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==<div style="border-style: solid; border-width:0; background: #149de7; padding: 7px; font-weight: bold; text-align:left; line-height: wrap_content; text-indent: 20px; font-size:20px; font-family:Trebuchet MS;border-bottom:5px solid white; border-top:5px solid black"><font color= #FFFFFF>Methodology</font></div>==
==<div style="border-style: solid; border-width:0; background: #149de7; padding: 7px; font-weight: bold; text-align:left; line-height: wrap_content; text-indent: 20px; font-size:20px; font-family:Trebuchet MS;border-bottom:5px solid white; border-top:5px solid black"><font color= #FFFFFF>Methodology</font></div>==
In this section, we will explain the methodology which our team plan to implement to perform analysis on the data provided by our sponsor.
In this section, we will explain the methodology which our team plan to implement to perform analysis on the data provided by our sponsor.
We will be using JMP Software and Microsoft Excel for Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) to better understand the dataset given and its characteristics. As part of data preprocessing, our team will be performing the following steps to obtain a clean dataset. These steps will eventually be converted into a script which will be used to clean the data file that is uploaded into the dashboard which we will develop for our sponsor.
Firstly, refer to the above figure which shows the methodology process we took for our project. We did the initial data preparation and transformation on the files provided to us based on specific requirements. The processed data is then used in our model which provides the input used for our application development.<br/>
We will be using Python for Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) to better understand the dataset given and its characteristics. As part of data preprocessing, our team will be performing the following steps to obtain a clean dataset. These steps will eventually be converted into a script which will be used to clean the data file that is uploaded into the dashboard which we will develop for our sponsor.
'''<big>ABC Analysis</big>'''<br/>
To conduct the ABC Analysis, we will be using a Pareto Chart. Pareto charts are used to focus on the most significant portions of your data. This is especially useful in our case as we want to be able to pick out which products are the most important to the business so that we can give these products better priority so that they can be picked more easily since these are the products that contribute the most to the bottom line of the company.<br/>
[[Image:ABC Analysis Pareto Chart.png|500px]]<br/>
We will be using the standard 80-20 rule, the top 20% of the products which make up 80% of the sales or in this case overall outbound volume. After which, the next category of goods will be the next 30% of the goods which make up the next 15% of the overall outbound volume and finally the last 50% of the goods which make up the last 5% of the overall outbound volume.
The output from this analysis will be a model which will give us the list of products which are now categorized by their ABC classification. Using this classification, we will be able to come up with a model which will allow our client to input the incoming orders and our model will provide them with the best zones to allocate the products based on the ABC analysis.
'''<big>LocName Analysis</big>'''<br/>
[[Image:Special LocName Codes Chart.png|500px]]<br/>
Over the years, trends can be seen that lesser goods are now being placed on the floor, probably due to the shifting of warehouse and the change in its structure. We see a rise in damaged goods however from year 2016 to 2017. This could be because the categorisation of goods is introduced only in 2016 during the shift of the warehouse and there might have been goods that are damaged during the shifting process, or at the beginning of the usage of the new warehouse.
Other noticeable trends include the sudden spike in goods being placed on the floor during December 2015 and June-August 2016.
==<div style=" background: #e2f5ff; padding: 12px; font-family: Arimo; font-size: 18px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 1em; text-indent: 15px; border-left: #149de7 solid 32px;"><font color="#149de7"><strong>Data Preprocessing</strong></font></div>==
==<div style=" background: #e2f5ff; padding: 12px; font-family: Arimo; font-size: 18px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 1em; text-indent: 15px; border-left: #149de7 solid 32px;"><font color="#149de7"><strong>Data Preprocessing</strong></font></div>==
Line 44: Line 64:
* Resolving redundancies caused by data integration.
* Resolving redundancies caused by data integration.
With the clean dataset, we will proceed to further explore the data and find out potential visualizations and analysis that can be done with the dataset to provide a more in-depth analysis and dashboard that will be useful for our sponsor.
With the clean dataset, we will proceed to further explore the data and find out potential visualizations and analysis that can be done with the dataset to provide a more in-depth analysis and dashboard that will be useful for our sponsor. Prior to conducting Exploratory Data Analysis, our team first cleaned the dataset provided. The data cleaning steps and rationale will be explained below.<br/>
===Data Merging<br/>===
All dataset is combined into respective inbound and outbound data to facilitate better EDA and analysis. Files are mainly from year 2015 to 2017.<br/>
{| class="wikitable"
! Dataset || Inbound || Outbound
| Files
INBOUND JAN 2015 - DEC 2015.xls<br/>
INBOUND JAN 2016 - DEC 2016.xls
INBOUND JAN 2017 - DEC 2017.xls
OUTBOUND FROM 01 JAN 2015 TO 30 JUN 2015.xls<br/>
OUTBOUND FROM 01 JAN 2016 TO 30 JUN 2016.xls<br/>
OUTBOUND FROM 01 JAN 2017 TO 30 JUN 2017.xls<br/>
OUTBOUND FROM 01 JULY 2015 TO 31 DEC 2015.xls<br/>
OUTBOUND FROM 01 JULY 2016 TO 31 DEC 2016.xls<br/>
OUTBOUND FROM 01 JULY 2017 TO 31 DEC 2017.xls
During the data merging step, the columns are retained, as seen in the table below for the respective inbound and outbound files. Other details including the number of rows, missing and duplicate values are mentioned in the table below. <br/>
<u><b>Data Quality Issues</b></u><br/>
1. The inability to connect inbound to outbound with the current dataset. As of now we were unable to link the inbound to outbound data through the columns, hence we will not be able to identify the exact item that is being retrieved during outbound. Thus, we are assuming a first in first out approach.<br/>
2. Unable to calculate base stock level due to the lack of quantity level data in inbound report. As we have received the base level data from our sponsor, we were unable to correctly calculate the base level from 2015 to 2017 as the inbound data lack the required quantity data. We are currently trying to request from our sponsor inbound data with quantity level data.<br/>
3. There is a shifting of warehouse in October 2016, which means we can only make use of warehouse location data from October 2016 onwards. This will limit us from using the entire 3 years of dataset. We will still be using the full dataset to study the trends in inbound and outbound of the brand.<br/>
{| class="wikitable"
! Dataset || Inbound || Outbound
| Column Headers
All columns retained.
All columns retained.
| Missing Values
Loose Carton = 379,470
Remarks = 379,474
Expected delivery date = 6,543
PlannedPGIDate = 6,543
| Duplicated Rows*
| Non-uniform Data
Old warehouse format: 380,220
New warehouse format: 270,815
Special Codes: 411 (As seen in the figure below)
<i>*Duplicated rows are recorded in the file: Inbound duplicates.csv</i>
<u><b>Non-uniform Data</b></u><br/>
Other than having data that belongs to the old warehouse, there are also other LocNames used to represent certain status of the goods.
{| class="wikitable"
! LocName || Description || Number of Records
| Damaged
Signifies that the good is damaged.
| FLOOR-related
Signifies that the good is being placed on the floor.
Signifies that the good is being used for quality assurance.
Signifies that the good is being used for quality assurance.
Signifies that the good is being used for quality assurance.
Signifies that the good is being used for quality assurance.
===Data Cleaning<br/>===
{| class="wikitable"
! Issues || Solution
| Missing Values
For inbound data,
1) Missing values in ‘Loose Carton’ is due to the fact that most products have records for only ‘Full Carton’, thus having 0 loose cartons which lead to the column being empty for most of the dataset. In order to combine both ‘Full Carton’ and ‘Loose Carton’ into a single value, we created a new variable called ‘NO_OF_CARTONS’, which rounds up loose cartons into 1 carton to help eliminated missing values in the ‘Loose Carton’ column.
2) For ‘Remarks’ column, we realised that there is only 1 row of data that has ‘Remarks’ filled. We have decided to remove the column as we deem that remarks by customers is not relevant to our models.
For outbound data,
1) 6,543 missing values in Expected Delivery Date and PlannedPGIDate were removed upon discussion with our sponsor. Missing values in TP_FULL_NAME was also removed as they are within the 6,543 rows with missing values in Expected Delivery Date and PlannedPGIDate.
| Duplicates
Duplicated values were removed. We understood that the duplicated data may be errors in entry as warehouse staff keyed in the same record twice.
| Non-uniform Data
We will not be considering LocName with old warehouse format as it will not contribute to our optimization of the new warehouse with implementation of ABC.<br/>
However, data with the old warehouse data will still be used for studying of outbound trends over the years 2015 to 2017.<br/>
Data that are linked to special codes, such as DAMAGED and FLOOR1 will be further used to help analyse how much goods may be damaged or might be placed on the floor throughout the whole process.<br/>
Non-uniform data after October 2016 are stored inside Outbound with non-numeric locname.csv to help document various scenarios where the goods are not stored in the new warehouse location.
===Feature Creation<br/>===
We have created a few new features to help us carry out our Exploratory Data Analysis and better understand the data provided.
<u><b>Inbound Report</b></u><br/>
{| class="wikitable"
! Feature || Description || Formula
| GRN Date vs GRN Post Date
This attribute signifies the time taken by the warehouse staff to complete the process of scanning the inbound goods.
GRN Post Date - GRN Date
| GRN Post Date vs PA Created Date
This attribute represents the time between completion of scanning the inbound goods and the time which they start to putaway the goods into their locations.
PA Created Date - GRN Post Date
| PA Created Date vs PA Post Date
This attribute refers to the time taken by the warehouse staff to putaway the inbound goods.
PA Post Date - PA Created Date
| PA Post Date vs ASN Date
This attribute refers to the total time spent from the generation of customer order to the completion of inventory putaway process. The KPI is within 1 working day.
PA Post Date - ASN Date
<u><b>Outbound Report</b></u><br/>
{| class="wikitable"
! Feature || Description || Formula
| DO Commit vs Expected Delivery Date
The deviation between actual and expected delivery date.
Expected Delivery Date - DO Commit
| Lane No.
Used to represent the lane number.
Refer to the example below.
| Shelf Level
Represents the shelf level in alphabet format.
Refer to the example below.
| Depth No.
Represents the depth level of the warehouse.
Refer to the example below.
| isMiddle
Represents if the location is in the middle of 2 location.
Refer to the example below.
An example of a LocName is 12D32M.<br/>
*First 2 number to denote the lane number i.e. 12
*First letter used to denote the shelf level i.e. D
*Next 2 numbers to denote the depth level of the warehouse i.e. 32
*Represents if the location used is in the middle of 2 other location i.e. M. But this character may or may not be present in a location name
Other columns which we created to further help us build our models are:
{| class="wikitable"
! Data || Columns || Purpose
| ABC Classification of products
ABC Classification Type
The purpose is to group products into categories A, B and C based on their volume. More will be discussed in the later section.
| Base inventory levels of products in their warehouse locations
Quantity, location, product code and ABC type
Data are cross-referenced from all 4 files to get the current level of stock of products in the warehouse: <br/>
1) Inbound files, Outbound files, Location transfer files, and Base inventory levels.<br/>
The individual products are then tagged to both their own ABC classifications, as well as their current location which they exist in the warehouse.
This allows us to identify what is currently in the warehouse, and decide how to further place the next inbound product.
===Post-Processing Dataset<br/>===
{| class="wikitable"
! || Files
| Interim Data
Combined Inbound.csv
Combined Outbound.csv
| Cleaned Data
*Inbound cleaned with new columns (2016 Oct onwards).csv
*Inbound cleaned with new columns (Including 2015-2016).csv
*Inbound duplicates.csv
*Outbound cleaned with new columns (2016 Oct onwards).csv
*Outbound cleaned with new columns (Including 2015-2016).csv
*Outbound with non numeric locname.csv
==<div style=" background: #e2f5ff; padding: 12px; font-family: Arimo; font-size: 18px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 1em; text-indent: 15px; border-left: #149de7 solid 32px;"><font color="#149de7"><strong>Exploratory Data Analysis</strong></font></div>==
==<div style=" background: #e2f5ff; padding: 12px; font-family: Arimo; font-size: 18px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 1em; text-indent: 15px; border-left: #149de7 solid 32px;"><font color="#149de7"><strong>Exploratory Data Analysis</strong></font></div>==
Inbound Report
===Inbound Report<br/>===
The following few diagrams show the basic summary statistics for the Inbound Report for the years 2015 to 2017.
1. Year 2015 Summary Statistics<br/>
[[Image:Summary Statistics for Inbound Report 2015.png|800px]]
2. Year 2016 Summary Statistics<br/>
[[Image:Summary Statistics for Inbound Report 2016.png|800px]]
3. Year 2017 Summary Statistics<br/>
[[Image:Summary Statistics for Inbound Report 2017.png|800px]]
As we are also looking at the data from October 2016 to December 2017 only, since there was a change in the warehouse and the way LocName was stored, we also did the summary statistics for Before October 2016 and for October 2016 onwards. This is so that we can do a comparison, if need be, for the old warehouse compared to the new warehouse.
1. Before October 2016 Summary Statistics<br/>
[[Image:Summary Statistics for Inbound Report Before October 2016.png|800px]]
2. October 2016 onwards Summary Statistics<br/>
[[Image:Summary Statistics for Inbound Report October 2016 onwards.png|800px]]
We also conducted Exploratory Data Analysis on the Inbound dataset.
The chart below shows the GRN Date vs GRN Post Date. This represents the time difference between GRN Post Date and GRN Date and refers to the time taken to scan all the inbound goods. The average duration taken is 1.42 hours to complete the scanning. Also, we see that the peaks for each year is different. For 2015, the peak is in August. For 2016, the peak is in July and for 2017, the peak is in April.<br/>
[[Image:Average GRN Date vs GRN Post Date Chart.png|500px]]
The chart below shows the average duration for the entire putaway process, which is calculated by taking the difference between PA Created Date and PA Post Date. Again, we see a spike on August 2016 with a duration of 15.02 hours while the average time taken was only 5 hours.<br/>
[[Image:Average PA Created Date vs PA Post Date Chart.png|500px]]
The time difference between the PA Post Date and ASN Date refers to the total time spent from the generation of customer order to the completion of inventory putaway process. This is also the measurement used by the company for their KPI, which is to complete the inbound process within 1 working day. However, we see that on average, in June 2015 and August 2016, they did not seem to hit their KPI. This is especially so for August 2016, where we see that there is a spike of 30.94 hours taken to complete the entire process. It is an interesting insight that for most sections of the inbound process, the peak is in August 2016. This could potentially be related to their shifting of warehouse in September 2016.<br/>
[[Image:Average PA Post Date vs ASN Date Chart.png|500px]]
This chart shows the number of inbound orders over the years. We can see that in 2017, the average number of orders appear to be much higher than in 2015 and 2016 which shows that the business has been growing.<br/>
[[Image:No. of Inbound Orders Chart.png|500px]]
The chart below shows the number of distinct products ordered by the client over the years. It seems like that is no specific trend over the years. Further analysis can be done on the specific product codes after we find out whether they belong to category A, B or C.<br/>
[[Image:No. of Products Chart.png|500px]]
The chart below shows the average number of cartons inbound per month/year. The number of cartons for a product gives us an understanding on how important a product. We see that in January 2015, the inbound number of cartons is very high at 11,141. Also, the number of cartons inflow is below average for every March and December from 2015 to 2017.<br/>
[[Image:No. of Cartons Chart.png|500px]]
The chart below shows the owner short name count over the years. The count of owner short name refers to the number of owner short names which appeared in the orders every month/year. It appears that there are no specific trends over the years.<br/>
[[Image:Owner Short Name Count Chart.png|500px]]
There are only 5 unique owner short names in the Inbound dataset. For the top 2 owner short names, there is an increasing number of records from 2015 to 2017. More interestingly, we see that the owner short name ‘1402-MY’ only has 103 records in 2015 and after which, it does not have any more records.<br/>
[[Image:Owner Short Name per Year Chart.png|500px]]
As there are over 15,000 different unique products, we have shortlisted the top 10 products based on their inbound volume by number of cartons. This is shown in the chart below. In general, we see that there is an increasing trend over the years. However, interestingly, there was a huge increase in the number of cartons for product code 1713291036 (represented by a pink line below) from 2015 to 2016.<br/>
[[Image:Top 10 Products by Cartons Chart.png|500px]]
===Outbound Report<br/>===
The following few diagrams show the basic summary statistics for the Outbound Report for the years 2015 to 2017.
1. Year 2015 Summary Statistics<br/>
[[Image:Summary Statistics for Outbound Report 2015.png|500px]]
2. Year 2016 Summary Statistics<br/>
[[Image:Summary Statistics for Outbound Report 2016.png|500px]]
3. Year 2017 Summary Statistics<br/>
[[Image:Summary Statistics for Outbound Report 2017.png|500px]]
Similarly, we also did the summary statistics for Before October 2016 and for October 2016 onwards for the Outbound dataset.
1. Before October 2016 Summary Statistics<br/>
[[Image:Summary Statistics for Outbound Report Before October 2016.png|500px]]
2. October 2016 onwards Summary Statistics<br/>
[[Image:Summary Statistics for Outbound Report October 2016 onwards.png|500px]]
'''<big>Demand Analysis</big>'''<br/>
[[Image:Demand Analysis Charts.png|500px]]<br/>
To explore the trends and seasonality in the demand, we decided to analyze it based on different units of measurement.
1. The first one being by order lines, or in an easier term, by location. Therefore, 10 lines would mean goods were being picked for shipment from 10 locations.
2. The second one based on the actual quantity itself, how many units are being picked for shipment out of the warehouse.
3. Finally, by the cartons being picked.
If we were to look at the overall trend across all 3 graphs, in 2015 and 2016, the trend is generally going upwards. However, in terms of orders, the overall number of order lines being made was not increasing much and it was pretty flat from 2015 to 2016, but looking in terms of unit level and carton level, we can see that the overall volume shows great improvement from 2015 to 2016. This could be a result of the fact that the company moved into a new facility which was bigger and better equipped, thus leading to a greater increase in volume per order in Q3 because this was the period which the company moved into the new facility.
Throughout all 3 years, it showed a downward sloping trend, especially so for the number of orders with the number of orders dropping below the lowest performing quarter of 2016. However, in terms of units and carton level, the overall volume despite showing a downward trend is still much higher as compared to the volumes of 2015 and 2016. This could be a sign that the client is making less orders but the volume involved in each order is much greater as compared to before which is a good sign since the costing is done on a carton level and not order level.
From the chart above, we can see a vague seasonality pattern, Q1, Q3 and Q4 seem to have similar low performance, while Q2 has the biggest spike. We do not take 2016 into our view because there was a change in facility in the 3rd quarter so that could possibly have some effects on the demand patterns for that year, so we excluded 2016 when attempted to look for a seasonality pattern in the demand.<br/><br/>
'''<big>Order Breakdown Analysis</big>'''<br/>
[[Image:Order Breakdown Analysis Chart.png|500px]]<br/>
The goal of the order breakdown exploration was to attempt to explore how many products are being picked within each order. This would help play a part in our market basket analysis where we would try to find affinities between each product so that we can place these products nearer to each other since these products are usually picked together in an order.
From the chart above, the one on the left shows the number of distinct products that made up each order and the on the right shows the total number of locations that had to be picked to fulfil the order.
Looking at the chart on the left, we can see that the most number of distinct products that made up an order is 53 and this order was serviced by picking it from 94 different locations but not many of these transactions occur. Most of the orders are made up of just 1 product from 1 location only.
Looking at the chart on the right, the most number of locations ever required to satisfy an order was 108 different locations for 50 different products.<br/><br/>
[[Image:Order Breakdown per Year Chart.png|500px]]<br/>
After this initial exploration, we wanted to see if these cases of huge complex orders had any correlation with the period, so we decided to colour the bars by year and by quarter and explore further. From the above, we can see that there is no clear pattern and that it is randomly distributed, so there is no proof that there are certain periods which result in more complex orders requiring many touch points.<br/><br/>
'''<big>Shelf Level Analysis</big>'''<br/>
[[Image:Shelf Level Analysis Chart.png|500px]]<br/>
The image below shows the Shelf Level Layout of the warehouse.<br/>
[[Image:Warehouse Shelf Level Layout.png|300px]]<br/>
From the chart above, we wanted to see which shelf levels had the most activity in the warehouse. X, Y and Z are shelves which can be serviced by people while the other levels must be serviced by a forklift. Please refer to Figure 27 to familiarize yourself with which level each alphabet corresponds to.
We can see that Shelf Level Y was the most active, followed by X, then B. What was interesting in this analysis was the fact that shelf level Z did not follow the intuition of being one of the most active shelves even though it should be, since it can be serviced by a person instead of requiring a forklift. One possibility could be that since Z is the most inconvenient level for people since it is on the top, most products are not placed there for picking and possibly for replenishment downwards, but this is something for us to verify.<br/><br/>
To verify our findings, we carried hypothesis testing on the means from each shelf number to see if our findings were significant. As seen from Table below, Shelf Level. X and Y indeed proves to be significantly different from the means in frequency of goods being placed at each shelf level.
[[Image:ANLY482 AY2017-18T2 Group03 Shelf level significance testing.png|500px]]<br/>
'''<big>Lane Analysis</big>'''<br/>
[[Image:Warehouse Floor Plan Layout.png|500px]]<br/>
The image shows the layout of the warehouse, the numbers on the left show the lane numbers starting from 4 and ending at 18.<br/>
[[Image:Lane Analysis Chart.png|500px]]<br/>
From the chart above, we can see that despite lane 4 and 5 being of the closest proximity to the packing area, it is the most under-utilized for outbound transactions. To check if these findings were significant, we conducted hypothesis on these data and it gave us the following results as shown in table below. Lane 4 and 5 were significant lower than the sample mean while lanes 12, 14, 15, 16 and 18 were significant greater than the sample mean.
[[Image:ANLY482 AY2017-18T2 Group03 Lane No significance testing.png|500px]]<br/>
However, after finding out more from our sponsor, we found out that it was precisely because of this reason that these lanes were not being utilized. These lanes were being used for last minute orders, handling returns or even as a temporary staging area when the volume is too big. Since these actions are not tracked by the system, it seemed like these locations were not being utilized at all but in fact, these locations were being utilized but not for proper storage purposes but instead to act as a buffer.<br/><br/>
'''<big>Depth Analysis</big>'''<br/>
[[Image:Depth Analysis Chart.png|500px]]<br/>
From the chart above, the number of transactions were plotted over a monthly period from Q3 2016 which was when the operations shifted into a new warehouse to the end of 2017 and we coloured each depth number to see which areas of the warehouse were showing greater signs of outbound activity. There are 2 very clear clusters being shown above. Cluster 1 being the one on top (high volume cluster) and Cluster 2 being the one below (low volume cluster).
As we delved deeper into the data, we found a very interesting pattern. All the depth numbers in the high-volume cluster were the odd numbered ones from 55 all the way to 7 except for row 29. While the low volume cluster was made up of all the even numbered depth numbers and row 29 as well. From our initial discussion with our sponsor, row 29 is the middle of the whole warehouse and thus it should be a place which is easy to access but for some reason it is not the case.<br/>
We did a hypothesis testing on the data using the whole data set and we realized it made everything significant which is not accurate. So we split the data into 2 different clusters based on whether it is high volume or low volume. Then we conducted hypothesis testing again to find its significance. The table below shows us which lanes were significant.
[[Image:ANLY482 AY2017-18T2 Group03 Depth No. low volume significance testing.png|500px]]<br/>
[[Image:ANLY482 AY2017-18T2 Group03 Depth No. high volume significance testing.png|500px]]<br/>
Our client has currently not found a reason on why there is such a pattern so this is something interesting for them to look into to find out why there is such a jarring pattern occurring.
'''<big>Middle Row Analysis</big>'''<br/>
[[Image:Middle Row Analysis Chart.png|500px]]<br/>
For this chart, we were trying to see how much of transactions for each month made use of the middle row. We can see that on average middle rows only make up around 12 % of the overall outbound transactions each month.<br/><br/>
'''<big>Treemap of Location</big>'''<br/>
[[Image:Treemap of Location.png|500px]]<br/>
The treemap above aims to see which are the most active locations in the dataset coloured by the shelf level. From this treemap, we can clearly see that shelf Y (Yellow), shelf X (Green) and Shelf B (blue) make up the bulk of the activity in the warehouse. We can see that the most active locations are those in shelf Y and X. Everything else is much smaller as compared to these 2 locations.
'''<big>Special LocName Codes Analysis</big>'''<br/>
[[Image:ANLY482 AY2017-18T2 Group03 LocName Special Codes Diagram.png|500px]]<br/>
Over the years, trends can be seen that lesser goods are now being placed on the floor, probably due to the shifting of warehouse and the change in its structure. However, we do see a rise in damaged goods between around October 2016 to June 2017, while the amount of goods left on the floor peaked at around December 2015 and June to July 2016. Other noticeable trends include the sudden spike in goods being placed on the floor during December 2015 and June-August 2016.
==<div style="border-style: solid; border-width:0; background: #149de7; padding: 7px; font-weight: bold; text-align:left; line-height: wrap_content; text-indent: 20px; font-size:20px; font-family:Trebuchet MS;border-bottom:5px solid white; border-top:5px solid black"><font color= #FFFFFF>Proposed Implementation</font></div>==
'''<big>ABC Classification Service</big>'''<br/>
The main goal of this project is to give our client a web tool which will help them to find out the ABC classifications of the products they are handling so that they will be able to better handle these goods during the inbound process so that the outbound process can be more efficient. A web service which takes in the input of the products incoming and gives an output which tells the user the best place each product should be stored at. This web service would be developed using python and the database used would be a PostgreSQL Database. It will be hosted locally as the company does not use cloud services so they would prefer to host the service themselves. The client should be able to adjust the perimeters and limits of the analysis so that they can play around with different configurations.
For the dashboard, there are 2 approaches that we want to explore. 1) To create a dashboard from scratch using JavaScript and Highcharts libraries; 2) Use Tableau to create the dashboards.<br/>
<u><b>Create a dashboard from scratch</b></u><br/>
The benefit of doing this approach is that the application will be totally under the control of our client, so if they intend to do future changes, they will be able to do so with minimal fear of them losing the capabilities. Also, the costs will be lower because there will be no licensing fees that need to be paid.
However, the problem is that they would need to have people who will be willing to maintain the system and keep it up-to-date and this is something we are fearful of as the previous teams implementations were "killed" off precisely because of the fact that there were no people who were willing to take over the system once the handover was complete.<br/>
<u><b>Create a dashboard using Tableau</b></u><br/>
Using Tableau is good because it already comes built in with a lot of functions to allow our client to carry out further data exploration and visualization should they want to do so in the future. Also, because our client does have Tableau already in the office, they can easily use it with little fuss. As Tableau is a company that is focused on building their product, the updates and features will always be updated and our sponsor will have a better dashboard overall.
The weakness of doing so would be the lack of licenses as they only have a set amount at this point of time so scalability may be an issue in the future if cost is a concern. Tableau is also an external product so should it eventually go bankrupt, then our sponsor may lose access to their dashboard.
==<div style="border-style: solid; border-width:0; background: #149de7; padding: 7px; font-weight: bold; text-align:left; line-height: wrap_content; text-indent: 20px; font-size:20px; font-family:Trebuchet MS;border-bottom:5px solid white; border-top:5px solid black"><font color= #FFFFFF>Model Development</font></div>==
===ABC Classification Model<br/>===
The main purpose of ABC analysis is to classify the products in a company into 3 main classifications.<br/>
1. 'A' for products which are extremely important<br/>
2. 'B' for products of average importance<br/>
3. 'C' for products which are relatively unimportant<br/>
This assignment is determined by following the 80-20 rule, which is also widely known as the Pareto principle which says that for most events, 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes (Bunkley, 2008). Applying the same principle in inventory management, 'A' products shall be products which account for 80% of the overall volume, 'B' products are products which account for the next 15% and 'C' products make up the rest. The main idea behind this classification is that products in different classifications should be handled differently as they bring about different profitability for the company. In our case, what we want to do is to allocate 'A' products during the put-away process to the most optimal locations since these are the products with the most volume and activity. Next, we will go through the process on how we implemented the ABC Classification model.
<u><b>Assigning ABC Category to Products</b></u><br/>
[[Image:abc classification flowchart.png|500px]]<br/>
[[Image:relative frequency.png|300px]]<br/>
After going through the process above, we will get the following table as shown below.
[[Image:output of abc classification.png|500px]]<br/>
Using this output, we proceed to categorize the products in the following manner. All products with a cumulative frequency below 80% will be classified as a 'A' product, all products with a cumulative frequency greater than 80% and below 95% will be classified as 'B' and the final 5% of the products will be classified as 'C'.
<u><b>Assigning ABC Category to Locations</b></u><br/>
For our ABC assignment, we decided to use the distance from the packing area, which is the first location an outbound shipment must go to, as our distance measure. Based on the distance measure, we then iteratively assign the distance in an increasing manner from the centre, which is depth number 29 and 30 which are also the bypass rows. This allocation is done dynamically using a script written in Python and is also different for each shelf level (B, C, D, E, X, Y and Z).
[[Image:location abc.png|500px]]<br/>
After assigning the distances for each location, we need to decide on the range of distances for a location to be categorized as A, B or C respectively. To do this, we used the data provided to find out the number of unique locations used for each category. Firstly, we grouped the data according to its shelf levels (B, C, D, E, X, Y and Z) as the shelf level has the greatest impact on whether the position is being used to store a product of category A, B or C.
Next, we split up the locations into 3 different segments for locations which are to be assigned with category 'A' products, category 'B' products and category 'C' products and averaged the sum across all the months. This gave us the following result as shown in Figure 5. The problem with this was that the numbers were too inflated as one location could possibly store many products of the same type, thus overinflating the actual number of locations required to satisfy the demand, leading to an inaccurate reflection of the proportion.
[[Image:abc before removing duplicates.png|300px]]<br/>
Therefore, we decided to remove the duplicate entries as this would give us the actual number of unique locations required to fulfil the warehouse operations every month. Doing so led to the following results as shown by the figure below.
[[Image:abc after removing duplicates.png|300px]]<br/>
After finding the correct proportion, we then assigned each location an ABC category based on the number of unique locations required each month. To do the assignment, we first create a cumulative table of the number of locations and its respective distances sorted in ascending order. This gives us the results as shown in the figure below.
[[Image:cumulative percentage.png|500px]]<br/>
To illustrate, let us take shelf level X as an example. The number of unique locations needed to satisfy the 'A' category products on this shelf level is 242.4 or 243 when rounded off as shown in Figure 7. Thus, using this number as the benchmark, we will then look at the table above and look for the first row which is greater than 243, which in this case is index 15, with a distance of 16 and a cumulative sum of 270. Thus, our algorithm will assign all location at shelf level 'X' which has a distance value which is less than or equal to 16 an ABC category of 'A' respectively.
===Market Basket Analysis<br/>===
In Market Basket Analysis, transactions representing a group of items that are bought together is also known as an item set. An example of an item set might be: {apple, beer, diapers}. From many of these item sets, association rules are identified in the following format: {apple} -> {beer}. This rule would mean that when a customer buys apples, they are likely to buy beer as well. Association rules often come with a support, confidence and lift value as well which will be explained in detail later.
To do this, the Apriori algorithm is used. The algorithm eliminates transactions which do not satisfy the minimum occurrence threshold. For example, if the threshold is 3, any item that exists in less than 3 transactions will be removed from the analysis. From there, the remaining items will be used to build association rules. The screenshot below shows a pseudo code of the algorithm in action.
[[Image:apriori algorithm pseudo code.png|500px]]<br/>
Typically, there can be many association rules generated. However, if we were to use every single rule that generated from the transactions, there would still be too many rules with little or no significance. Therefore, 3 metrics are used to decide which rules should be kept in consideration.
<b>SUPPORT:</b> The proportion of orders in the whole dataset that contains the item set. The higher the support, the higher the chances that this item set will repeat itself.
<center><b>support{apple,egg} = 3/5 or 60%</b></center>
This means that out of the total number of item sets used in the analysis which is 5, {apple} and {egg} occur 3 times, meaning that this item set will occur 60% of the time.
<b>CONFIDENCE:</b> The probability that a transaction that contains the left-hand side of the rule will also contain the right-hand side of the rule. The higher the confidence, the higher the reliability of the rule.
<center><b>confidence{egg->apple} = support{apple,egg} / support{egg}</b></center>
<center><b>= (3/5) / (3/5)</b></center>
<center><b>= 1 or 100%</b></center>
If the confidence is 1 or 100%, this means that every time an order contains eggs, apples will definitely be bought together. However, do take note of that this rule only occurs one way such that confidence{egg -> apple} does not always equal confidence{apple -> egg}.
<center><b>confidence{apple -> egg} = support{apple,egg} / support{apple}</b></center>
<center><b>= (3/5) / (4/5)</b></center>
<center><b>= 0.75 or 75%</b></center>
For this example, this means that when an order contains apples, the probability that eggs will also be bought together is 75%.
With just the confidence alone, it is difficult to see whether there is an actual relationship between these 2 products. Thus, we need to use the last metric to find out the relationship between the items.
<b>LIFT:</b> Given two items, A and B, the lift indicates whether there exists a relationship between these two items or whether these two items are simply occurring together randomly.
<center><b>lift{apple,egg} = lift{egg,apple} = [[Image:lift.png|200px]]</b></center>
<center><b>= (3/5) / (4/5 * 3/5)</b></center>
<center><b>= 1.25</b></center>
The numerator of this equation gives us the actual probability that {apple} and {egg} appear together in the same order while the denominator gives us the expected probability of {apple} and {egg} appearing together if there exists no relationship between them.
Based on the lift calculated, we will be able to determine 3 different types of relationships
*Lift = 1 implies NO relationship between A and B
*Lift > 1 implies that there exists a POSITIVE relationship between A and B
*Lift < 1 implies that there exists a NEGAVTIVE relationship between A and B
Since the lift calculated above is 1.25 which is greater than 1, we can conclude that {apple} and {egg} occurs together 1.25 times more than random, so we can conclude that there exists a positive relationship between them.
<b><u>Constructing MBA Table</u></b><br/>
To construct a Market Basket Analysis (MBA), we had to first prepare the data into a suitable format. Using the data provided, we developed a Python script to prepare the data into a suitable format with DOC_NUM as the index and PRODUCT_CODE as the value. For our data set, one order can have multiple occurrences of the same product as the volume ordered could be very large, therefore, this results in a specific product being stored in multiple locations. 
[[Image:multiple products in same order.png|300px]]<br/>
This would inflate the counts and result in inaccurate rules where the same product would have an association with itself. An example of this can be seen in the figure below.
[[Image:mba before removing duplicates.png|500px]]<br/>
To mitigate this, we used a Python code <b>'drop_duplicates()'</b> to remove the duplicates, bringing down the total number of data points from 651,035 rows to 486,561 rows instead.
[[Image:code to remove duplicates.png|500px]]<br/>
Doing so resulted in a useable MBA table as shown in the table below.
[[Image:mba after removing duplicates.png|500px]]<br/>
The results of the MBA table will be used in our recommendation model which will be elaborated in the next section.
<b><u>Constructing MBA Table</u></b><br/>
We wanted to use the results of our 2 analytical models to come up with a recommendation model as we felt that having visualizations would not be a big help for our sponsor if there was no way to use the insights to come up with actionable insights.
To come up with the model, we looked at several considerations, including the current level of inventory in warehouse, the ABC classification of both the products and warehouse locations, as well as the affinity between products that can be obtained from our Market Basket Analysis (MBA).
Firstly, we identified the ABC classification of the products and the warehouse locations. We decided that only specific locations can be used for a specific product classification type. For this condition alone, we considered the locations for ‘A’ category products to have the shortest distance measure to the entry point of the warehouse, as that is where the pickers would access the warehouse initially.
Next, we consider the distance measure of the chosen location to the locations of affiliated products based on the MBA. For this measure, we will be multiplying the lift of the rule of the 2 related products as an amplifier and indication to which location should be chosen.
We then add both measures, the distance to entry point, and the distance to the locations of affiliated products multiplied by the lift of the products rule, to generate a score for where a lower score signifies that the location chosen is closer to all aforementioned targets. An illustration and equation of the model can be seen below.
<b><i>Score = Distance to entry point + (Distance to locations of affiliated products * Lift of product rules)</i></b>
[[Image:recommendation model.png|500px]]<br/>
In the ideal case as shown in the figure above, the score of the location is:<br/>
<center><b><i>Score = 14 + (1 * 2.0 + 16 * 1.5)</i></b></center>
The model would try to place the product closest to the location of another affiliated product whose lift is the highest, which in this case, would be Product B. The model will then recommend a location at row 11 and depth 22. The shelf level (B/C/D/E/X/Y/Z) to choose will depend on availability of locations at that point of time.
==<div style="border-style: solid; border-width:0; background: #149de7; padding: 7px; font-weight: bold; text-align:left; line-height: wrap_content; text-indent: 20px; font-size:20px; font-family:Trebuchet MS;border-bottom:5px solid white; border-top:5px solid black"><font color= #FFFFFF>Dashboard Development</font></div>==
After coming up with the analytical models, we had to find a way to display this information in a way that would be beneficial to our sponsor. The visuals had to be interactive and easy to understand so that our sponsor would be able to come up with new insights on their own. The 2 main visualizations are:<br/>
1. Interactive Heat Map with ABC Categorization<br/>
*Visualization showing the current positions being filled in the warehouse coloured by the respective ABC classifications
2. Graph Network Visualization with Interactive Filtering<br/>
*Visualization showing the association rules of their products, allowing users to filter the association rules according to the support, confidence or lift values.
However, other interesting visualisations will also be shown below.
[[Image:application architecture.png|500px]]<br/>
The data visualizations are developed using d3.js, dc.js and crossfilter.js which are JavaScript libraries for producing dynamic and interactive data visualizations. R Shiny was also used for the graph visualisation for our Market Basket Analysis results. The dashboard is a node.js application which is a server used to host the Angular web dashboard application and serves as the web service layer where the front-end services communicates with the back-end services to retrieve data from the database. Python programming language is also used to create our backend services, allowing us to do the various functions such as the bootstrapping of data and the data cleaning process when user uploads a new data file to the database through the upload feature on the application.
There are various visualizations used in the dashboard to help warehouse managers understand the warehouse performance. We have selected several interesting data visualization techniques such as control chart, heat map and network diagram. However, we will only focus on the heat map as well as network diagram in this paper. The future sections will explain in detail how these visualizations are used in warehouse inventory management.
===Interactive Heat Map With ABC Categorization<br/>===
We wanted to solve the problem of warehouse managers not being able to visualize the current status of the warehouse along with the lack of ABC categorization in their operations. Thus, we decided to solve both problems by implementing an interactive heat map which will be used as a graphical representation of the warehouse and the ABC classification of the inventory will be displayed using colour-coding to represent different classifications. Based on the design we have in mind, each category will be given a unique colour which will allow warehouse managers to immediately know the status of the warehouse at one glance.
The heat map should showcase the ABC classifications of the current inventory in the warehouse which gives warehouse managers the visibility to prioritize their fast-moving products. This contributes greatly to the bottom line and the goal is to place these products at locations which are more accessible to reduce both the inbound and outbound processing time of the warehouse. We also wanted to provide them with an intuitive and interactive visualization that will allow them to view how the current warehouse is being stocked at any point of time and how the current situation compares to the optimal state.
With this idea, we came up with the first version of the heat map. The diagram below showcases the optimal warehouse location heat map, where the darkest shade represents category A, followed by category B and C respectively. In our initial design, the current warehouse location heat map is placed above the optimal warehouse location heat map. This was because our team felt that there were too many depth numbers to display and we were unable to squeeze all the depth numbers.
[[Image:first iteration heatmap.png|800px]]<br/>
However, after showing this to our mentor, he told us that it makes more sense to place both current warehouse location heat map and optimal warehouse location heat map side by side for easier comparison. This is especially so for a dashboard because the general idea of a dashboard is such that it is not scrollable. Therefore, we needed to change how our heat map is being displayed such that there is no scrolling.
In addition, another consideration we had was that there were 7 different shelf levels to display, each with its own products and hence classification. Initially, we did think of showcasing everything at once as we thought that it would be good if the user could compare the classifications between shelf levels as well. However, that would have been messy. Therefore, after discussion with our sponsor, we decided that the more ideal way would be to allow users to filter the shelf level to view.
Additionally, upon further discussion, our team thought that it might be better for us to use a complementary colour rule for the colour scheme. This is because we thought that if each classification were to be given a unique colour, it will be easier and clearer for the users to notice that in the heat map.
With the above considerations in mind, our team came up with another version of the heat map as shown in the diagram below.
[[Image:second iteration heatmap.png|800px]]<br/>
Once again, we gathered feedback regarding our heat map from our mentor. The feedback was that the filter for shelf level made sense, but the colour scheme was not well selected. Contrary to what we felt, a complementary colour rule may make it more confusing for the users because they would have to constantly refer to the legend to recall what the colour represents. Instead, an analogous colour rule will be better because they can easily understand which is for category A, B or C which is based on the shades of the colour. Therefore, with the change in colour scheme, we came up with the heat maps below.
[[Image:third iteration heatmap.png|800px]]<br/>
Another issue we faced was that when we placed both the heat maps side by side, we realised that we will not be able to display the depth numbers as the diagram would be too small. Therefore, there was a strong need to improve the display for our heat map to improve the user experience of our dashboard. To showcase the location clearly, we implemented a hover over the location to show the exact location it is in the warehouse. Additionally, for the current warehouse location heat map, the current product that is at that location as well as the product’s classification will also be shown. As for the optimal warehouse location heat map, the location’s ABC classification will be shown.
[[Image:fourth iteration heatmap.png|800px]]<br/>
After several iterations, this diagram above shows the final warehouse location heat map. The chart on the left shows the heat map for the current warehouse performance for a shelf level X. We observe that the A, B and C products are scattered all around the warehouse and are not placed in the most optimal locations based on their probabilities of outbound shipment. We aim to provide the best location to place the new goods when a user uploads the order to the database which is our recommendation model. Eventually, we hope that the warehouse performance will be optimized and should look more like the chart on the right. A metric that measure how much the current operations are following the ABC categorization is shown as well to enable warehouse managers to know how far the warehouse is from the optimal state. This metric is displayed on the KPI figures mentioned earlier.
===Graph Network Visualization with Interactive Filtering<br/>===
For the graph visualization, we wanted to give our client a tool to allow them to view the association rules in an easy and interactive manner. Using the data generated from our MBA analysis, we used an open-source GUI tool called Gephi to do an initial visualization of all the MBA rules.
The problem with this was that there was no way anyone would able to make any sense of the visualization. There were too many rules being displayed at one time since our sponsor has over 17,000 different products in the warehouse. Therefore, we decided to limit the number of rules the sponsor can see to 50 as we felt that this was the optimal number of rules that can be shown without appearing cluttered. Also, we wanted to allow our client to be able to easily filter the rules intuitively. Thus, with the help of our professor, he recommended us to use R packages called Arules and Arulesviz which are specifically made for doing Association Analysis and its related Visualizations.
With this in mind, we created the following visualization as shown above which is made up of 3 main parts.
<b>CUSTOMIZATION PANE:</b> The box highlighted in yellow on the left has various sliders which can be used to filter the Association rules according to its lift, support and confidence scores. There is also a slider to control the number of items to include for each item set used in the rule generation and also a slider to limit the number of rules to be displayed any point of time. These filters control the data which will be rendered in the next 2 panes.
<b>RULE NETWORK:</b> The box in the middle which is outlined in blue will be used to showcase the Graph Network Chart with orange nodes being the products and gray nodes being the associations between the nodes. Within this box, a user is able to interact with the nodes by hovering and dragging the nodes on the graph. A user is also able to zoom in and out of the visualization and he can also specifically select a specific Product Code by using the dropdown filter located on top left of the box. Doing so would dim the nodes not related to the selected item and only highlight its various connections.<br/>
[[Image:selection feature.png|500px]]<br/>
<b>ASSOCIATION RULES:</b> The final box on the bottom highlighted in purple is a table showing the various association rules being displayed based on the filters chosen in the Customization Pane. The table also has the ability to sort the table in ascending or descending order using any of the columns as a basis. Thus, a user will be able to pick and choose how he would like to view the various association rules.
===Automated KPI Generation<br/>===
KPIs are used to monitor the processes within a warehouse operation as the company needs to maintain a certain level of performance is stated in the service agreement between the customer and the warehouse. This is a crucial process and could be automated to allow warehouse managers to focus on the daily operations of the warehouse instead of spending time making sure they are still within the service limits.
The KPIs, as discussed with our sponsor, are displayed as 4 different figures on the dashboard so the moment they open the dashboard, the warehouse managers will be able to see the figures before moving on to any other analysis that he wants to do.
[[Image:key figures.png|800px]]<br/>
===Control Charts Of Inbound and Outbound Volume<br/>===
Control charts are typically used for time-series data. It studies how a measure changes over time and indicates whether the monitored process is within control. It usually also has three other dotted lines to indicate the average value, upper control limit and lower control limit. These values are determined from the historical data.
For our dashboard, control charts are used to display the trend for inbound products as well as outbound products. A control chart is preferred over a time-series line chart because it allows allow managers to see which months are not within statistical control. This will help managers to easily identify the months which stand out and time can be used to find out the reasons for these deviations instead of finding out which months are deviating from the norm and fundamentally improve the overall process.
This visualization is done by using a line chart with dotted lines displaying the control limits for the data being displayed as shown in the image below. A dropdown filter is also provided to allow the user to filter to any period which is within the database. The chart will always show a 13-month period so that a user will be able to see if there are any cyclical trends.
==<div style="border-style: solid; border-width:0; background: #149de7; padding: 7px; font-weight: bold; text-align:left; line-height: wrap_content; text-indent: 20px; font-size:20px; font-family:Trebuchet MS;border-bottom:5px solid white; border-top:5px solid black"><font color= #FFFFFF>Results and Discussion</font></div>==
With the large amount of data provided by the sponsor, we cleaned the data, analyzed them and developed interactive visual analytics that provides a platform for our sponsor to monitor the warehouse key performance metrics at a glance and spot any issues easily. The operational dashboard helps shed light on the current warehouse performance and gives warehouse managers an easy comparison of their current warehouse performance and the optimal warehouse location heat map. Our heat map visualization provides a way for warehouse managers to view all the items being stored in the warehouse at a push of a button, which they were not able to do previously. This is extremely important as now warehouse managers can easily find out the exact situation of the warehouse at any point of time.
With our dashboard and analytical models, warehouse managers are now able to make data-driven decisions on where to place the new inbound products which can in turn optimize the warehouse performance by providing an optimal location that matches the product’s ABC classification. This can help to reduce the time required to complete the picking process. Moreover, the results of our MBA provide the users with new insights on how the products in the warehouse are related to one another, which can help in their reporting to their client as well.
Outbound Report
==<div style="border-style: solid; border-width:0; background: #149de7; padding: 7px; font-weight: bold; text-align:left; line-height: wrap_content; text-indent: 20px; font-size:20px; font-family:Trebuchet MS;border-bottom:5px solid white; border-top:5px solid black"><font color= #FFFFFF>Future Improvements</font></div>==
<u><b>Linking Recommendation Engine to Inventory Management System</b></u><br/>
Our recommendation engine can be implemented seamlessly into their current operations if it is linked to the current inbound operations. When an order is received, our recommendation engine will run and generate the list of put away locations for the incoming products. Thus, when the goods arrive, the material handlers just need to follow the recommendations accordingly and they do not need to waste time looking for a suitable location. This would also ensure that they follow the new ABC Categorizations.<br/>
==<div style=" background: #e2f5ff; padding: 12px; font-family: Arimo; font-size: 18px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 1em; text-indent: 15px; border-left: #149de7 solid 32px;"><font color="#149de7"><strong>Visualizations</strong></font></div>==
<u><b>Scalable Dashboard</b></u><br/>
As most of the operations use the same system, as long as they are able to generate the same CSV files, each operation can potentially implement the same dashboard and use it to augment their operations as we provide our sponsor with automation scripts.

Latest revision as of 19:59, 11 April 2018

AY2017-18T2 Group03 Team Logo.png

Previous Current


In this section, we will explain the methodology which our team plan to implement to perform analysis on the data provided by our sponsor.


Firstly, refer to the above figure which shows the methodology process we took for our project. We did the initial data preparation and transformation on the files provided to us based on specific requirements. The processed data is then used in our model which provides the input used for our application development.

We will be using Python for Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) to better understand the dataset given and its characteristics. As part of data preprocessing, our team will be performing the following steps to obtain a clean dataset. These steps will eventually be converted into a script which will be used to clean the data file that is uploaded into the dashboard which we will develop for our sponsor.

ABC Analysis
To conduct the ABC Analysis, we will be using a Pareto Chart. Pareto charts are used to focus on the most significant portions of your data. This is especially useful in our case as we want to be able to pick out which products are the most important to the business so that we can give these products better priority so that they can be picked more easily since these are the products that contribute the most to the bottom line of the company.

ABC Analysis Pareto Chart.png

We will be using the standard 80-20 rule, the top 20% of the products which make up 80% of the sales or in this case overall outbound volume. After which, the next category of goods will be the next 30% of the goods which make up the next 15% of the overall outbound volume and finally the last 50% of the goods which make up the last 5% of the overall outbound volume.

The output from this analysis will be a model which will give us the list of products which are now categorized by their ABC classification. Using this classification, we will be able to come up with a model which will allow our client to input the incoming orders and our model will provide them with the best zones to allocate the products based on the ABC analysis.

LocName Analysis
Special LocName Codes Chart.png

Over the years, trends can be seen that lesser goods are now being placed on the floor, probably due to the shifting of warehouse and the change in its structure. We see a rise in damaged goods however from year 2016 to 2017. This could be because the categorisation of goods is introduced only in 2016 during the shift of the warehouse and there might have been goods that are damaged during the shifting process, or at the beginning of the usage of the new warehouse.

Other noticeable trends include the sudden spike in goods being placed on the floor during December 2015 and June-August 2016.

Data Preprocessing

With every new dataset, we first must clean the data to remove irrelevant data that should not be included in our analysis. For data cleaning, the steps include:

  • Handling missing values. If there are missing values in a row of record, the entire row will be excluded because it will be inaccurate to include it.
  • Handling duplicate data. Duplicate data could occur when the employees double scan the barcode upon inbound of goods. Similarly, in the event of duplicate data, we will remove the entire row as well.
  • Resolving redundancies caused by data integration.

With the clean dataset, we will proceed to further explore the data and find out potential visualizations and analysis that can be done with the dataset to provide a more in-depth analysis and dashboard that will be useful for our sponsor. Prior to conducting Exploratory Data Analysis, our team first cleaned the dataset provided. The data cleaning steps and rationale will be explained below.

Data Merging

All dataset is combined into respective inbound and outbound data to facilitate better EDA and analysis. Files are mainly from year 2015 to 2017.

Dataset Inbound Outbound

INBOUND JAN 2015 - DEC 2015.xls
INBOUND JAN 2016 - DEC 2016.xls
INBOUND JAN 2017 - DEC 2017.xls

OUTBOUND FROM 01 JAN 2015 TO 30 JUN 2015.xls
OUTBOUND FROM 01 JAN 2016 TO 30 JUN 2016.xls
OUTBOUND FROM 01 JAN 2017 TO 30 JUN 2017.xls
OUTBOUND FROM 01 JULY 2015 TO 31 DEC 2015.xls
OUTBOUND FROM 01 JULY 2016 TO 31 DEC 2016.xls
OUTBOUND FROM 01 JULY 2017 TO 31 DEC 2017.xls

During the data merging step, the columns are retained, as seen in the table below for the respective inbound and outbound files. Other details including the number of rows, missing and duplicate values are mentioned in the table below.

Data Quality Issues
1. The inability to connect inbound to outbound with the current dataset. As of now we were unable to link the inbound to outbound data through the columns, hence we will not be able to identify the exact item that is being retrieved during outbound. Thus, we are assuming a first in first out approach.
2. Unable to calculate base stock level due to the lack of quantity level data in inbound report. As we have received the base level data from our sponsor, we were unable to correctly calculate the base level from 2015 to 2017 as the inbound data lack the required quantity data. We are currently trying to request from our sponsor inbound data with quantity level data.
3. There is a shifting of warehouse in October 2016, which means we can only make use of warehouse location data from October 2016 onwards. This will limit us from using the entire 3 years of dataset. We will still be using the full dataset to study the trends in inbound and outbound of the brand.

Dataset Inbound Outbound
Column Headers

All columns retained.

All columns retained.

Missing Values

Loose Carton = 379,470 Remarks = 379,474

TP_FULL_NAME = 481 Expected delivery date = 6,543 PlannedPGIDate = 6,543

Duplicated Rows*



Non-uniform Data


LocName Old warehouse format: 380,220 New warehouse format: 270,815 Special Codes: 411 (As seen in the figure below)

*Duplicated rows are recorded in the file: Inbound duplicates.csv

Non-uniform Data
Other than having data that belongs to the old warehouse, there are also other LocNames used to represent certain status of the goods.

LocName Description Number of Records

Signifies that the good is damaged.



Signifies that the good is being placed on the floor.



Signifies that the good is being used for quality assurance.



Signifies that the good is being used for quality assurance.



Signifies that the good is being used for quality assurance.



Signifies that the good is being used for quality assurance.


Data Cleaning

Issues Solution
Missing Values

For inbound data, 1) Missing values in ‘Loose Carton’ is due to the fact that most products have records for only ‘Full Carton’, thus having 0 loose cartons which lead to the column being empty for most of the dataset. In order to combine both ‘Full Carton’ and ‘Loose Carton’ into a single value, we created a new variable called ‘NO_OF_CARTONS’, which rounds up loose cartons into 1 carton to help eliminated missing values in the ‘Loose Carton’ column. 2) For ‘Remarks’ column, we realised that there is only 1 row of data that has ‘Remarks’ filled. We have decided to remove the column as we deem that remarks by customers is not relevant to our models.

For outbound data, 1) 6,543 missing values in Expected Delivery Date and PlannedPGIDate were removed upon discussion with our sponsor. Missing values in TP_FULL_NAME was also removed as they are within the 6,543 rows with missing values in Expected Delivery Date and PlannedPGIDate.


Duplicated values were removed. We understood that the duplicated data may be errors in entry as warehouse staff keyed in the same record twice.

Non-uniform Data

We will not be considering LocName with old warehouse format as it will not contribute to our optimization of the new warehouse with implementation of ABC.
However, data with the old warehouse data will still be used for studying of outbound trends over the years 2015 to 2017.
Data that are linked to special codes, such as DAMAGED and FLOOR1 will be further used to help analyse how much goods may be damaged or might be placed on the floor throughout the whole process.
Non-uniform data after October 2016 are stored inside Outbound with non-numeric locname.csv to help document various scenarios where the goods are not stored in the new warehouse location.

Feature Creation

We have created a few new features to help us carry out our Exploratory Data Analysis and better understand the data provided.

Inbound Report

Feature Description Formula
GRN Date vs GRN Post Date

This attribute signifies the time taken by the warehouse staff to complete the process of scanning the inbound goods.

GRN Post Date - GRN Date

GRN Post Date vs PA Created Date

This attribute represents the time between completion of scanning the inbound goods and the time which they start to putaway the goods into their locations.

PA Created Date - GRN Post Date

PA Created Date vs PA Post Date

This attribute refers to the time taken by the warehouse staff to putaway the inbound goods.

PA Post Date - PA Created Date

PA Post Date vs ASN Date

This attribute refers to the total time spent from the generation of customer order to the completion of inventory putaway process. The KPI is within 1 working day.

PA Post Date - ASN Date

Outbound Report

Feature Description Formula
DO Commit vs Expected Delivery Date

The deviation between actual and expected delivery date.

Expected Delivery Date - DO Commit

Lane No.

Used to represent the lane number.

Refer to the example below.

Shelf Level

Represents the shelf level in alphabet format.

Refer to the example below.

Depth No.

Represents the depth level of the warehouse.

Refer to the example below.


Represents if the location is in the middle of 2 location.

Refer to the example below.

An example of a LocName is 12D32M.

  • First 2 number to denote the lane number i.e. 12
  • First letter used to denote the shelf level i.e. D
  • Next 2 numbers to denote the depth level of the warehouse i.e. 32
  • Represents if the location used is in the middle of 2 other location i.e. M. But this character may or may not be present in a location name

Other columns which we created to further help us build our models are:

Data Columns Purpose
ABC Classification of products

ABC Classification Type

The purpose is to group products into categories A, B and C based on their volume. More will be discussed in the later section.

Base inventory levels of products in their warehouse locations

Quantity, location, product code and ABC type

Data are cross-referenced from all 4 files to get the current level of stock of products in the warehouse:
1) Inbound files, Outbound files, Location transfer files, and Base inventory levels.
The individual products are then tagged to both their own ABC classifications, as well as their current location which they exist in the warehouse. This allows us to identify what is currently in the warehouse, and decide how to further place the next inbound product.

Post-Processing Dataset

Interim Data

Combined Inbound.csv Combined Outbound.csv

Cleaned Data


  • Inbound cleaned with new columns (2016 Oct onwards).csv
  • Inbound cleaned with new columns (Including 2015-2016).csv
  • Inbound duplicates.csv


  • Outbound cleaned with new columns (2016 Oct onwards).csv
  • Outbound cleaned with new columns (Including 2015-2016).csv
  • Outbound with non numeric locname.csv

Exploratory Data Analysis

Inbound Report

The following few diagrams show the basic summary statistics for the Inbound Report for the years 2015 to 2017.

1. Year 2015 Summary Statistics
Summary Statistics for Inbound Report 2015.png

2. Year 2016 Summary Statistics
Summary Statistics for Inbound Report 2016.png

3. Year 2017 Summary Statistics
Summary Statistics for Inbound Report 2017.png

As we are also looking at the data from October 2016 to December 2017 only, since there was a change in the warehouse and the way LocName was stored, we also did the summary statistics for Before October 2016 and for October 2016 onwards. This is so that we can do a comparison, if need be, for the old warehouse compared to the new warehouse.

1. Before October 2016 Summary Statistics
Summary Statistics for Inbound Report Before October 2016.png

2. October 2016 onwards Summary Statistics
Summary Statistics for Inbound Report October 2016 onwards.png

We also conducted Exploratory Data Analysis on the Inbound dataset.

The chart below shows the GRN Date vs GRN Post Date. This represents the time difference between GRN Post Date and GRN Date and refers to the time taken to scan all the inbound goods. The average duration taken is 1.42 hours to complete the scanning. Also, we see that the peaks for each year is different. For 2015, the peak is in August. For 2016, the peak is in July and for 2017, the peak is in April.

Average GRN Date vs GRN Post Date Chart.png

The chart below shows the average duration for the entire putaway process, which is calculated by taking the difference between PA Created Date and PA Post Date. Again, we see a spike on August 2016 with a duration of 15.02 hours while the average time taken was only 5 hours.

Average PA Created Date vs PA Post Date Chart.png

The time difference between the PA Post Date and ASN Date refers to the total time spent from the generation of customer order to the completion of inventory putaway process. This is also the measurement used by the company for their KPI, which is to complete the inbound process within 1 working day. However, we see that on average, in June 2015 and August 2016, they did not seem to hit their KPI. This is especially so for August 2016, where we see that there is a spike of 30.94 hours taken to complete the entire process. It is an interesting insight that for most sections of the inbound process, the peak is in August 2016. This could potentially be related to their shifting of warehouse in September 2016.

Average PA Post Date vs ASN Date Chart.png

This chart shows the number of inbound orders over the years. We can see that in 2017, the average number of orders appear to be much higher than in 2015 and 2016 which shows that the business has been growing.

No. of Inbound Orders Chart.png

The chart below shows the number of distinct products ordered by the client over the years. It seems like that is no specific trend over the years. Further analysis can be done on the specific product codes after we find out whether they belong to category A, B or C.

No. of Products Chart.png

The chart below shows the average number of cartons inbound per month/year. The number of cartons for a product gives us an understanding on how important a product. We see that in January 2015, the inbound number of cartons is very high at 11,141. Also, the number of cartons inflow is below average for every March and December from 2015 to 2017.

No. of Cartons Chart.png

The chart below shows the owner short name count over the years. The count of owner short name refers to the number of owner short names which appeared in the orders every month/year. It appears that there are no specific trends over the years.

Owner Short Name Count Chart.png

There are only 5 unique owner short names in the Inbound dataset. For the top 2 owner short names, there is an increasing number of records from 2015 to 2017. More interestingly, we see that the owner short name ‘1402-MY’ only has 103 records in 2015 and after which, it does not have any more records.

Owner Short Name per Year Chart.png

As there are over 15,000 different unique products, we have shortlisted the top 10 products based on their inbound volume by number of cartons. This is shown in the chart below. In general, we see that there is an increasing trend over the years. However, interestingly, there was a huge increase in the number of cartons for product code 1713291036 (represented by a pink line below) from 2015 to 2016.

Top 10 Products by Cartons Chart.png

Outbound Report

The following few diagrams show the basic summary statistics for the Outbound Report for the years 2015 to 2017.

1. Year 2015 Summary Statistics
Summary Statistics for Outbound Report 2015.png

2. Year 2016 Summary Statistics
Summary Statistics for Outbound Report 2016.png

3. Year 2017 Summary Statistics
Summary Statistics for Outbound Report 2017.png

Similarly, we also did the summary statistics for Before October 2016 and for October 2016 onwards for the Outbound dataset.

1. Before October 2016 Summary Statistics
Summary Statistics for Outbound Report Before October 2016.png

2. October 2016 onwards Summary Statistics
Summary Statistics for Outbound Report October 2016 onwards.png

Demand Analysis
Demand Analysis Charts.png

To explore the trends and seasonality in the demand, we decided to analyze it based on different units of measurement.

1. The first one being by order lines, or in an easier term, by location. Therefore, 10 lines would mean goods were being picked for shipment from 10 locations. 2. The second one based on the actual quantity itself, how many units are being picked for shipment out of the warehouse. 3. Finally, by the cartons being picked.

If we were to look at the overall trend across all 3 graphs, in 2015 and 2016, the trend is generally going upwards. However, in terms of orders, the overall number of order lines being made was not increasing much and it was pretty flat from 2015 to 2016, but looking in terms of unit level and carton level, we can see that the overall volume shows great improvement from 2015 to 2016. This could be a result of the fact that the company moved into a new facility which was bigger and better equipped, thus leading to a greater increase in volume per order in Q3 because this was the period which the company moved into the new facility.

Throughout all 3 years, it showed a downward sloping trend, especially so for the number of orders with the number of orders dropping below the lowest performing quarter of 2016. However, in terms of units and carton level, the overall volume despite showing a downward trend is still much higher as compared to the volumes of 2015 and 2016. This could be a sign that the client is making less orders but the volume involved in each order is much greater as compared to before which is a good sign since the costing is done on a carton level and not order level.

From the chart above, we can see a vague seasonality pattern, Q1, Q3 and Q4 seem to have similar low performance, while Q2 has the biggest spike. We do not take 2016 into our view because there was a change in facility in the 3rd quarter so that could possibly have some effects on the demand patterns for that year, so we excluded 2016 when attempted to look for a seasonality pattern in the demand.

Order Breakdown Analysis
Order Breakdown Analysis Chart.png

The goal of the order breakdown exploration was to attempt to explore how many products are being picked within each order. This would help play a part in our market basket analysis where we would try to find affinities between each product so that we can place these products nearer to each other since these products are usually picked together in an order.

From the chart above, the one on the left shows the number of distinct products that made up each order and the on the right shows the total number of locations that had to be picked to fulfil the order.

Looking at the chart on the left, we can see that the most number of distinct products that made up an order is 53 and this order was serviced by picking it from 94 different locations but not many of these transactions occur. Most of the orders are made up of just 1 product from 1 location only.

Looking at the chart on the right, the most number of locations ever required to satisfy an order was 108 different locations for 50 different products.

Order Breakdown per Year Chart.png

After this initial exploration, we wanted to see if these cases of huge complex orders had any correlation with the period, so we decided to colour the bars by year and by quarter and explore further. From the above, we can see that there is no clear pattern and that it is randomly distributed, so there is no proof that there are certain periods which result in more complex orders requiring many touch points.

Shelf Level Analysis
Shelf Level Analysis Chart.png

The image below shows the Shelf Level Layout of the warehouse.
Warehouse Shelf Level Layout.png

From the chart above, we wanted to see which shelf levels had the most activity in the warehouse. X, Y and Z are shelves which can be serviced by people while the other levels must be serviced by a forklift. Please refer to Figure 27 to familiarize yourself with which level each alphabet corresponds to.

We can see that Shelf Level Y was the most active, followed by X, then B. What was interesting in this analysis was the fact that shelf level Z did not follow the intuition of being one of the most active shelves even though it should be, since it can be serviced by a person instead of requiring a forklift. One possibility could be that since Z is the most inconvenient level for people since it is on the top, most products are not placed there for picking and possibly for replenishment downwards, but this is something for us to verify.

To verify our findings, we carried hypothesis testing on the means from each shelf number to see if our findings were significant. As seen from Table below, Shelf Level. X and Y indeed proves to be significantly different from the means in frequency of goods being placed at each shelf level.

ANLY482 AY2017-18T2 Group03 Shelf level significance testing.png

Lane Analysis
Warehouse Floor Plan Layout.png

The image shows the layout of the warehouse, the numbers on the left show the lane numbers starting from 4 and ending at 18.

Lane Analysis Chart.png

From the chart above, we can see that despite lane 4 and 5 being of the closest proximity to the packing area, it is the most under-utilized for outbound transactions. To check if these findings were significant, we conducted hypothesis on these data and it gave us the following results as shown in table below. Lane 4 and 5 were significant lower than the sample mean while lanes 12, 14, 15, 16 and 18 were significant greater than the sample mean.

ANLY482 AY2017-18T2 Group03 Lane No significance testing.png

However, after finding out more from our sponsor, we found out that it was precisely because of this reason that these lanes were not being utilized. These lanes were being used for last minute orders, handling returns or even as a temporary staging area when the volume is too big. Since these actions are not tracked by the system, it seemed like these locations were not being utilized at all but in fact, these locations were being utilized but not for proper storage purposes but instead to act as a buffer.

Depth Analysis
Depth Analysis Chart.png

From the chart above, the number of transactions were plotted over a monthly period from Q3 2016 which was when the operations shifted into a new warehouse to the end of 2017 and we coloured each depth number to see which areas of the warehouse were showing greater signs of outbound activity. There are 2 very clear clusters being shown above. Cluster 1 being the one on top (high volume cluster) and Cluster 2 being the one below (low volume cluster).

As we delved deeper into the data, we found a very interesting pattern. All the depth numbers in the high-volume cluster were the odd numbered ones from 55 all the way to 7 except for row 29. While the low volume cluster was made up of all the even numbered depth numbers and row 29 as well. From our initial discussion with our sponsor, row 29 is the middle of the whole warehouse and thus it should be a place which is easy to access but for some reason it is not the case.

We did a hypothesis testing on the data using the whole data set and we realized it made everything significant which is not accurate. So we split the data into 2 different clusters based on whether it is high volume or low volume. Then we conducted hypothesis testing again to find its significance. The table below shows us which lanes were significant.

ANLY482 AY2017-18T2 Group03 Depth No. low volume significance testing.png
ANLY482 AY2017-18T2 Group03 Depth No. high volume significance testing.png
Our client has currently not found a reason on why there is such a pattern so this is something interesting for them to look into to find out why there is such a jarring pattern occurring.

Middle Row Analysis
Middle Row Analysis Chart.png

For this chart, we were trying to see how much of transactions for each month made use of the middle row. We can see that on average middle rows only make up around 12 % of the overall outbound transactions each month.

Treemap of Location
Treemap of Location.png

The treemap above aims to see which are the most active locations in the dataset coloured by the shelf level. From this treemap, we can clearly see that shelf Y (Yellow), shelf X (Green) and Shelf B (blue) make up the bulk of the activity in the warehouse. We can see that the most active locations are those in shelf Y and X. Everything else is much smaller as compared to these 2 locations.

Special LocName Codes Analysis
ANLY482 AY2017-18T2 Group03 LocName Special Codes Diagram.png

Over the years, trends can be seen that lesser goods are now being placed on the floor, probably due to the shifting of warehouse and the change in its structure. However, we do see a rise in damaged goods between around October 2016 to June 2017, while the amount of goods left on the floor peaked at around December 2015 and June to July 2016. Other noticeable trends include the sudden spike in goods being placed on the floor during December 2015 and June-August 2016.

Proposed Implementation

ABC Classification Service
The main goal of this project is to give our client a web tool which will help them to find out the ABC classifications of the products they are handling so that they will be able to better handle these goods during the inbound process so that the outbound process can be more efficient. A web service which takes in the input of the products incoming and gives an output which tells the user the best place each product should be stored at. This web service would be developed using python and the database used would be a PostgreSQL Database. It will be hosted locally as the company does not use cloud services so they would prefer to host the service themselves. The client should be able to adjust the perimeters and limits of the analysis so that they can play around with different configurations.

For the dashboard, there are 2 approaches that we want to explore. 1) To create a dashboard from scratch using JavaScript and Highcharts libraries; 2) Use Tableau to create the dashboards.

Create a dashboard from scratch
The benefit of doing this approach is that the application will be totally under the control of our client, so if they intend to do future changes, they will be able to do so with minimal fear of them losing the capabilities. Also, the costs will be lower because there will be no licensing fees that need to be paid.

However, the problem is that they would need to have people who will be willing to maintain the system and keep it up-to-date and this is something we are fearful of as the previous teams implementations were "killed" off precisely because of the fact that there were no people who were willing to take over the system once the handover was complete.

Create a dashboard using Tableau
Using Tableau is good because it already comes built in with a lot of functions to allow our client to carry out further data exploration and visualization should they want to do so in the future. Also, because our client does have Tableau already in the office, they can easily use it with little fuss. As Tableau is a company that is focused on building their product, the updates and features will always be updated and our sponsor will have a better dashboard overall.

The weakness of doing so would be the lack of licenses as they only have a set amount at this point of time so scalability may be an issue in the future if cost is a concern. Tableau is also an external product so should it eventually go bankrupt, then our sponsor may lose access to their dashboard.

Model Development

ABC Classification Model

The main purpose of ABC analysis is to classify the products in a company into 3 main classifications.
1. 'A' for products which are extremely important
2. 'B' for products of average importance
3. 'C' for products which are relatively unimportant

This assignment is determined by following the 80-20 rule, which is also widely known as the Pareto principle which says that for most events, 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes (Bunkley, 2008). Applying the same principle in inventory management, 'A' products shall be products which account for 80% of the overall volume, 'B' products are products which account for the next 15% and 'C' products make up the rest. The main idea behind this classification is that products in different classifications should be handled differently as they bring about different profitability for the company. In our case, what we want to do is to allocate 'A' products during the put-away process to the most optimal locations since these are the products with the most volume and activity. Next, we will go through the process on how we implemented the ABC Classification model.

Assigning ABC Category to Products
Abc classification flowchart.png

Relative frequency.png

After going through the process above, we will get the following table as shown below.

Output of abc classification.png

Using this output, we proceed to categorize the products in the following manner. All products with a cumulative frequency below 80% will be classified as a 'A' product, all products with a cumulative frequency greater than 80% and below 95% will be classified as 'B' and the final 5% of the products will be classified as 'C'.

Assigning ABC Category to Locations
For our ABC assignment, we decided to use the distance from the packing area, which is the first location an outbound shipment must go to, as our distance measure. Based on the distance measure, we then iteratively assign the distance in an increasing manner from the centre, which is depth number 29 and 30 which are also the bypass rows. This allocation is done dynamically using a script written in Python and is also different for each shelf level (B, C, D, E, X, Y and Z).

Location abc.png

After assigning the distances for each location, we need to decide on the range of distances for a location to be categorized as A, B or C respectively. To do this, we used the data provided to find out the number of unique locations used for each category. Firstly, we grouped the data according to its shelf levels (B, C, D, E, X, Y and Z) as the shelf level has the greatest impact on whether the position is being used to store a product of category A, B or C.

Next, we split up the locations into 3 different segments for locations which are to be assigned with category 'A' products, category 'B' products and category 'C' products and averaged the sum across all the months. This gave us the following result as shown in Figure 5. The problem with this was that the numbers were too inflated as one location could possibly store many products of the same type, thus overinflating the actual number of locations required to satisfy the demand, leading to an inaccurate reflection of the proportion.

Abc before removing duplicates.png

Therefore, we decided to remove the duplicate entries as this would give us the actual number of unique locations required to fulfil the warehouse operations every month. Doing so led to the following results as shown by the figure below.

Abc after removing duplicates.png

After finding the correct proportion, we then assigned each location an ABC category based on the number of unique locations required each month. To do the assignment, we first create a cumulative table of the number of locations and its respective distances sorted in ascending order. This gives us the results as shown in the figure below.

Cumulative percentage.png

To illustrate, let us take shelf level X as an example. The number of unique locations needed to satisfy the 'A' category products on this shelf level is 242.4 or 243 when rounded off as shown in Figure 7. Thus, using this number as the benchmark, we will then look at the table above and look for the first row which is greater than 243, which in this case is index 15, with a distance of 16 and a cumulative sum of 270. Thus, our algorithm will assign all location at shelf level 'X' which has a distance value which is less than or equal to 16 an ABC category of 'A' respectively.

Market Basket Analysis

In Market Basket Analysis, transactions representing a group of items that are bought together is also known as an item set. An example of an item set might be: {apple, beer, diapers}. From many of these item sets, association rules are identified in the following format: {apple} -> {beer}. This rule would mean that when a customer buys apples, they are likely to buy beer as well. Association rules often come with a support, confidence and lift value as well which will be explained in detail later.

To do this, the Apriori algorithm is used. The algorithm eliminates transactions which do not satisfy the minimum occurrence threshold. For example, if the threshold is 3, any item that exists in less than 3 transactions will be removed from the analysis. From there, the remaining items will be used to build association rules. The screenshot below shows a pseudo code of the algorithm in action.

Apriori algorithm pseudo code.png

Typically, there can be many association rules generated. However, if we were to use every single rule that generated from the transactions, there would still be too many rules with little or no significance. Therefore, 3 metrics are used to decide which rules should be kept in consideration.

SUPPORT: The proportion of orders in the whole dataset that contains the item set. The higher the support, the higher the chances that this item set will repeat itself.

support{apple,egg} = 3/5 or 60%

This means that out of the total number of item sets used in the analysis which is 5, {apple} and {egg} occur 3 times, meaning that this item set will occur 60% of the time.

CONFIDENCE: The probability that a transaction that contains the left-hand side of the rule will also contain the right-hand side of the rule. The higher the confidence, the higher the reliability of the rule.

confidence{egg->apple} = support{apple,egg} / support{egg}
= (3/5) / (3/5)
= 1 or 100%

If the confidence is 1 or 100%, this means that every time an order contains eggs, apples will definitely be bought together. However, do take note of that this rule only occurs one way such that confidence{egg -> apple} does not always equal confidence{apple -> egg}.

confidence{apple -> egg} = support{apple,egg} / support{apple}
= (3/5) / (4/5)
= 0.75 or 75%

For this example, this means that when an order contains apples, the probability that eggs will also be bought together is 75%.

With just the confidence alone, it is difficult to see whether there is an actual relationship between these 2 products. Thus, we need to use the last metric to find out the relationship between the items.

LIFT: Given two items, A and B, the lift indicates whether there exists a relationship between these two items or whether these two items are simply occurring together randomly.

lift{apple,egg} = lift{egg,apple} = Lift.png
= (3/5) / (4/5 * 3/5)
= 1.25

The numerator of this equation gives us the actual probability that {apple} and {egg} appear together in the same order while the denominator gives us the expected probability of {apple} and {egg} appearing together if there exists no relationship between them.

Based on the lift calculated, we will be able to determine 3 different types of relationships

  • Lift = 1 implies NO relationship between A and B
  • Lift > 1 implies that there exists a POSITIVE relationship between A and B
  • Lift < 1 implies that there exists a NEGAVTIVE relationship between A and B

Since the lift calculated above is 1.25 which is greater than 1, we can conclude that {apple} and {egg} occurs together 1.25 times more than random, so we can conclude that there exists a positive relationship between them.

Constructing MBA Table

To construct a Market Basket Analysis (MBA), we had to first prepare the data into a suitable format. Using the data provided, we developed a Python script to prepare the data into a suitable format with DOC_NUM as the index and PRODUCT_CODE as the value. For our data set, one order can have multiple occurrences of the same product as the volume ordered could be very large, therefore, this results in a specific product being stored in multiple locations.

Multiple products in same order.png

This would inflate the counts and result in inaccurate rules where the same product would have an association with itself. An example of this can be seen in the figure below.

Mba before removing duplicates.png

To mitigate this, we used a Python code 'drop_duplicates()' to remove the duplicates, bringing down the total number of data points from 651,035 rows to 486,561 rows instead.

Code to remove duplicates.png

Doing so resulted in a useable MBA table as shown in the table below.

Mba after removing duplicates.png

The results of the MBA table will be used in our recommendation model which will be elaborated in the next section.

Constructing MBA Table
We wanted to use the results of our 2 analytical models to come up with a recommendation model as we felt that having visualizations would not be a big help for our sponsor if there was no way to use the insights to come up with actionable insights.

To come up with the model, we looked at several considerations, including the current level of inventory in warehouse, the ABC classification of both the products and warehouse locations, as well as the affinity between products that can be obtained from our Market Basket Analysis (MBA).

Firstly, we identified the ABC classification of the products and the warehouse locations. We decided that only specific locations can be used for a specific product classification type. For this condition alone, we considered the locations for ‘A’ category products to have the shortest distance measure to the entry point of the warehouse, as that is where the pickers would access the warehouse initially.

Next, we consider the distance measure of the chosen location to the locations of affiliated products based on the MBA. For this measure, we will be multiplying the lift of the rule of the 2 related products as an amplifier and indication to which location should be chosen.

We then add both measures, the distance to entry point, and the distance to the locations of affiliated products multiplied by the lift of the products rule, to generate a score for where a lower score signifies that the location chosen is closer to all aforementioned targets. An illustration and equation of the model can be seen below.

Score = Distance to entry point + (Distance to locations of affiliated products * Lift of product rules)

Recommendation model.png

In the ideal case as shown in the figure above, the score of the location is:

Score = 14 + (1 * 2.0 + 16 * 1.5)

The model would try to place the product closest to the location of another affiliated product whose lift is the highest, which in this case, would be Product B. The model will then recommend a location at row 11 and depth 22. The shelf level (B/C/D/E/X/Y/Z) to choose will depend on availability of locations at that point of time.

Dashboard Development

After coming up with the analytical models, we had to find a way to display this information in a way that would be beneficial to our sponsor. The visuals had to be interactive and easy to understand so that our sponsor would be able to come up with new insights on their own. The 2 main visualizations are:
1. Interactive Heat Map with ABC Categorization

  • Visualization showing the current positions being filled in the warehouse coloured by the respective ABC classifications

2. Graph Network Visualization with Interactive Filtering

  • Visualization showing the association rules of their products, allowing users to filter the association rules according to the support, confidence or lift values.

However, other interesting visualisations will also be shown below.

Application architecture.png

The data visualizations are developed using d3.js, dc.js and crossfilter.js which are JavaScript libraries for producing dynamic and interactive data visualizations. R Shiny was also used for the graph visualisation for our Market Basket Analysis results. The dashboard is a node.js application which is a server used to host the Angular web dashboard application and serves as the web service layer where the front-end services communicates with the back-end services to retrieve data from the database. Python programming language is also used to create our backend services, allowing us to do the various functions such as the bootstrapping of data and the data cleaning process when user uploads a new data file to the database through the upload feature on the application.

There are various visualizations used in the dashboard to help warehouse managers understand the warehouse performance. We have selected several interesting data visualization techniques such as control chart, heat map and network diagram. However, we will only focus on the heat map as well as network diagram in this paper. The future sections will explain in detail how these visualizations are used in warehouse inventory management.

Interactive Heat Map With ABC Categorization

We wanted to solve the problem of warehouse managers not being able to visualize the current status of the warehouse along with the lack of ABC categorization in their operations. Thus, we decided to solve both problems by implementing an interactive heat map which will be used as a graphical representation of the warehouse and the ABC classification of the inventory will be displayed using colour-coding to represent different classifications. Based on the design we have in mind, each category will be given a unique colour which will allow warehouse managers to immediately know the status of the warehouse at one glance.

The heat map should showcase the ABC classifications of the current inventory in the warehouse which gives warehouse managers the visibility to prioritize their fast-moving products. This contributes greatly to the bottom line and the goal is to place these products at locations which are more accessible to reduce both the inbound and outbound processing time of the warehouse. We also wanted to provide them with an intuitive and interactive visualization that will allow them to view how the current warehouse is being stocked at any point of time and how the current situation compares to the optimal state.

With this idea, we came up with the first version of the heat map. The diagram below showcases the optimal warehouse location heat map, where the darkest shade represents category A, followed by category B and C respectively. In our initial design, the current warehouse location heat map is placed above the optimal warehouse location heat map. This was because our team felt that there were too many depth numbers to display and we were unable to squeeze all the depth numbers.

First iteration heatmap.png

However, after showing this to our mentor, he told us that it makes more sense to place both current warehouse location heat map and optimal warehouse location heat map side by side for easier comparison. This is especially so for a dashboard because the general idea of a dashboard is such that it is not scrollable. Therefore, we needed to change how our heat map is being displayed such that there is no scrolling.

In addition, another consideration we had was that there were 7 different shelf levels to display, each with its own products and hence classification. Initially, we did think of showcasing everything at once as we thought that it would be good if the user could compare the classifications between shelf levels as well. However, that would have been messy. Therefore, after discussion with our sponsor, we decided that the more ideal way would be to allow users to filter the shelf level to view.

Additionally, upon further discussion, our team thought that it might be better for us to use a complementary colour rule for the colour scheme. This is because we thought that if each classification were to be given a unique colour, it will be easier and clearer for the users to notice that in the heat map.

With the above considerations in mind, our team came up with another version of the heat map as shown in the diagram below.

Second iteration heatmap.png

Once again, we gathered feedback regarding our heat map from our mentor. The feedback was that the filter for shelf level made sense, but the colour scheme was not well selected. Contrary to what we felt, a complementary colour rule may make it more confusing for the users because they would have to constantly refer to the legend to recall what the colour represents. Instead, an analogous colour rule will be better because they can easily understand which is for category A, B or C which is based on the shades of the colour. Therefore, with the change in colour scheme, we came up with the heat maps below.

Third iteration heatmap.png

Another issue we faced was that when we placed both the heat maps side by side, we realised that we will not be able to display the depth numbers as the diagram would be too small. Therefore, there was a strong need to improve the display for our heat map to improve the user experience of our dashboard. To showcase the location clearly, we implemented a hover over the location to show the exact location it is in the warehouse. Additionally, for the current warehouse location heat map, the current product that is at that location as well as the product’s classification will also be shown. As for the optimal warehouse location heat map, the location’s ABC classification will be shown.

Fourth iteration heatmap.png

After several iterations, this diagram above shows the final warehouse location heat map. The chart on the left shows the heat map for the current warehouse performance for a shelf level X. We observe that the A, B and C products are scattered all around the warehouse and are not placed in the most optimal locations based on their probabilities of outbound shipment. We aim to provide the best location to place the new goods when a user uploads the order to the database which is our recommendation model. Eventually, we hope that the warehouse performance will be optimized and should look more like the chart on the right. A metric that measure how much the current operations are following the ABC categorization is shown as well to enable warehouse managers to know how far the warehouse is from the optimal state. This metric is displayed on the KPI figures mentioned earlier.

Graph Network Visualization with Interactive Filtering

For the graph visualization, we wanted to give our client a tool to allow them to view the association rules in an easy and interactive manner. Using the data generated from our MBA analysis, we used an open-source GUI tool called Gephi to do an initial visualization of all the MBA rules.


The problem with this was that there was no way anyone would able to make any sense of the visualization. There were too many rules being displayed at one time since our sponsor has over 17,000 different products in the warehouse. Therefore, we decided to limit the number of rules the sponsor can see to 50 as we felt that this was the optimal number of rules that can be shown without appearing cluttered. Also, we wanted to allow our client to be able to easily filter the rules intuitively. Thus, with the help of our professor, he recommended us to use R packages called Arules and Arulesviz which are specifically made for doing Association Analysis and its related Visualizations.

With this in mind, we created the following visualization as shown above which is made up of 3 main parts.

CUSTOMIZATION PANE: The box highlighted in yellow on the left has various sliders which can be used to filter the Association rules according to its lift, support and confidence scores. There is also a slider to control the number of items to include for each item set used in the rule generation and also a slider to limit the number of rules to be displayed any point of time. These filters control the data which will be rendered in the next 2 panes.

RULE NETWORK: The box in the middle which is outlined in blue will be used to showcase the Graph Network Chart with orange nodes being the products and gray nodes being the associations between the nodes. Within this box, a user is able to interact with the nodes by hovering and dragging the nodes on the graph. A user is also able to zoom in and out of the visualization and he can also specifically select a specific Product Code by using the dropdown filter located on top left of the box. Doing so would dim the nodes not related to the selected item and only highlight its various connections.

Selection feature.png

ASSOCIATION RULES: The final box on the bottom highlighted in purple is a table showing the various association rules being displayed based on the filters chosen in the Customization Pane. The table also has the ability to sort the table in ascending or descending order using any of the columns as a basis. Thus, a user will be able to pick and choose how he would like to view the various association rules.

Automated KPI Generation

KPIs are used to monitor the processes within a warehouse operation as the company needs to maintain a certain level of performance is stated in the service agreement between the customer and the warehouse. This is a crucial process and could be automated to allow warehouse managers to focus on the daily operations of the warehouse instead of spending time making sure they are still within the service limits.

The KPIs, as discussed with our sponsor, are displayed as 4 different figures on the dashboard so the moment they open the dashboard, the warehouse managers will be able to see the figures before moving on to any other analysis that he wants to do.

Key figures.png

Control Charts Of Inbound and Outbound Volume

Control charts are typically used for time-series data. It studies how a measure changes over time and indicates whether the monitored process is within control. It usually also has three other dotted lines to indicate the average value, upper control limit and lower control limit. These values are determined from the historical data.

For our dashboard, control charts are used to display the trend for inbound products as well as outbound products. A control chart is preferred over a time-series line chart because it allows allow managers to see which months are not within statistical control. This will help managers to easily identify the months which stand out and time can be used to find out the reasons for these deviations instead of finding out which months are deviating from the norm and fundamentally improve the overall process.

This visualization is done by using a line chart with dotted lines displaying the control limits for the data being displayed as shown in the image below. A dropdown filter is also provided to allow the user to filter to any period which is within the database. The chart will always show a 13-month period so that a user will be able to see if there are any cyclical trends.

Results and Discussion

With the large amount of data provided by the sponsor, we cleaned the data, analyzed them and developed interactive visual analytics that provides a platform for our sponsor to monitor the warehouse key performance metrics at a glance and spot any issues easily. The operational dashboard helps shed light on the current warehouse performance and gives warehouse managers an easy comparison of their current warehouse performance and the optimal warehouse location heat map. Our heat map visualization provides a way for warehouse managers to view all the items being stored in the warehouse at a push of a button, which they were not able to do previously. This is extremely important as now warehouse managers can easily find out the exact situation of the warehouse at any point of time.

With our dashboard and analytical models, warehouse managers are now able to make data-driven decisions on where to place the new inbound products which can in turn optimize the warehouse performance by providing an optimal location that matches the product’s ABC classification. This can help to reduce the time required to complete the picking process. Moreover, the results of our MBA provide the users with new insights on how the products in the warehouse are related to one another, which can help in their reporting to their client as well.

Future Improvements

Linking Recommendation Engine to Inventory Management System
Our recommendation engine can be implemented seamlessly into their current operations if it is linked to the current inbound operations. When an order is received, our recommendation engine will run and generate the list of put away locations for the incoming products. Thus, when the goods arrive, the material handlers just need to follow the recommendations accordingly and they do not need to waste time looking for a suitable location. This would also ensure that they follow the new ABC Categorizations.

Scalable Dashboard
As most of the operations use the same system, as long as they are able to generate the same CSV files, each operation can potentially implement the same dashboard and use it to augment their operations as we provide our sponsor with automation scripts.