IS428 AY2019-20T2 Assign YIP JIAN MING Staff

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Data Cleaning









Participant Distribution


  • For staff, most of the participants were from the study area "Others", went to the library monthly and used library resources monthly.
  • Researchers utilized the library resources more often.

Stated Preference vs Revealed Preference


Insights Recommendations
  • The Butterfly chart allows us to see the preferences the different faculties have for each library. As can be seen from the chart, most faculties had a strong preference for the Li Ka Shing Library. However, when we look at the overall satisfaction of staff, KGC always did better than LKS. This shows that the stated preference is different from the staffs revealed preference.
  • This could be possibly due to the fact that when this survey was conducted in 2018, the Kwa Geok Choo Law Library was a relatively new library and most staff would experience resistance to change. Another factor would be distancing. The KGC Law Library is relatively far from the rest of the faculties.
  • In 2018, there was lack of a sheltered walkway to the law school and also a lack of food options, both problems have since been addressed.
  • Another reason could be naming of the library. The inclusion of the word “Law” in the Library name might create an impression of exclusiveness.
  • Most of the problems have been addressed since 2018, however, there is still room for improvement in the F&B region.
  • Possibly remove the word “Law” from the library name.



Insights Recommendations
  • The likert scale for importance shows the importance of the library services. I have placed the participants overall satisfaction as a benchmark for the metrics. The library should focus efforts on solving problems with high importance yet low performance.
  • The 3 metrics that the participants highlighted to be the most important were the questions “I can get help from the library staff when I need it”,"Library staff provide accurate answers to my inquiries" and "I can get wireless access in the Library when I need to". All of these 3 did well in terms of performance.
  • It can be seen that faculty seem to place an importance of the human interpersonal aspect of the Library, having interaction with library staff being placed in highest importance. They also place large importance of wireless access.
  • Hosting an orientation program for staff around the library upon joining, with workshops designed to better equip staff especially with the online library resources.
  • Orientate staff on IT help services to ensure connectivity around campus.



Insights Recommendations
  • The likert scale for performance shows the performance of the library services. I have placed the participants overall satisfaction as a benchmark for the metrics. The library should focus efforts on solving problems with low performance yet high importance.
  • The 3 metrics that did the poorest for performance were for the questions “The Library anticipates my learning and research needs”,"Library workshops, classes and tutorials help me with my learning and research needs" and "The items I'm looking for on the library shelves are usually there" Participants have voted these metrics in high importance but are met with low performance. It can be seen that staff are actively seeking learning opportunities but do not have their needs met.
  • Host seminars and training sessions for staff.



Insights Recommendations
  • It can be seen from the co-occurrence matrix that likelihood of referral has a correlation with overall satisfaction. Majority of the participants had a score of 6 for satisfaction and rated the likelihood of referral as 8 or 9. This who had an overall satisfaction of 7 were most likely to vote a 10 for likelihood to refer a friend.
  • Library might want to introduce referral programs where the referral can gain reward for referring a friend. This could both introduce new visitors to the library and increase the satisfaction of the existing library goers.

Word Cloud (Positive)


Insights Recommendations
  • There is positive sentiment on words such as resource, study, research, learning and book. This is important feedback and shows that most staff who are satisfied with the library have these words in common in their comments. This further reinforces the point that staff are hungry for knowledge and self-improvement.
  • Library should filter comments by these keywords to gain better insights as to what the comments are about.

Word Cloud (Negative)


Insights Recommendations
  • There seems to be negative sentiment for words such as desk, service and space. This means that while most staff are not affected by lack of library space, there are a few who find finding space an issue.
  • Library could possibly bring staff on a tour to show different working spaces available.
  • Library should filter comments by these keywords to gain better insights as to what the comments are about.