ANLY482 AY2016-17 T2 Group23 Silver Daisies Project Management

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Scope of Work

Stage 1: Project Planning
  • Discussion with Alson Tan, staff of Thye Hua Kuan Moral Charities
  • Understanding the nature of organization
  • Identifying business problems
Stage 2: Project Proposal
  • Finalize on scope of project
  • Identify relevant data based on project scope
  • Cleaning up and organization of data based on project scope
Stage 3: Data Collection
  • Identify and obtain relevant data based on project scope
  • Understand data, and seek clarifications with client (if any)
  • Data will be collected after signing of NDA
  • Data validation, cleaning and transformation to be carried out to prepare data ready for further analysis
Stage 4: Data Analysis
  • Deriving insights from data
  • Sharing with client and formulating recommendations/solutions
Stage 5: Midterm
  • Interim discussion with Professor
  • Incorporating feedback to further improve model
Stage 6: Data Visualization * Designing of visual illustrations to present insights
Stage 7: Finalization
  • Finalizing of analysis
  • Organizing insights to present findings to all stakeholders

Work Plan

Task In Charge W0 W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W7 W8 W9 W10 W11 W12 W13 W14 W15
Stage 1: Project Planning
Source for sponsor All
Learn about sponsor's product and industry All
Meeting sponsor and discussion on project topic Xiaoyou
Project and sponsor confirmation All
NDA confirmation All
Stage 2: Proposal
Proposal Report All
Wiki Page Setup Tham Hin
Work Plan Carol
Stage 3: Data Preparation
Data Validation Xiaoyou
Data Cleaning All
Data Encoding & Sorting All
Stage 4: Data Analysis
Exploratory Data Analysis All
Manpower Ratio Analysis Carol
Geospatial Analysis Xiaoyou
Client Cluster Analysis Tham Hin
Time-series Analysis Tham Hin
Stage 5: Midterm Report
Interim Report Preparation All
Interim Presentation Preparation All
Wiki Update Tham Hin
Stage 6: Data Visualization
Visualization development All
Stage 7:Finalisation
Abstract Preparation All
Final Report Preparation All
Wiki update Tham Hin
Poster All
Final Submission Preparation All