ANLY482 AY2017-18T2 Group14 Final

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Database Structure

For the data to be migrated into a database, the construction of the database and its relevant tables are necessary steps to be completed. Two data tables are created within the single database that will be used, with their table structure following the metadata details that was present after the standardisation of data completed in the previous step. The partial structure of both tables, because the entire table would take up lots of space in this report to its massive amount of data fields, is being provided in Figure 5 with field “AWB” (Waybill Number) as the Primary Key identifying a single shipment. The Entity Relationship Diagram of the constructed database is shown as below.


Conclusion & Learning Points

Although a dataset might come from the same source, but the underlying data could possess slight differences from each other. When performing data standardization and cleaning, it is unwise that any dataset from the same source is already cleaned and without problems. In data analytical work, there is still a requirement to explore and fully understand the data.

From this project, we learnt about the complexity of handling large datasets (standardizing, data insertion, data storage, database performance, data retrieval, data cleaning), as this is the first project that we handled datasets of this scale where in previous projects we have never encountered any dataset greater than 2 GB. This required us to not only think about getting the database, report or dashboard to run results as intended but also to ensure that it runs within a reasonable amount of time.

During the progress of the project, we have been hit with a reality that there are communication gaps between IT and business users when we faced issues sometimes to convey the value of our work to our sponsor, who is from a non-technical background. We realised that, without the ability to translate technical information into ways where non-technical personnel would be able to understand, all the work done will be in vain. As Analytics graduates in training, we need to display our multidisciplinary understanding and apply it into the work we perform.