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Vaa logo.jpg ISSS608 Visual Analytics and Applications


Weekly Session


Visual Analytics Project

Course Resources


Information Dashboard Design


Introduction to Dashboard

  • What is a Dashboard
  • Categorising dashboard
  • Typical dashboard data
  • Presentation dashboard vs analytical dashboard

Thirteen Common Mistakes in Dashboard Design

  • Exceeding the boundaries of a single screen
  • Supplying inadequate context for the data
  • Displaying excessive detail or precision
  • Choosing a deficient measure
  • Choosing inappropriate display media
  • Introducing meaningless variety
  • Using poorly designed display media
  • Encoding quantitative data inaccurately
  • Arranging the data poorly
  • Highlighting important data ineffectivelly or Not at All
  • Cluttering the display with useless decoration
  • Misusing or overusing colour
  • Designing an unattractive visual display

How to design dashboard people love to use

  • Creating a solid foundation
  • Frame out the storyboard
  • Identify the building bloacks
  • Remember the data visualisation principles
  • Usability as one of the key success factor

Specialised Graphical Methods for Information Dashboard

  • Bullet graphs
  • Sparklines and Bandlines


Highly recommended

Stephen Few (2013)(2nd Edition) Information Dashboard Design, Analytics Press, USA.

Web references

Useful data visualisation techniques

All About Tableau

All About R and Shiny