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As seen from the bar chart that includes the outlier (left), the account does not display any abnormal activity besides the outlier point. The frequency of transaction for this account fluctuates quite randomly. As seen from the graph of local revenue by months (left bottom), the extremely high revenue in November 2008 is caused by the outlier. The bar chart that excludes the outlier (right) does not show any unusual patterns, and fluctuates rather randomly just as with the frequency of transactions. As such, the team concluded that the outlier may be an erroneous entry, and it would be excluded for our subsequent analysis.
As seen from the bar chart that includes the outlier (left), the account does not display any abnormal activity besides the outlier point. The frequency of transaction for this account fluctuates quite randomly. As seen from the graph of local revenue by months (left bottom), the extremely high revenue in November 2008 is caused by the outlier. The bar chart that excludes the outlier (right) does not show any unusual patterns, and fluctuates rather randomly just as with the frequency of transactions. As such, the team concluded that the outlier may be an erroneous entry, and it would be excluded for our subsequent analysis.
[[File:GLC_Univar_BilledWeight.png|thumb|left|280px|alt=BP Billed Weight|Box-plot for Billed Weight]]
[[File:GLC_Univar_BilledWeight.png|thumb|left|280px|alt=BP Billed Weight|Box-plot for Billed Weight]]
[[File:GLC_Bivar_RevWeightByTime.png|thumb|right|280px|Sum of Revenue and Billed Weight Over Time]]
From the boxplot on the left, there are two outliers, billed weight of 27,200 and 32,476. The transaction with the billed weight of 27,200 is actually the previous outlier transaction with revenue of 694,851, which we have decided to exclude for subsequent analysis. For the outlier of billed weight 32,476, as the revenue of that transaction is 63,003, the team felt that this is still reasonable. Furthermore, as our focus was more on revenue, we left the data point as it is.
From the boxplot on the left, there are two outliers, billed weight of 27,200 and 32,476. The transaction with the billed weight of 27,200 is actually the previous outlier transaction with revenue of 694,851, which we have decided to exclude for subsequent analysis. For the outlier of billed weight 32,476, as the revenue of that transaction is 63,003, the team felt that this is still reasonable. Furthermore, as our focus was more on revenue, we left the data point as it is.
[[File:GLC_Bivar_RevWeightByTime.png|thumb|right|280px|alt=Sum of Revenue & Billed Weight Over Time|Sum of Revenue and Billed Weight Over Time]]
From the graph on the right, the sum of the billed weight and that of the local revenue follow the same trend over the 12 months in 2008. Thus, the team will be using 'local revenue' as an estimate of the billed weight for our subsequent analysis when needed.
From the graph on the right, the sum of the billed weight and that of the local revenue follow the same trend over the 12 months in 2008. Thus, the team will be using 'local revenue' as an estimate of the billed weight for our subsequent analysis when needed.
{|style="margin: 0 auto;"
| [[File:GLC_Univar_SalesChnl.png|thumb|upright|320px|Histogram of Sales Channel]]
| [[File:Bivar_RevBySalesChnl.png|thumb|upright|300px|Sum of Revenue by Sales Channel]]
| [[File:GLC_Bivar_RevPerTransBySalesChnl.png|thumb|upright|300px|Revenue per Transaction by Sales Channel]]
As seen from the histogram above (left), Channel K has the most number of transactions with almost 50% of the total number of transactions, followed by F, T, and D. The distribution of sum of revenue over the four different sales channels (center) follows closely the pattern given by the number of transactions of each sales channel. From the bar chart on the right, we can say that for each transaction, Channel F is almost as profitable as Channel K. Only Channel D is significantly less profitable comparatively.
===<div style="margin-top: 10px; text-align:left; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold;">Binning</div>===
===<div style="margin-top: 10px; text-align:left; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold;">Binning</div>===

Revision as of 03:24, 3 March 2015








Data Collection and Preparation

Merging and Cleaning

GLC provided us with three datasets, namely Metadata, CRM, and Sales, collected over the 12 months of 2008. Metadata contains fields such as ‘Industry Description’ that help to interpret the industry codes used in the other files. The CRM dataset contains information about the accounts, including fields such as ‘New Ac Number’ and ‘Date Opened’. Finally, the Sales dataset contains 2.5 million rows of individual transactions that occurred within the 12 months of 2008. This file contains fields such as ‘Local Revenue’, ‘Destination’, ‘Origin’, ‘Billed Weight’ and ‘Sales Channel’.

Since we require variables from all three datasets, the first step we took was to merge them by joining the tables based on common fields such as ‘New Ac Number’ for the convenience of our subsequent analysis. Thereafter, we derived certain variables that, from our literature review, would be used in our later analysis, such as ‘Date of Last Transaction’ (i.e. Recency), ‘No. of Transactions’ per account (i.e. Frequency) and ‘Total 2008 Revenue’ per account (i.e. Monetary).

The team also removed unnecessary and duplicate fields such as those that, for confidentiality purposes, were given an ‘XXX’ value for all rows.

Missing Data

Finally, we did a missing data analysis to examine how significant the missing data were and decided how to deal with them. A summary can be seen in the table below:

Variable Count (Missing)
description of activities 2424057 (95.42%)
inbound_contract_code 2099942 (82.66%)
outbound_contract_code 328756 (12.94%)
industry_code_CRM 265198 (10.44%)
site_grouping 214763 (8.45%)
local revenue 24970 (0.98%)
zip_code 3466 (0.136%)

With the exception for local revenue, the rest of these fields were not used in our analysis, hence it did not affect our subsequent findings. As for the field 'local revenue', its missing values were actually coming from the accounts that were recorded in the CRM dataset but did not have any sales transaction in 2008 as seen from the Sales dataset. Hence, upon the merger of the data, there were no transaction data for these accounts, and as a result they were reflected in the missing data analysis. These accounts would be excluded from our subsequent analysis and separately reported to our sponsor for further action (e.g. review of the CRM dataset).

Feedback for Missing Data

In addition, based on this huge amount of missing data, we would like to feedback to the management also to find out why these fields are missing. We would like to understand if this indicates potential problems with the data collection process. Having too many missing data is not ideal as we will not be able to make use of the information to gather and analyse potential trends and insights. Moreover, refinement of the data collection system would allow for higher quality of analysis to be done in the future.

Exploratory Data Analysis

Univariate and Bivariate

BP Revenue
Box-plot for Revenue

To start off with our analysis, these are the general analysis gotten from GLC's dataset.

From the boxplot on the right, we noticed an outlier with a revenue of 694,851. Upon closer examination on the account related to this revenue, we plotted out the following bar charts as seen below.

With Outlier
Account Details with Outlier
Outlier Removed
Account Details with Outlier Removed

As seen from the bar chart that includes the outlier (left), the account does not display any abnormal activity besides the outlier point. The frequency of transaction for this account fluctuates quite randomly. As seen from the graph of local revenue by months (left bottom), the extremely high revenue in November 2008 is caused by the outlier. The bar chart that excludes the outlier (right) does not show any unusual patterns, and fluctuates rather randomly just as with the frequency of transactions. As such, the team concluded that the outlier may be an erroneous entry, and it would be excluded for our subsequent analysis.

BP Billed Weight
Box-plot for Billed Weight
Sum of Revenue and Billed Weight Over Time

From the boxplot on the left, there are two outliers, billed weight of 27,200 and 32,476. The transaction with the billed weight of 27,200 is actually the previous outlier transaction with revenue of 694,851, which we have decided to exclude for subsequent analysis. For the outlier of billed weight 32,476, as the revenue of that transaction is 63,003, the team felt that this is still reasonable. Furthermore, as our focus was more on revenue, we left the data point as it is.

From the graph on the right, the sum of the billed weight and that of the local revenue follow the same trend over the 12 months in 2008. Thus, the team will be using 'local revenue' as an estimate of the billed weight for our subsequent analysis when needed.

Histogram of Sales Channel
Sum of Revenue by Sales Channel
Revenue per Transaction by Sales Channel

As seen from the histogram above (left), Channel K has the most number of transactions with almost 50% of the total number of transactions, followed by F, T, and D. The distribution of sum of revenue over the four different sales channels (center) follows closely the pattern given by the number of transactions of each sales channel. From the bar chart on the right, we can say that for each transaction, Channel F is almost as profitable as Channel K. Only Channel D is significantly less profitable comparatively.


Zero Revenue Transactions

Bin Analysis