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An interesting cluster is cluster 1, the retail malls that belong in this cluster are located within or around Ang Mo Kio, Hougang and Novena, which are very close to each other geographically. <br>
An interesting cluster is cluster 1, the retail malls that belong in this cluster are located within or around Ang Mo Kio, Hougang and Novena, which are very close to each other geographically. <br>
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Similar to cluster 1, there is a steady rate of car occupancy in cluster 2 during peak hours and suggests similar trends as cluster 1. However the difference is that nearing 2100 hrs there is no drastic drop shown in cluster 1, this suggests that there are a lot of activities available at these retail malls after 2100 hrs that attract patrons to continue parking even near closing hours. <br>
Similar to cluster 1, there is a steady rate of car occupancy in cluster 2 during peak hours and suggests similar trends as cluster 1. However the difference is that nearing 2100 hrs there is no drastic drop shown in cluster 1, this suggests that there are a lot of activities available at these retail malls after 2100 hrs that attract patrons to continue parking even near closing hours. <br>
Cluster 3 shows 2 obvious spikes and 2 dips throughout the day. The first spike occurs at around 1200 hrs and then starts to dip at 1345 hrs. The second spike begins at around 1800 hrs and begins to dip at 2015hrs This patterns in spikes and dips in occupancy suggests many patrons visiting these retail malls for dining purposes, parking at the retail mall only for the duration of their meals. <br>
Cluster 3 shows 2 obvious spikes and 2 dips throughout the day. The first spike occurs at around 1200 hrs and then starts to dip at 1345 hrs. The second spike begins at around 1800 hrs and begins to dip at 2015hrs This patterns in spikes and dips in occupancy suggests many patrons visiting these retail malls for dining purposes, parking at the retail mall only for the duration of their meals. <br>
From the results we identified a few interesting similarities and insights. Boon Lay Shopping Centre and Pioneer Mall appear to be outliers, two retail malls located in the West of Singapore that are significantly different from the rest of the retail malls recorded in the data set but not similar enough to belong in the same cluster. <br>
From the results we identified a few interesting similarities and insights. Boon Lay Shopping Centre and Pioneer Mall appear to be outliers, two retail malls located in the West of Singapore that are significantly different from the rest of the retail malls recorded in the data set but not similar enough to belong in the same cluster. <br>

Revision as of 23:48, 28 February 2016













Interim Analysis

Data Cleaning and Explorations

The data we received from MRC was site based and split up into individual excel files with a lot of unnecessary data. After Exploratory Data analysis there is a need to transform the time-based data into appropriately time stamped time series data in order to perform further analysis. For our group we utilized SQL Server Integration Services 2010 to look through all excel files and extract relevant data, as we were comfortable using this software from previous projects.

Filtering and extracting data

There were many variables in the excel sheet that was not helpful for our phase 2 analysis. We have decided on using 6 variables for our analysis, which are the most relevant to what we would like to analyze. The variables are peak_occupancy, non_peak_occupancy, peak_car_in, non_peak_car_in, peak_car_out, non_peak_car_out. We also filtered out 112 Katong as it was a pilot site and there were many missing data.

Combining Data

As the data we received from MRC was site based and split up into individual excel files, there is a need for us to combine all the sites together after filtering and extracting data from individual excel files. This file, includes attributes such as time, car_park, total_lots, peak_occupancy, non_peak_occupancy, peak_car_in, non_peak_car_in, peak_car_out, non_peak_car_out. There are a total of 28 sites that we plan to carry out our analysis.

Recoding Time

As the time given was in ##:##AM/PM format, there was a need for us to recode it into numbers in order for us to run Time Series Analysis on SAS Enterprise Miner. We used SAS Enterprise Guide to recode our time to Time ID starting from 1 before loading the cleaned data into SAS Server.




Figure above shows that there are unnecessary rows and columns of data as they are empty. Figure 4 below shows that the recoded data after cleaning has been done.


Initial Approach

Initially our approach was to manually group the parking establishments by region before doing time series analysis. However after we consulted with Professor Kam on Feb 18, the errors of our method was highlighted to us: The dataset should be telling us what are the groups and patterns instead of us manually deciding how to segregate the data.

Revised Analysis Approach

Time Series Methodology

We utilized SAS Enterprise Miner, which simplifies time series data mining for huge amounts of data. Additionally Enterprise Miner implements Dynamic Time Warping which is an algorithm for measuring similarity between two times based sequences which might initially vary, Enterprise Miner can identify patterns and similarities by shifting time series against each other.



First we uploaded our transformed data set into the SAS Server and in Enterprise Miner we retrieved this data set and defined the properties for Enterprise Miner to correctly identify the roles of each variable.


Time Series Data Preparation (TSDP)

TSDP transforms the dataset that is readable by Enterprise Miner, i.e. time stamped data.

Multiple Time Series Plot


TSID Map Table


TSID map table shows the original Dataset mapped into different time series and their corresponding Car_Park names.

Reduced Time Series Plot


TSID Map Summary Table


TSID Map Summary Table shows the different Car_Parks and their unique Time Series counts, in total we have 28 Retail Mall car parks to analyze.

Time Series Similarity (TSS)

Allows us to analyze similarities between different time series grouped by clusters. Dynamic Time Warping algorithm is applied in Enterprise Miner to match the different lengths of similar time series in one group.

Cluster Constellation Plot


Cluster Dendrogram


A tree hierarchy displays the steps and how the clusters are actually formed.

Distance Map


Distance map shows how similar the Time Series data is based on distance between clusters. Red indicates a large distance and dissimilarity and Blue indicates little distance and similarity.

Further Analysis


The resulting time series graphs show that there might be some similarities between the car parks, however we would not be able to identify them without any further analysis of the Time series.


According to the Dendrogram generated, it appears that at Point 1, Enterprise Miner makes a big jump in order to combine 2 clusters. This is not ideal when trying to interpret and analyze patterns and similarities within the clusters.
At this stage our group had to identify what is a reasonable combination of clusters and what is considered unreasonable based on the Dendrogram. After research and advice from our supervisor, we decided that at Point 2 the clusters are still distinct enough and will be easier to identify any similarities. At point 2 there should be 7 distinct clusters within this set of time series data.


By repeating the steps taken above to load the data into the SAS server, we generated 7 smaller subsets of time series data sets from the main data set. From here our group identified the car parks that belonged to the different clusters, namely:



An interesting cluster is cluster 1, the retail malls that belong in this cluster are located within or around Ang Mo Kio, Hougang and Novena, which are very close to each other geographically.

Cluster 1 shows large occupancy in the car parks at 1000 hrs when the data collection starts. There is only one large peak in the morning and the number of cars during peak hour stays almost the same throughout the day, only dropping near 1800 hrs. This pattern suggests that there might be a lot of parking lots occupied by workers of these shopping malls, or there is just a high demand for car parks and any cars that incoming cars replace leaves quickly. This can be further investigated utilizing different target variables.



Similar to cluster 1, there is a steady rate of car occupancy in cluster 2 during peak hours and suggests similar trends as cluster 1. However the difference is that nearing 2100 hrs there is no drastic drop shown in cluster 1, this suggests that there are a lot of activities available at these retail malls after 2100 hrs that attract patrons to continue parking even near closing hours.



Cluster 3 shows 2 obvious spikes and 2 dips throughout the day. The first spike occurs at around 1200 hrs and then starts to dip at 1345 hrs. The second spike begins at around 1800 hrs and begins to dip at 2015hrs This patterns in spikes and dips in occupancy suggests many patrons visiting these retail malls for dining purposes, parking at the retail mall only for the duration of their meals.









From the results we identified a few interesting similarities and insights. Boon Lay Shopping Centre and Pioneer Mall appear to be outliers, two retail malls located in the West of Singapore that are significantly different from the rest of the retail malls recorded in the data set but not similar enough to belong in the same cluster.

Moving forward after the Interim Report, our group will discuss how to analyze cluster 4 and 7 under advisement from our Supervising Professor.

Additionally we would like to look into different target variables in order to determine if the retail malls exhibit more similarities other than occupancy rate during peak hours.

Lastly, we would like to look into more establishments other than retail malls such as F&B Clusters and Community Centers.