AY1516 T2 Team Skulptors - Limitations & ROI

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Summary Description Methodology & Technology Limitations & ROI


1 Data provided from the WMS might not be accurately representative of all transactions due to human error (miss scanning of barcode), lost / misplaced SKUs etc. As the data size provided is large, analysis conducted on it will still be sufficiently accurate.
2 Current data analysis will only be conducted on 2 company products that the logistics company is handling. The same analysis can be replicated for other company products as they will share some similarities in the nature of warehouse processing.
3 The project scope analyses the nature of warehouse processing of SKUs in Singapore. However, there are also other warehouses of the logistics company which are located outside of Singapore. They may have a different approach in warehouse processing. Although the warehouses of the logistics company are located in different geographical locations, they share the same warehouse processing system. This thus allows the possibility of the team’s application to be replicated easily into them, should the logistics company choose to integrate their WMS with the team’s project application.

Return of Investment (ROI)

The application provides a platform which will allow executives and managers in the operations department to have a high-level visualization of the happenings within the warehouses. This can be based in terms of unique SKUs, brand and date. Hence, not only will it allow strategic managerial decision to be planned and executed in an accurate and optimal way, it will also allow employees to pinpoint possible bottle necks (e.g. identify SKUs which have slow orders and thus, taking up warehouse spaces which could have been otherwise utilized), and make improvements to it. This will also allow both costs and time savings which will have been spend on manual analysing of data which can be tedious and takes up manpower. Furthermore, in terms of long time sustainability use, the company is also looking into the possibility of integrating the project’s application into its in-house warehouse management system. This will serve as an additional add-on feature to further complement and enhance the existing WMS features.