ANLY482 AY2016-17 T1 Group6/Final Progress

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Home Team Project Overview Midterm Progress Final Progress Project Management Documentation


Communications data, such as the emails exchanged by employees, can be of rich insight when analyzing and predicting business performance.

For a B2B company such as Trustphere, communicational efficiency from their sales team is essential for increase in revenue and growth. Acknowledging that sales numbers in dollars are not adequate by themselves to gauge the potential and performance of the sales team, our team has analyzed emails exchanged by salespeople, to report specific insights that enable the senior management to monitor individual salesperson’s progress in the sales cycle and identify bottlenecks in the sales process.

These insights include, but are not limited to, the salesperson’s internal and external network, response time and communications promptness when communicating with a client, progress in current sales accounts and a postmortem of failed accounts. Our attempt is to make sales performance based on communications efficiency as visible and measurable as possible, hoping that it will not only reform the commission structure to motivate employees to hone their communication skills but also give the management a bird’s eye view of the real time sales progress, instead of knowledge of just the successful accounts.