clicking the Hub Lines shape and select Save As…; the following window should appear.

Geo Model15.png

Case Study on Our Client's Merchant Performance

KEY fp4.png

The graph above shows the proportion of redemption rate out of paid orders in Singapore from 2014 to 2015, mapped by merchants. From the funnel plot analysis, we identified a total of 321 merchants who fell outside the limits of 99.8% confidence.

In order to establish which merchants are star merchants (performing better than expected) and which are laggard merchants (performing worse than expected), we have used SAS JMP’s brush tool to select data points that fall outside the 99.8% limits. Merchants that fall above the upper 99.8% limit are identified as star merchants and those that fall above the lower 99.8% limit are denoted as laggard merchants.

There are 80 merchants (10.4%) who we classified as star merchants and 241 merchants (31.3%) who are laggard merchants. Restating the fact that approximately 40% of merchants lie outside the control limits, there is substantial overdispersion.

Overdispersion is a common phenomenon that occurs with large sample sizes and often occur when control limits are very close to each other. This results in the identification of an abnormally large amount of data points, signaling special cause variation [4]. Thus, we can conclude that the model does not fit well. There may be additional factors that may result in a wide variation between merchants which researchers can seek to identify using exploratory analysis.

KEY fp5.png

SAS JMP has an interactive data exploratory feature which enables the user to add and drag the plot indicator to get more insights. Here, we have decided to colour-code the data points to provide a bigger picture. During our data preparation, we have categorized merchants into two main groups – F&B merchants and Lifestyle/Retail merchants. The lifestyle and retail merchants are grouped together because they both exhibit similar redemption rate behaviour which we identified through our initial data analysis.

By colour coding the types of merchants, we are able to see that merchant type is a strong factor of redemption rate. The funnel plot shows that Lifestyle and Retail merchants mostly lie outside of the control limits and are classified as laggard merchants. In comparison, the majority of F&B merchants lie within the control limits and constitutes almost all of the star merchants. We can deduce that majority of star merchants are F&B merchants and majority of laggard merchants are in fact, retail and lifestyle merchants.

KEY fp6.jpg

A funnel plot is constructed again to analyze the merchants within star merchants. Compared to the funnel plot for all merchants, breaking down into two diverse groups of merchants seem to provide a better model fit. From the graph above, we can see that Maki-San is the most popular merchant, followed by Munch Saladsmith & Rotisserie.

Overall, star merchants have a redemption rate of approximately 97.5% to 100%. Being that there is only a small margin of 2.5% difference between the worst performance and the best performance amongst star merchants, there is no need for immediate action to rectify this problem.

From the graph below, the funnel plot indicates that the top performing merchants in the laggard merchants group are Bangkok Jam and Siam Kitchen. They have a redemption rate of approximately 90%. Compared to star merchants, their performance be classified as sub-par performance. In comparison, they are not performing as badly as what the earliest funnel plot depicted them to be.

In contrast, merchants who were performing the worst were identified as Skinlab, En Motion and SK Catering. They experience a redemption rate of between 5% to 30%, which constitutes a wide margin difference compared to the top performing merchants. Our client should focus on this group to improve their performance and identify important factors that may affect redemption rate.

KEY fp2014.png KEY fp2015.png

In addition, we also utilised JMP’s local data filter to analyze the temporal trends during 2014 and 2015 respectively. From the graphs above, the funnel plots show a consistent trend throughout the two years where F&B merchants experience a higher redemption rate as compared to Lifestyle/Retail merchants.

KEY fp7.jpg
Setting Benchmarks For Merchant Performance

A funnel plot is constructed again to analyze the merchants within star merchants. Compared to the funnel plot for all merchants, breaking down into two diverse groups of merchants seem to provide a better model fit.

From the graph above, we can see that Maki-San is the most popular merchant, followed by Milk & Honey. In addition, a more interesting insight is that all star merchants are essentially F&B merchants, which is consistent with our earlier finding that F&B merchants are more popular than Lifestyle/Retail merchants.

Overall, star merchants have a redemption rate of approximately 75% to 97.5%. There is a large margin difference between merchants who lie above the upper 99.8% limit and those who lie below the lower 99.8% limit. The latter merchants are not performing as well as what was depicted earlier there is a large room for further improvement.

From the graph below, the funnel plot indicates that the top performing merchants in the laggard merchants group are Ricciotti and Waffletown USA. They have a redemption rate of approximately 60%. Compared to star merchants, their performance can be classified as sub-par. However, in comparison to their fellow laggard merchants, they are not performing as badly as what was depicted earlier.

In contrast, merchants who were performing the worst were identified as Skinlab, Wings World and Supernova. They experience a redemption rate of between 2% to 15%, which constitutes a wide margin difference compared to the top performing merchants who have a redemption rate of 50% and above. Our sponsor should focus on this group to improve their performance and identify important factors that may affect redemption rate.

KEY item1.png KEY item2.png

Left: Star Merchants, Right: Laggard Merchants

For the star merchants, Dessert and Entreé seem to be the most popular categories - constituting 66% of total redemptions. However, for laggard merchants, Dessert and Entreé which are also its most popular categories, comprises only approximately half of its redemptions. In addition, star merchants’ redemptions seem to be dominated by a few select categories such as Coffee/Tea, Drink and Appetizer whereas there is a wider variety of other categories for laggard merchants.

Laggard merchants have a more uniform distribution across Lifestyle, Voucher, Retail and Event categories. This may be a main indicator of why laggard merchants have a much lower redemption rate in comparison to star merchants. From our discussion with Sugar’s founder and employees, F&B merchants are perceived to be the main source of revenue for Sugar and other merchants have a much lower popularity in comparison. Our results confirms Sugar’s beliefs in establishing that redemption rates are much higher for F&B merchants than Retail/Lifestyle merchants.

KEY item3.png KEY item4.png

Left: Star Merchants, Right: Laggard Merchants

In conjunction with our earlier findings, dinner and lunch are considered the most popular time-frames for redemptions, followed by tea-break. While breaking down into both groups of merchants, this finding is congruent with our results but to varying degrees. Star merchants experience similar level of redemptions for both dinner and lunch whereas laggard merchants have a higher influx of redemptions during dinner-time. This insinuates that users are more willing to redeem their items during lunch-time perhaps due to convenience and proximity to their offices/school. This may also mean that users may be enticed to seek out new merchants during lunch-time. By delving deeper into the product category itself, we will be able to get more insights that may explain redemption behaviour.

KEY item5.png KEY item6.png

Left: Star Merchants, Right: Laggard Merchants

The results is the opposite of what we expected. Comparing both Star Merchants and Laggard Merchants, the former seems to contain much cheaper items in comparison to the latter. However, the distribution for Laggard Merchants is heavily skewed by expensive items (i.e. 90% of its items cost $4.60 and less). At the 90% percentile, Star Merchants’ redemptions are still relatively cheaper (i.e. $3.55 vs. $4.60).

What This Study Adds

Funnel plots act as an alternative way to visualize and represent data on redemption rates of different merchants. They allow quick identification of outlying merchants which can then be analysed further to derive underlying reasons for their performance. Our client is able to classify these merchants into two groups – over-performing merchants (star) and under-performing merchants (laggard). The funnel plot provides clarity for our client to set benchmarks for each individual merchant. These merchants can compare themselves to other merchants and improve their performance further via underlying factors. These factors that are associated with merchant performance can be extrapolated and utilised in future business development where our client can seek out merchants that fulfill these criteria to improve their bottom line.

The overdispersion issue as seen earlier is an interesting observation. There is a significantly large group of data points falling outside the control limits. This highlights one of the most useful aspects of the funnel plot - analyzing underlying factors that have contributed to the model’s fit. We are able to see that the redemption rate may be affected by variables such as merchant category and item category. This gives us an opportunity to conduct exploratory analysis to gain a better understanding from the user’s perspective.

Implications for Our Client and Business Development

Our client is able to identify which merchants are performing well and which are not. By setting targets and providing merchants with the comparison between their own performance and other merchants, they may be more motivated to improve their own performance. The business insights we have derived from in-depth exploratory analysis gives us a bigger picture of what attracts users and what is effective to drive redemption rate.

To reach their targets, actions can be taken by our client or merchants to improve their own performance. Since items that are bought at a cheaper price are more likely to be redeemed, our client can consider lowering the base price of each item to attract more redemptions. For future business development, the team may want to look into focusing on F&B merchants - more specifically merchants that offer entrée and dessert items since they have been proven popular. This has been backed up by the fact that dinner and lunch items are the most popular (i.e. entrée items), followed by tea-break items (i.e. dessert items).


Funnel plots have been largely underutilized in retail analysis. Due to its prevalence in health surveillance to detect anomalies, it may prove itself to be a useful tool for retail businesses. Sales intelligence is an important part of any business – to help drive performance by providing key insights about merchants and consumers.

For merchants, setting benchmarks and targets for them is key to improving their individual performance. By calibrating their performance versus other merchants in the same group, we are able to see a bigger picture of whose performance is not optimal. For over-performing merchants, our client can invest more resources to retain them and focus on similar merchants when embarking on merchant acquisition in the future. For under-performing merchants, recommendations can be pushed out to them to improve their performance further.

Overdispersion, which is a common phenomenon in funnel plots, presents a strong need for further investigation via exploratory analysis. Through in-depth analysis, important factors that affect the model fit of the funnel plot can be highlighted. We are able to highlight what exactly affects user behaviour and subsequently, redemption rate. Thus, tailored recommendations can then be pushed out accordingly to these insights.

Although funnel plots appear a useful technique for investigating performance for redemptions, it is important to take note that data points falling outside the control limits do not imply bad performance in itself. It proposes a case of further exploration in investigate why these merchants are not performing well or why there is a significant overdispersion in the model. For future work, other metrics may be considered in evaluating merchant performance such as revenue. Item categories may be broken down further to give further insights into specific items (e.g. waffles, ice-cream) under each item category.


We thank Prof Kam Tin Seong (Associate Professor of Information Systems; Senior Advisor, SIS) for his insight and guidance throughout this project. We also like to thank our client for graciously providing us with access to his database and staff resources. Lastly, we would like to thank Matthew Wolfe for creating the funnel plot add-in for SAS JMP software.


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