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The libraries at SMU are committed to finding ways to improve their services for students and faculty. Every two years, SMU libraries conduct a holistic survey in which students and faculty have the opportunity to rate various aspects of SMU library’s services. The survey allows SMU Libraries to recognize where they are doing well and poor to then improve their services for students and faculty. For the purpose of this assignment, I have taken a look at the latest survey results and visualized it to extrapolate key insights that are within the data to help SMU libraries target and improve services. For the final assessment, the data was split up via position in school, undergraduate, graduate, and faculty. In doing this, I was able to pull some key insights that are highlighted in the various tabs of the final visualization and discussed on the project Wiki.

The Task

The analysis and visualization conducted is set to reveal insights of SMU's Library Services from teh perspectives of:

  • Undergraduate Students
  • Postgraduate Students
  • Faculty
  • Staff

Highlighted Recommendations

The completed analysis gleaned a handful of insights that can be transformative for SMU Library survey's. The insights found that are further discussed in the analysis and insights tab are:

  • sdfjsklj