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From ISSS608-Visual Analytics and Applications
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*[http://datastorm-open.github.io/visNetwork/  visNetwork, an R package for interactive network visualization]
*[https://worldhappiness.reportWorld Happiness Report 2020]
*[http://www.kdnuggets.com/2016/04/association-rules-apriori-algorithm-tutorial.html  Association Rules and the Apriori Algorithm: A Tutorial,Annalyn Ng, Ministry of Defence of Singapore]
*[http://www2.rdatamining.com/uploads/5/7/1/3/57136767/rdatamining-slides-association-rules.pdf  Association Rule Mining with R,Yanchang Zhao]
*[https://rpubs.com/sbushmanov/180410  Market basket analysis,S. Bushmanov]
*[https://www.interworks.com/blog/modonnell/2016/01/15/market-basket-analysis-using-r-and-shiny Market Basket Analysis Using R and Shiny, Maureen O'Donnell]
*[https://shiny.rstudio.com/articles/layout-guide.html  Shiny Application layout guide,JJ Allaire]
*[https://shiny.rstudio.com/articles/layout-guide.html  Shiny Application layout guide,JJ Allaire]
*[https://gallery.shinyapps.io/105-plot-interaction-zoom/  Zoomable plots in Shiny, RStudio, Inc.]
*[https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/visNetwork/vignettes/Introduction-to-visNetwork.html Introduction to visNetwork,B. Thieurmel - DataStorm]
*[https://gist.github.com/timelyportfolio/762aa11bb5def57dc27f  Interactive arules with arulesViz and visNetwork,timelyportfolio]
*[http://kateto.net/network-visualization  Network visualization with R Workshop,Katya Ognyanova]
*[https://shiny.rstudio.com/articles/selecting-rows-of-data.html Selecting rows of data R Shiny]
*[http://mhahsler.github.io/arules/reference/write.html Write Transactions or Associations to a File]
*[https://shiny.rstudio.com/reference/shiny/latest/observeEvent.html Event handler R Shiny]
*[https://shiny.rstudio.com/reference/shiny/latest/observeEvent.html Event handler R Shiny]
*[https://shiny.rstudio.com/articles/action-buttons.html Using Action Buttons R Shiny]
*[https://https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/build-your-first-web-app-dashboard-using-shiny-and-r-ec433c9f3f6c/ Build your first web app dashboard using Shiny and R]
*[https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7531868/how-to-rename-a-single-column-in-a-data-frame Create an object for storing reactive values R Shiny]
*[https://db.rstudio.com/best-practices/dashboards/ Enterprise-ready dashboards]
*[http://rstudio-pubs-static.s3.amazonaws.com/5312_98fc1aba2d5740dd849a5ab797cc2c8d.html  ggplot2 Reference and Examples (Part 2) - Colours]
*[https://rpubs.com/tskam/likert Hands-On Exercise 8: Diverging Stacked Bar Chart, Dr. Kam Tin Seong]
*[https://rpubs.com/tskam/heatmaps Hands-on Exercise 8: Heatmap Visualisation with R, Dr. Kam Tin Seong]
*[https://rpubs.com/tskam/Corrgram Hands-On Exercise 8: Visualising Correlation Matrix, Dr. Kam Tin Seong]
*[https://rpubs.com/tskam/Choropleth_Mapping Hands-on Exercise 10: Choropleth Mapping with R, Dr. Kam Tin Seong]
*[https://rpubs.com/tskam/Proportional_Symbol_Map Hands-on Exercise 10: Mapping Geospatial Point Data with R, Dr. Kam Tin Seong]

Revision as of 16:28, 25 April 2020

Happy face banner.jpg







Project Motivation

R Packages Used

  • For Interactive Application: R Shiny and Shiny Dashboard

Shiny is an R Studio package for developing interactive charts, data visualizations and applications to be hosted on the web using the R programming language. It enables developer to make an interactive application which allow user to understand a certain model or do some data explorations. In this case, we could visualize the underlying rules beyond given datasets which show a clear picture of how those items correlate with each other. Package ‘shiny’Package ‘shinydashboard’

Choice of Visualizations and Critics

Application Design in Details

Use Cases


Dashboard 1.png
Dashboard 2.png
Dashboard 3.png

2.Exploratory Data Analysis

EDA 1.png
EDA 2.png

3.Multivariate Matrix Analysis

MMA 1.png
MMA 3.png

4.Likert & Bubble Plot

LB 1.png
LB 2.png
LB 3.png

5.Choropleth Mapping

Map 1.png
Map 2.png

6.Cluster Analysis

Heat 1.png
Heat 2.png
