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From the word cloud generated by RStudio, the common words that appear consistently are study, seats, can, find, good, seats, like and many more.

No. Finding Description
  • Undergraduates generally have equal weightage in terms of performance and importance level of the four groups of questions posed under these criterias.
  • The only disparity spotted is that undergraduates find that the facilities & equipment are not up to standard as seen by the greater negative sentiment as denoted by the red to yellow area that contrasts between importance and performance.


1. Similarity

  • In the perspective of the accountancy students, the library performed well when they render services to users at either libraries as seen by code P13 and I13 under Service Delivery
  • Interestingly, the mobile access under Information resource to library resources for I26 and P26 fared the worst comparatively for both LKS and KGC.
  • Internet Services are excellent for both Libraries
  • Information resources are readily available offline from the Campus library

2. Differences

  • LKS had performed worst than KGC in terms of the previously mentioned Facilities & Equipment. Overall, there is negative thoughts of the facilities in LKS as compared to KGC
  • LKS Performed poorly in providing a room for groups to have meetings and also a quiet place for people to study in.

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1. Similarity

  • Both KGC and LKS have performed well in serving the business undergraduates with both libraries having a relatively well-to-do scoring in the likert scale for service delivery
  • Similar with Accountancy undergraduates, business undergraduates are well-connected to the internet service under P18 and I18.
  • Both group of undergraduates for either library feedback that there is no need for libraries with both valuing a computer availability as one of the lowest under Facilities & Equipment
  • Both business undergraduates feedback that there is no need for library workshops with it ranking dead last for both importance and performance.

2. Differences

  • Course specific materials are readily available for KGC library as compared to LKS library
  • Opening hours for LKS are better than that of KGC

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1. Similarity

  • Both group of economics undergraduates found that internet access in both libraries are sufficiently comprehensive due to mostly neutral - positive sentiments under P18 and I18.
  • Both groups felt that there is insufficient places to meet in the library as feedbacked under P15 that falls below their expectation of I15.
  • Interestingly, the mobile access under Information resource to library resources for I26 and P26 fared the worst comparatively for both LKS and KGC.

2. Differences

  • The major difference here is that the access to online resources through mobile and tablet is more accessible in KGC than LKS as seen by the big differen in P26 and I26 for both libraries.
  • Library staff assistance fared worst at KGC than LKS

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1. Similarity

  • Law undergraduates found that both library website are providing useful information for them.
  • The printing and scanning services performs below their expectations as seen by P19 and I19
  • Both libraries provided able information resources within the library to sustain the undergraduates needs as seen by P20 and I20
  • Wireless access generally meets their expectations for both libraries as seen by P18 and I18.
  • Opening Hours fall short of their expectations

2. Differences

  • One major difference here is the computer availability as seen by the big difference between P16 of both libraries, LKS generally fared better in providing a computer to economics undergraduates