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==<div style="background: #34454c; padding: 15px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 0.3em; text-indent: 15px; font-size: 16px"><font color=#FFFFFF>Project Motivation</font></div>==
==<div style="background: #34454c; padding: 15px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 0.3em; text-indent: 15px; font-size: 16px"><font color=#FFFFFF>Project Motivation</font></div>==
Singaporeans are very critical of their cycling experience as they zero tolerance of bicycle breakdowns and track conditions. Therefore KST Bikers has to ensure that the infrastructure is operating properly at all times.
Our team choose to take analytics as a second major because we believe it is a useful skill to learn for the future. We believe that any company should use analytics to improve their businesses as data would always tell us many interesting things that are happening.
KST Bikers gets feedback all the time regarding the bicycles. These feedback are large in volume and can range from traffic flows to parking. In order to ensure that the systems are running properly, KST Bikers has to act upon these feedbacks so as to resolve complaints or to improve upon problems that Singaporeans may face.
What really motivates us in this project is that this project is dealing with something that we can relate to. This project is dealing with public feedback regarding bicycles transport and one of the aims of this project is to reduce the amount of feedback. Singaporeans are by nature very willing to give feedback about various issues, especially about bicycles which is a means of transport that many locals use on daily basis. This is something that we are very critical about. Hence, Singaporeans feel more appreciated when there are lesser problems about cycling and when their feedback about cycling is taken into account.
In order to improve on the current situation, KST Bikers intends to:
The three of us are not any different when it comes to giving feedback about problems that we feel needs to be improved. As a result, we are highly motivated to take on this project as firstly we feel that if we are able to reduce the volume of feedback, we could improve our fellow Singaporeans' well being as KST Bikers can utilize more manpower to tackle other critical issues. Secondly, if we can identify the root cause of recurring feedback, we can ensure that KST Bikers will be able to look into these problems. Thus, ensuring that Singaporeans will potentially in the future not face such problems again.
*To reduce in volume of feedback in order to increase manpower productivity.
**As there is a large volume of feedback, huge amount of manpower is needed to go through the feedbacks. If the volume of feedback is reduced, it would increase manpower productivity by assigning the manpower to more important tasks.
*To address issues raised in feedback to prevent recurring feedback.
**If KST Bikers could prevent recurring feedback, they could identify potential problems they have resolved even before new feedback about such problems could be lodged. Also in the long run this could potentially reduce the volume of feedback in the long run.
==<div style="background: #34454c; padding: 15px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 0.3em; text-indent: 15px; font-size: 16px"><font color=#FFFFFF>Project Objective</font></div>==
==<div style="background: #34454c; padding: 15px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 0.3em; text-indent: 15px; font-size: 16px"><font color=#FFFFFF>Project Objective</font></div>==

Revision as of 19:55, 15 January 2017


About Us

Project Overview


Project Management


Description Methodology

Project Background

KST Bikers is attracting a high volume of feedback from people on issues ranging from track conditions to maintenance of KST Bikers’ bicycles. As a result KST Bikers is spending valuable time and resources addressing these feedbacks which could have been utilized in other areas. In order to improve the use of resources, KST Bikers hopes to reduce the volume of feedback by discovering meaningful insights from its feedback data and understanding what are the different external factors which generate these feedbacks.

Project Motivation

Our team choose to take analytics as a second major because we believe it is a useful skill to learn for the future. We believe that any company should use analytics to improve their businesses as data would always tell us many interesting things that are happening.

What really motivates us in this project is that this project is dealing with something that we can relate to. This project is dealing with public feedback regarding bicycles transport and one of the aims of this project is to reduce the amount of feedback. Singaporeans are by nature very willing to give feedback about various issues, especially about bicycles which is a means of transport that many locals use on daily basis. This is something that we are very critical about. Hence, Singaporeans feel more appreciated when there are lesser problems about cycling and when their feedback about cycling is taken into account.

The three of us are not any different when it comes to giving feedback about problems that we feel needs to be improved. As a result, we are highly motivated to take on this project as firstly we feel that if we are able to reduce the volume of feedback, we could improve our fellow Singaporeans' well being as KST Bikers can utilize more manpower to tackle other critical issues. Secondly, if we can identify the root cause of recurring feedback, we can ensure that KST Bikers will be able to look into these problems. Thus, ensuring that Singaporeans will potentially in the future not face such problems again.

Project Objective

The objective of the project is to:

  • Discover the trends in the feedback data. The following are some examples, but not limited to:
    • Distribution of type of feedback
    • Relationship between various attributes (e.g. category, source and type of feedback) of new and recurring cases
    • Profiles of people who provide feedbacks
  • Examine the external factors which generate feedbacks. The following are some factors, but not limited to:
    • Date: Which month would generate more feedback?
    • Weather conditions: What type of weather conditions would generate more feedback?
    • Major events: Do major events affect the volume of feedback generated?
    • Policy changes: Do policy changes affect the volume of feedback generated?
  • Develop appropriate interactive visualisations to allow discovery of insights from various datasets