Difference between revisions of "ANLY482 AY2017-18T2 Group10 Project Management"

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==<div style="background: #ffffff; padding: 17px;padding:0.3em; letter-spacing:0.1em; line-height: 0.1em;  text-indent: 10px; font-size:17px; text-transform:uppercase; font-weight: light; font-family: 'Century Gothic';  border-left:8px solid #1b96fe; margin-bottom:5px"><font color= #000000><strong>Project Timeline</strong></font></div>==
==<div style="background: #ffffff; padding: 17px;padding:0.3em; letter-spacing:0.1em; line-height: 0.1em;  text-indent: 10px; font-size:17px; text-transform:uppercase; font-weight: light; font-family: 'Century Gothic';  border-left:8px solid #1b96fe; margin-bottom:5px"><font color= #000000><strong>Project Timeline</strong></font></div>==
<div style="margin:0px; padding: 10px; background: #f2f4f4; font-family: Century Gothic, Open Sans, Arial, sans-serif; border-radius: 7px; text-align:left">
<div style="margin:0px; padding: 10px; background: #f2f4f4; font-family: Century Gothic, Open Sans, Arial, sans-serif; border-radius: 7px; text-align:left">
To view the detailed work plan, https://1drv.ms/u/s!AsgvJcVMOy1HgpRaAtKAaMO62dkztQ (Microsoft Project 2016)
To view the detailed work plan, https://smu-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/mervyn_lee_2014_sis_smu_edu_sg/EYVlj7BzonFDkvyIbhf2tX4BpamhHCPAsWlbncBIQULlww?e=FikYd6 (Microsoft Project 2016)
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Latest revision as of 12:12, 15 April 2018