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Home - PicSource: https://medium.com/@timenalls/how-to-predict-customer-churn-with-pyspark-fb0d30f55253




Research Paper

Motivation and Objectives

Nowadays, all industries in the world are facing fierce competition. With the development of telecom technology and social media, the Telco companies play more and more important role in the society. There are growing number of wireless carriers in the world. The U.S has four main wireless carriers and lots of little wireless carriers. It is no surprise that the companies in this industry face very fierce competition. Since this condition, the most significant problem for these organizations are customer remaining. As we know, companies from these industries often have customer service department. Their target is that winning back clients who is churn. Because it is generally acknowledged that recovering long-term customers can be worth much more to a company than acquiring new customers.

In order to understand more directly the main factors that affect customer churn and better maintain the relationship with customers, relevant models will be built so as to select and visualize important variables. Lastly, we will present the comparison among models towards Recall, Accuracy, Precision and F1 score and evaluate the performances of different models.

Critique of Existing Visualization

Radar chart.png

This radar chart has all the variables from the dataset to be presented in a single graph. We can acknowledge that by different series (“0” as “No”, “1” as “Yes”), each variable their number of customers. However, even though this visualization has revealed plenty of valuable information, such as unbalanced data in several variables with a fair enough graph, some questions can be spotted from the graph. For instance, too many variables have presented on the chart at the same time. The best way to solve this problem is to use feature engineering, then to draw a new graph to visualize better the influence of different factors to churn or not churn.

Data Description

The data set is from IBM Community. There are 1471 entity instances in total with 30 attributes. Some of the information from the data set are recorded as numbers, we need to identify them as categorical variables.

PerformanceRating 1 'Low' 2 'Good' 3 'Excellent' 4 'Outstanding'

RelationshipSatisfaction 1 'Low' 2 'Medium' 3 'High' 4 'Very High'

WorkLifeBalance 1 'Bad' 2 'Good' 3 'Better' 4 'Best'

Data Fields Description Datatype
Age The age of employee Numerical
Attrition Turnover status of employee, stored as "Yes" or "No" Binary
BusinessTravel Whether the employee travel frequently or not Categorical
DailyRate The daily rate of employee Numerical
Department Which department does this employee belongs to Categorical
DistanceFromHome Distance from home to office Numerical
Education Education level of employee, 1 as 'Below College', 2 as 'College', 3 as 'Bachelor', 4
as  'Master', 5  as  'Doctor'  || Categorical
EducationField Field of Education of employee Categorical
EnvironmentSatisfication The satisfication level of one employee in working environment, 1 as 'Low', 2 as 'Medium', 3 as 'High', 4 as 'Very High' Categorical
Gender Gender of employee Binary
JobInvolvement Job involvement of employee, 1 as 'Low', 2 as 'Medium', 3 as 'High', 4 as 'Very High' Categorical
JobLevel Job level of employee Numerical
JobRole Job role of employee Categorical
JobSatisfaction Job satisfaction of employee, 1 as 'Low', 2 as 'Medium', 3 as 'High', 4 as 'Very High' Categorical
MaritalStatus Marital status of employee Categorical
MonthlyIncome Monthly income of employee Categorical
NumCompaniesWorked The customer’s payment method (Electronic check, Mailed check, Bank transfer (automatic), Credit card (automatic)) Categorical
OverTime The amount charged to the customer monthly Numerical
PercentSalaryHike The total amount charged to the customer Numerical
Churn Whether the customer churned or not (Yes or No) Binary
Churn Whether the customer churned or not (Yes or No) Binary
Churn Whether the customer churned or not (Yes or No) Binary
Churn Whether the customer churned or not (Yes or No) Binary
Churn Whether the customer churned or not (Yes or No) Binary
Churn Whether the customer churned or not (Yes or No) Binary

Methodology and Approach

In Feature engineering, we will generate variables from the previous ones and compose multiple features together, after which we will separate churn and not churn customer and separate categorical and numerical columns. The main point of this is selecting effective variables which would result in customer attrition. Apart from that, we may transform multi value variables to the dummy variable in the last step of this stage, we can obtain the variable summary like below:


Secondly, a correlation matrix of this model will be visualized to present the relationship among different variables and primarily understand the influence of each variables.


We intend to build four different models and visualize them and their performances: (1) In Logistic regression model performance, confusion matrix and receiver operating characteristic will be visualized to evaluate the performance of the Logistic regression model. Besides, we can get the variable importance while comparing all variables by bar chart. Furthermore, obtaining the appropriate threshold for logistic regression will also be visualized to understand what is beneath the model. (2) Synthetic minority oversampling Technique will be applied to build the advanced logistic regression, and we will try to form user portrait using the most important features which are selected from the model. (3) The decision tree will be generated refer to the results of the feature score and compare the GINI coefficient to measure the degree of inequality of the distribution. And we intend to use high-score categorical features to make a ternary plot to visualize the distribution of two groups. (4) In order to control over-fitting and improve the predictive accuracy, we will also build and visualize Random Forest Classifier and compare different trees. Lastly, we will visualize the comparison among four models towards Recall, Accuracy, Precision and F1 score and compare the performances of different models.

Proposed R Packages

Package Name Description
shiny Make the interactive web applications for data visualization
reshape Give new shapes to an array without changing its data
plotly Create interactive bar graphs and scatter plots
tidyverse A set of packages to plot out various visualizations and EDA
readr To read rectangular data
recharts Create interactive radar chart
DT Create data table
ggraph An extension of ggplot2 to build plots layer by layer
corrgram Create correlation matrix
ggthemes To apply themes to Shiny applications
ggcorrplot Visualize correlation matrix using ggplot2
plotrix Create plot with two ordinates

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