Social Media & Public Opinion - Project Management

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Proposal Development
Proposal Submission
Proposal Document
Wiki Page
Dashboard design
Data organisation
Integration planning
Tools exploration
Analyse & design data representation
Iterate with client
User testing
Dashboard implementation
Visual Component 1
Visual Component 2
Visual Component 3
Change of scope
Midterm Presentation
Wiki Page
Post-Midterm Presentation
Machine Learning
Final Presentation
Wiki Page

Risk Assessment

Low Medium High
Likelihood Low Low Low Moderate
Medium Low Moderate High
High Moderate High High

Risks Level Mitigation
Lack of expertise due to new domain High Consult sponsor and teaching staff for guidance and consultation.

Refer to more research paper or studies in this area

Poor user interface and difficult to use Medium Iterate and run through with sponsors on a regular basis to fine-tune the dashboard
Project delays due to unforeseen circumstances and heavy workload nearing the end of the semester Medium Have a 2 week buffer to accommodate delays