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In addition, we require a graph that allows the users to easily identify if the single measure of interest pits well against a target value, and hence, we chose to visualize with bullet graphs. Bullet graphs are able to display those information like a bar graph without compromising on the amount of space required. The following picture demonstrates how the bullet graphs can be read:
In addition, we require a graph that allows the users to easily identify if the single measure of interest pits well against a target value, and hence, we chose to visualize with bullet graphs. Bullet graphs are able to display those information like a bar graph without compromising on the amount of space required. The following picture demonstrates how the bullet graphs can be read:

Revision as of 22:42, 14 January 2018

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The usage of proxy browser by the users records their individual action as they search for the online course reserves they require. The usage of printed course reserves is recorded as the users borrow and return the books. Also, in-house usage of the books are recorded as the users return the books to the library counter instead of the book shelves.

These information will be provided by by the client.


The data will need to be transformed into the required formats using various techniques, such as rules and patterns technique, in order for us to perform the necessary processing later. Duplicates and irrelevant data will be removed.


JMP, Tableau and Javascript will be used for data exploration and visualization. We set out to design a dashboard that aims to answer the following questions:

  1. What proportion of the school is using the course reserve materials?
  2. Are all the course reserve materials fully utilized?
  3. When are the course reserve materials being utilized?
  4. Are we acquiring course materials that students are not using?

To start off, we would like a graph that is capable of visualizing usage over time. Given the immense number of course reserve materials available, we settled on horizon graphs which utilizes position and color to reduce vertical space while still fulfilling functionalities exhibited by a simple line graph. A horizon graph displays metric behavior over time in relation to a baseline. Ideally, with this graph, we will be able to identify when the course reserve materials are most in used and which of the course reserve materials are most in used or not most in used.

In addition, we require a graph that allows the users to easily identify if the single measure of interest pits well against a target value, and hence, we chose to visualize with bullet graphs. Bullet graphs are able to display those information like a bar graph without compromising on the amount of space required. The following picture demonstrates how the bullet graphs can be read:

G19 Bullet Chart.png