AY1516 T2 Team Hew - Documentation

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Data processing

Dataset Merging

Initially, we tried merging the 2 provided datasets directly but were unsuccessful as our computers ran out of memory, since the end result was a combined dataset of over 6GB in file size and 218 variables.

Our Approach

  1. We tried a different approach by first filtering both datasets to only select Policies with Orig_InceptionDate between 2012 to 2015.
  2. Deleted variables in both datasets which were either duplicate columns or not very useful in our analysis.
Deleted Variables (not exhaustive):
VEH_TYPE, VEH_Reg_NO, VEH_Chassis, VEH_Engine, Category, AGENT_Code, Client_CODE, Person_in_Charge, DEPT, INWARD, IND, ACT_Policy Duration, LongTERM_POL, Inception_Date, Expiry_Date, UW_YR, UW_Quarter, Eff_Yr, EFF_Month, EFF_Quarter, Last_EffDate, VEH_Code, VEH_CLASS, Contract_Type, Anniversary, Account_Type, Intermediaries, Intermediares_Area, Intermediares_Island, Vehicle_SI_Acceptance, Cause_Code, Loss_Code, Repairer_Code, Transaction_Code, CLM_NO, Repairier_Status2, Transaction_Desc, TransCode_Desc, Payer_name
  1. Merged both datasets by matching Policy and Risk_NO in both datasets
  2. Grouped by the Policy, Risk_NO and Claim_NO to sum up the transactional-level data for each group to derive the total for the quantitative variables of GWP, ClaimPaid, Disc and Comm.
