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*Example of analysis: [[File:RegressionBMW.xlsx]] <br />
| style="vertical-align:top;width:14%;" | <div style="padding: 3px; text-align:center; line-height: wrap_content; font-size:15px; border-bottom:5px solid #8769b1; font-family:Century Gothic; color: #000"> [[ANLY482_AY2016-17_T2_Group20_Findings| <b style="color: #000">Literature Review</b>]]
*Example of R code: [[File:RegressionBMW.txt]]
| style="vertical-align:top;width:14%;" | <div style="padding: 3px; text-align:center; line-height: wrap_content; font-size:15px; border-bottom:2px solid #8769b1; font-family:Century Gothic; color: #000"> [[Automotive Angels - Methodology| <b style="color: #000">Methodology</b>]]
== Data Exploration and Cleaning ==
| style="vertical-align:top;width:14%;" | <div style="padding: 3px; text-align:center; line-height: wrap_content; font-size:15px; border-bottom:2px solid #8769b1; font-family:Century Gothic; color: #000"> [[Automotive Angels - Analysis| <b style="color: #000">Analysis</b>]]
=== Issues ===
| style="vertical-align:top;width:14%;" | <div style="padding: 3px; text-align:center; line-height: wrap_content; font-size:15px; border-bottom:2px solid #8769b1; font-family:Century Gothic; color: #000"> [[Automotive Angels - Discussion| <b style="color: #000">Discussion</b>]]
==== Too large dataset ====
| style="vertical-align:top;width:14%;" | <div style="padding: 3px; text-align:center; line-height: wrap_content; font-size:15px; border-bottom:2px solid #8769b1; font-family:Century Gothic; color: #000"> [[Automotive Angels - References| <b style="color: #000">References</b>]]
Due to the large dataset, it took too long to run the nodes in SAS Enterprise Miner which resulted in the inefficiency. It took approximately 6 hours to run a single node.
We reduced the dataset to BMW cars by filtering the dataset “makeName = BMW” and “used=1,2” to retrieve a dataset result of used BMW cars. We categorized the BMW cars based on the ‘modelName’, where the cleaning and categorization of ‘modelName’ will be explained below.
Throughout the project, we will be using BMW cars as a model while keeping it generalised. Thereafter, we will be using the same model as a template for other car brands. This can be done by filtering the ‘makeName’ column which uses brand as the main filter.
This reduces the load on the system as we will only be using BMW cars for analysis.
Customers would already have a preferred car brand based on their buying capacity and personal preference for cars. From the general model, dealers will be able to select the car brands (“makeName”) of the customers’ preference, which will lead them to the specifications (“modelName”) of the car.
==== Unclean variable – modelName ====
When we looked at the summary statistics of modelName, we can see that there are a few categories which should belong in another. For example, in the screenshot above, you can see that there are many 3 Series trims such as ‘318’, ‘323’, ‘325i’ which should belong in the ‘3 Series’ category so should be relabeled to ‘3 Series’.
==== Missing Values ====
[[File:Missing values before after.png|frameless|left|600px]]
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Column !! Number Missing (before) !! Percentage Missing (before) !! Number Missing (after) !! Percentage Missing (after)
| year || 0 || 0.00% || 0 || 0.00%
| minDate || 0 || 0.00% || 0 || 0.00%
| maxDate ||  0 || 0.00% || 0 || 0.00%
| daysCount ||  0 || 0.00% || 0 || 0.00%
| currentMsrp || 74357 || 53.31% || 14127 || 26.69%
| currentPriceOther || 86550 || 62.05% || 0 || 0.00%
| minMsrp || 65831 || 47.20% || 9232 || 17.44%
| maxMsrp || 66243 || 47.49% || 9312 || 17.59%
| msrpCount ||  0 || 0.00% || 0 || 0.00%
| minPriceOther || 78926 || 56.58% || 154 || 0.29%
| maxPriceOther || 78937 || 56.59% || 164 || 0.31%
| priceOtherCount ||  0 || 0.00% || 0 || 0.00%
| sold ||  0 || 0.00% || 0 || 0.00%
| used ||  0 || 0.00% || 0 || 0.00%
| mileage || 49438 || 35.44% || 1924 || 3.63%
| Sq Root[mileage] || 49438 || 35.44% || 1924 || 3.63%
| Log[mileage] || 54259 || 38.90% || 4482 || 8.47%
| Log10[mileage] ||  54259 || 38.90% || 4482 || 8.47%
| Cube Root[mileage] || 49438 || 35.44% || 1924 || 3.63%
| vehicleAge ||  0 || 0.00% || 0 || 0.00%
| Square Root[vehicleAge] || 9 || 0.01% || 3 || 0.01%
| Log10[vehicleAge] || 4301 || 3.08% || 2705 || 5.11%
| Log[vehicleAge] || 4301 || 3.08% || 2705 || 5.11%
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We chose to remove the rows which have missing values of ‘currentPriceOther’ since that is the target variable. Without data from the target variable, the row would be unable to be used in the model. After removing the rows with missing values of ‘currentPriceOther’, we can see that there is a significantly lower percentage of missing values.
== Literature Review ==
Many studies have been done on the prediction of used car prices and one done by Pudaruth used a series of linear regressions, clustering and decision trees. It was discovered that the most important factors in the price of used cars are usually the “age of the car, its make (and model), the origin of the car (the original country of the manufacturer), its mileage (the number of kilometers it has run) and its horsepower.The study has also shown that the main weakness of decision trees and Naïve Bayes prediction is their inability to handle output classes with numeric values.
==== Removing Outliers ====
Another study done by Peerun et al. used artificial neural networks to predict car prices and concluded that it is a “risky enterprise but feasible”.  
Outliers have extreme values that can largely influence our statistical analysis. While it may represent natural variation in our data, we decided to set the standard in classifying a data point as an outlier by using the Quantile Range Outliers in JMP.  We chose Quantile Range Outliers instead of the other 3 possible choices such as Robust Fit Options, Multivariate Robust outliers and Multivariate k-Nearest Neighbor Outliers because the Quantile Range Outliers does not assume distribution associated with the data. Extreme values are calculated using the multiplier of the interquartile range(IQR).
A real-world application of linear and ridge regressions on used car models can be seen in an open source browser plugin created by Kostic D. He used the ads on Polovniautomobili to train a model to predict a price of cars.
Another study done by Chen showed us that building a good linear regression model requires us to sample the data and train the model on the sample and see how it will perform outside of the training sample.
We used a value of 0.1 for the Tail Quantile, and 4 for Q, which means in identifying the outliers, values have to be 4 times for than the IQR. All the values in the low threshold is negative,which means only the high threshold is considered as a qualifier.
There are studies that show how linear regression can be used to predict the prices of used cars but few researchers have dealt with the large growing amount of data for the US market.  
{| class="wikitable"
! Variable !! High Threshold !! Max Value  !! No. of outliers  !! Explanation
| daysCount || 408 || 522 || 117 || In building a pricing model, we are looking at used cars that have a reasonable days to market period. For these cars beyond more than a year, cases of such car existing could be due to:
# Vintage cars
# Small dealerships - “Some small dealerships could be storing it in a warehouse or empty space, these cars are not maintained” - Steve Greenfield, CEO of Automotive Ventures 
Hence it may not be a relevant indicator for our pricing model.
| currentMsrp || 193,572 || 1,056,454 || 3 || Blanket rule for a generalised model.
| currentPriceOther || 196,506 || 955,719 || 4 || Blanket rule for a generalised model.
| mileage || 287,275 || 962,525 || 23 || Cars driven beyond 200,000 miles are considered the high mileage for used cars. https://www.reference.com/vehicles/considered-high-mileage-car-e661f36f0817e76b
We did not consider removing outliers for msrpCount, priceOtherCount and Age because these are calculated variables based on the initial variables in currentMsrp, currentPriceOther and for year variable, we are not removing the possibilities of vintage cars which can be manufactured in 1983.
Another advantage of Quantile Range Outliers is that it identifies the Nines. In most industries, a high value of 999999 is commonly used to fill in for a missing value. Though our analysis we found that the number of nines found in the dataset does not reflect that it has been used to recode for missing variables. The highest count was 3603, and it was found for Age, which reflects cars that have been produced in 2008. In addition, we consulted with the developers to how they have recoded missing values, where it is left as it is.  
[[File:Remove outliers.png|frameless|600px]]
In conclusion, the total no. of outliers removed are insignificant compared to our dataset, hence we chose to remove the abovementioned outliers.
==== Is the dataset large enough? ====
One of the questions we are asking is if the dataset is large enough given the degrees of freedom that we play with.
In the scope of our project which aims to do predictive modelling mainly through regression and considering other modelling techniques such as randomForest decision trees, our sample size of 52,937 is large enough considering that this dataset is representative of the BMW cars in United States even after removing outliers and excluding missing values.
=== Data Exploration ===
==== Feature Engineering ====
Feature engineering is the process of manipulating and combining features to arrive at more informative ones. The process in which the features were engineered is outlined below.
===== carCategory =====
Due to the many car models in the column ‘cleanModelName’, we were unable to use a decision tree algorithm to classify the cars because there were too many categories. Therefore, we decide to reduce the number of categories to the following by creating a super group of ‘SUV’, ‘Sports car’, ‘MPV’, ‘Economy car’, ‘Sedan’. We also considered the type of vehicle in the column ‘vehicleType’, in the formula for the ‘carCategory’ column because some of the vehicles are motorbikes so we labeled them as ‘Motorbike’. The 10 missing values are null values.  
===== vehicleType =====
=== Primary Research ===
To obtain the possible features that might affect the pricing from the business perspective, we conducted surveys, phone calls and focus group discussions with dealers. Our client, Automotive Ventures, gave us the list of dealerships in United States.
There were 19 respondents to the online survey and the team engaged the sales management from Hyundai Ford Legacy Dealership for a focus group discussion. The primary research conducted were valuable in setting a basis for variable selection in the predictive modelling.
Factors affecting pricing decision making
I. Current inventory and competitor’s inventory
Dealers will price similar used cars according to the number of similar cars present in the market eg. if the dealership has 3 Ford SE SUV cars, and their competitor is bringing in 5 Ford SE SUV cars of comparable type, the dealer will be more inclined to lower their prices for the car.
II. Seasonality
There are certain purchasing seasons for customers and wholesale customers which will result either in underpricing or overpricing their current inventory. Also, dealers tend to consider industry news and trends, competitive Intelligence reports, car shows that may influence overall pricing strategy but may not impact in terms of effecting in the dealer changing price for a certain inventory.
III. Proximity
In identifying their competitors in the used car market, all dealers have consensually agreed that location (proximity) is the type of factor that they consider most. When asked how close a proximity is, they benchmarked within 10 miles to be their direct competitors and up to 100 miles as competitors. One of the dealer mentioned that customers are willing to travel across states to get a similar car that is priced $500 cheaper.
IV. Customer profile
Customers are maker- sensitive, which means different makes attracts different profile of customers. “Hyundai customers are price sensitive. They are mainly shopping price and inventory.” - Keith, Used Car Sales manager.
==== Turning Insights into Actions  ====
With these insights obtained, we incorporated it in our modelling process.
I. Defining a market for similar cars
Pricing is affected by market forces of demand and supply. Hence, we are creating another variable selection of “Number of similar cars” which is calculated by identifying similar cars in terms of model and trim within 50 and 100-mile radius and excluding the similar cars inventory of the dealership. The variables “Number of similar cars in 50 miles” and “Number of similar cars in 100 miles” will then be included in the modelling and regression analysis.
II. Generalized model after filtering “Vehicle Make” of cars
As mentioned by the dealers, the different make of cars attracts different type of customers and are priced differently. In terms of creating the model, we decided that make should be a filter for the generalized model as customers are aware of the make of car that they would like to purchase.
=== Secondary Research ===
We be looking at creating a model for car makes – BMW, Ford and Chevrolet, for the scope of this project. BMW targets the high-end market, Ford targets the lower end of the car market while Chevrolet targets the middle to high end of the car market as seen from Figure 1. We have decided on these car makes because they represent different customer segments in the car market and each model constitutes a high percentage of the total data.
While cleaning the model names, we have also realized that some of the vehicles are not models of cars. Instead, they are models of motorbikes. As such, we decided to create a new column called ‘vehicleType’ to record whether each row contains a car or a motorbike. After excluding the missing values in ‘currentPriceOther’, we do not need this variable because the dataset now only contains cars.  
[[File:Performance of Car Brands and Cost of Ownership.png|400px||Figure 1: Performance_of_Car_Brands_and_Cost_of_Ownership]]
===== Square Root[vehicleAge] =====
'''Figure 1: Performance of Car Brands and Cost of Ownership'''
From figure 2 below, customers in the used car market have a high tendency to switch between dealers and are moderately price sensitive.
[[File:MarketLine Advantage on automotive aftermarket sector in United States.png|400px|Figure 2: MarketLine Advantage on automotive aftermarket sector in United States]]
We understand that consumers would care about the age of the car because even if the models are of the same trim, it could be slightly different based on the year of production. After taking 2017 subtracted by the ‘year’ column, we are able to create a new feature which is the age of the vehicle. However, the age of the vehicle is not normally distributed so we performed a square root, ln and log10 transformation on it. A normal distribution is helpful later to increase the accuracy of our model. We then settled on using the square root transformation since according to the Q-Q plot, it is the closest to normality.
'''Figure 2: MarketLine Advantage on automotive aftermarket sector in United States'''
These findings would give us a headstart in the variables needed and models to start with for prediction of used car prices in the US market.

Latest revision as of 13:57, 23 April 2017










Literature Review

Many studies have been done on the prediction of used car prices and one done by Pudaruth used a series of linear regressions, clustering and decision trees. It was discovered that the most important factors in the price of used cars are usually the “age of the car, its make (and model), the origin of the car (the original country of the manufacturer), its mileage (the number of kilometers it has run) and its horsepower.” The study has also shown that the main weakness of decision trees and Naïve Bayes prediction is their inability to handle output classes with numeric values. Another study done by Peerun et al. used artificial neural networks to predict car prices and concluded that it is a “risky enterprise but feasible”. A real-world application of linear and ridge regressions on used car models can be seen in an open source browser plugin created by Kostic D. He used the ads on Polovniautomobili to train a model to predict a price of cars. Another study done by Chen showed us that building a good linear regression model requires us to sample the data and train the model on the sample and see how it will perform outside of the training sample. There are studies that show how linear regression can be used to predict the prices of used cars but few researchers have dealt with the large growing amount of data for the US market.

Primary Research

To obtain the possible features that might affect the pricing from the business perspective, we conducted surveys, phone calls and focus group discussions with dealers. Our client, Automotive Ventures, gave us the list of dealerships in United States. There were 19 respondents to the online survey and the team engaged the sales management from Hyundai Ford Legacy Dealership for a focus group discussion. The primary research conducted were valuable in setting a basis for variable selection in the predictive modelling. Factors affecting pricing decision making I. Current inventory and competitor’s inventory Dealers will price similar used cars according to the number of similar cars present in the market eg. if the dealership has 3 Ford SE SUV cars, and their competitor is bringing in 5 Ford SE SUV cars of comparable type, the dealer will be more inclined to lower their prices for the car. II. Seasonality There are certain purchasing seasons for customers and wholesale customers which will result either in underpricing or overpricing their current inventory. Also, dealers tend to consider industry news and trends, competitive Intelligence reports, car shows that may influence overall pricing strategy but may not impact in terms of effecting in the dealer changing price for a certain inventory. III. Proximity In identifying their competitors in the used car market, all dealers have consensually agreed that location (proximity) is the type of factor that they consider most. When asked how close a proximity is, they benchmarked within 10 miles to be their direct competitors and up to 100 miles as competitors. One of the dealer mentioned that customers are willing to travel across states to get a similar car that is priced $500 cheaper. IV. Customer profile Customers are maker- sensitive, which means different makes attracts different profile of customers. “Hyundai customers are price sensitive. They are mainly shopping price and inventory.” - Keith, Used Car Sales manager.

Turning Insights into Actions

With these insights obtained, we incorporated it in our modelling process. I. Defining a market for similar cars Pricing is affected by market forces of demand and supply. Hence, we are creating another variable selection of “Number of similar cars” which is calculated by identifying similar cars in terms of model and trim within 50 and 100-mile radius and excluding the similar cars inventory of the dealership. The variables “Number of similar cars in 50 miles” and “Number of similar cars in 100 miles” will then be included in the modelling and regression analysis. II. Generalized model after filtering “Vehicle Make” of cars As mentioned by the dealers, the different make of cars attracts different type of customers and are priced differently. In terms of creating the model, we decided that make should be a filter for the generalized model as customers are aware of the make of car that they would like to purchase.

Secondary Research

We be looking at creating a model for car makes – BMW, Ford and Chevrolet, for the scope of this project. BMW targets the high-end market, Ford targets the lower end of the car market while Chevrolet targets the middle to high end of the car market as seen from Figure 1. We have decided on these car makes because they represent different customer segments in the car market and each model constitutes a high percentage of the total data.

Figure 1: Performance_of_Car_Brands_and_Cost_of_Ownership

Figure 1: Performance of Car Brands and Cost of Ownership

From figure 2 below, customers in the used car market have a high tendency to switch between dealers and are moderately price sensitive.

Figure 2: MarketLine Advantage on automotive aftermarket sector in United States

Figure 2: MarketLine Advantage on automotive aftermarket sector in United States These findings would give us a headstart in the variables needed and models to start with for prediction of used car prices in the US market.