ANLY482 AY2017-18 T2 Group 17 Project Overview Data

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Background Data Methodology


(i) Proxy Log Data
Proxy log data records each user access to various academic materials provided by SMU Libraries via the libraries’ proxy. Every click or download via SMU Libraries’ portal will be recorded and identified by the ‘Session ID’ and ‘User ID’.

Name Data Type Length Description
IP Address VARCHAR 15 Internet protocol address of users
Session ID CHAR 15 Unique session identifier of users
User ID CHAR 64 Email of users which is hashed for privacy reasons
URL VARCHAR 250 URL access by users for the log
Doc ID VARCHAR 20 Unique Identifier of file accessed by users
Date and Time DATETIME 17 Date and Time at point of access. Format is DD-MMM-YYYY HH:MM:SS e.g ‘05Dec2017 10:28:24’
Downloads BOOLEAN 1 Binary attribute where 0 is online view and 1 is pdf download
Chapter NUMERIC 2 Specific chapter access within e-book

(ii) User Master List
User master list shows the complete list of users in SMU community and is identify by their unique email. More detailed information such as faculty and admission year are also provided where relevant.

Name Data Type Length Description
User ID CHAR 64 Contains the email of the user
User Group VARCHAR 50 Contain the category that user belongs
School VARCHAR 50 Contain faculty which user belongs
Area of Study VARCHAR 100 Programme that user is enrolled under in SMU
Admission Year CHAR 7 Admission year of user
Graduation Year CHAR 7 Graduation or expected graduation year

(iii) Jstor’s PDA book usage reportt
Jstor’s PDA book usage report shows the complete list of e-books under PDA scheme. The table also contains information on purchased date and prices for the corresponding books if possible.