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====Li Ka Shing Library====
====Li Ka Shing Library====
# Among all the undergraduate students who think the '''quite learning space''' provided by Li Ka Shing Library is important'''(select 6/7 or 7/7 for the importance field)''', around '''48%''' of them are '''not satisfied''' with the performance '''(did not select 6/7 or 7/7 for the same performance field)'''  of this service. (736 out of 1535 responds)
# Among the undergraduate students who think the '''quite learning space''' provided by Li Ka Shing Library is important'''(select 6/7 or 7/7 for the importance field)''', around '''48%''' of them are '''not satisfied''' with the performance '''(did not select 6/7 or 7/7 for the same performance field)'''  of this service. (736 out of 1535 responds)
# Among all the undergraduate students who think the '''group discussion space''' provided by Li Ka Shing Library is important, around '''46%''' of them are '''not satisfied''' with the performance of this service. (606 out of 1310 responds)
# Among the undergraduate students who think the '''group discussion space''' provided by Li Ka Shing Library is important, around '''46%''' of them are '''not satisfied''' with the performance of this service. (606 out of 1310 responds)
# Among those undergraduate students who think the '''printing, scanning and photocopying facilities''' in the Li Ka Shing Library is important, around '''23%''' of them are '''not satisfied''' with the performance of this service. (347 out of 1514 responds)
# Among the undergraduate students who think the '''printing, scanning and photocopying facilities''' in the Li Ka Shing Library is important, around '''23%''' of them are '''not satisfied''' with the performance of this service. (347 out of 1514 responds)
====Kwa Geok Choo Library====
====Kwa Geok Choo Library====
# Among all the undergraduate students who think the '''quite learning space''' provided by Kwa Geok Choo library is important, around '''43%''' of them are '''not satisfied''' with the performance of this service. (113 out of 265 responds)
# Among the undergraduate students who think the '''quite learning space''' provided by Kwa Geok Choo library is important, around '''43%''' of them are '''not satisfied''' with the performance of this service. (113 out of 265 responds)
# Among all the undergraduate students who think the '''group discussion space''' provided by Kwa Geok Choo library is important, around '''44%''' of them are '''not satisfied''' with the performance of this service. (105 out of 239 responds)
# Among the undergraduate students who think the '''group discussion space''' provided by Kwa Geok Choo library is important, around '''44%''' of them are '''not satisfied''' with the performance of this service. (105 out of 239 responds)
# Among all the undergraduate students who think the '''opening hours''' in Kwa Geok Choo library is important, around '''30%''' of them are '''not satisfied''' with the performance of this service. (72 out of 247 responds)
# Among the undergraduate students who think the '''opening hours''' in Kwa Geok Choo library is important, around '''30%''' of them are '''not satisfied''' with the performance of this service. (72 out of 247 responds)
# Among all the undergraduate students who think the '''printing, scanning and photocopying facilities''' in the Kwa Geok Choo library is important, around '''27%''' of them are '''not satisfied''' with the performance of this service. (66 out of 248 responds)
# Among the undergraduate students who think the '''printing, scanning and photocopying facilities''' in the Kwa Geok Choo library is important, around '''27%''' of them are '''not satisfied''' with the performance of this service. (66 out of 248 responds)
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====Li Ka Shing Library====
====Li Ka Shing Library====
# Among all the postgraduate students who think the '''quite learning space''' provided by Li Ka Shing Library is important, around '''40%''' of them are '''not satisfied''' with the performance of this service. (83 out of 205 responds)
# Among the postgraduate students who think the '''quite learning space''' provided by Li Ka Shing Library is important, around '''40%''' of them are '''not satisfied''' with the performance of this service. (83 out of 205 responds)
# Among all the postgraduate students who think the '''group discussion space''' provided by Li Ka Shing Library is important, around '''35%''' of them are '''not satisfied''' with the performance of this service. (67 out of 191 responds)
# Among the postgraduate students who think the '''group discussion space''' provided by Li Ka Shing Library is important, around '''35%''' of them are '''not satisfied''' with the performance of this service. (67 out of 191 responds)
# Among all the postgraduate students who think the '''printing, scanning and photocopying facilities''' in the Li Ka Shing Library is important, around '''23%''' of them are '''not satisfied''' with the performance of this service. (44 out of 189 responds)
# Among the postgraduate students who think the '''printing, scanning and photocopying facilities''' in the Li Ka Shing Library is important, around '''23%''' of them are '''not satisfied''' with the performance of this service. (44 out of 189 responds)
====Kwa Geok Choo Library====
====Kwa Geok Choo Library====

Revision as of 23:47, 15 March 2020


Every two years, SMU Libraries conduct a comprehensive survey in which faculty, students and staff have the opportunity to rate various aspects of SMU library's services. The survey provides SMU libraries with input to help enhance existing services and to anticipate emerging needs of SMU faculty, students and staff. The latest survey is currently ongoing and will be ended by 17th February 2020.

The 2018 Survey Results can be found here and the full report is available by following this link. The past reports are mainly made-up of pages of tables, which are very difficult to comprehend. Given this, your task is to apply appropriate data visualisation to transform these tables into a visual representation that allow SMU libraries to gain useful insights.


In this assignment, you are required to use visual analytics approach to reveal the level of services provided by SMU libraries as perceived by:

  • the undergraduate students,
  • the postgraduate students,
  • the faculty,
  • the staff.

Data preparation

We are given 2 datasets, Raw data 2018-03-07 and SMU Library Survey Comments. Unfortunately, these two given datasets are not well structured and cannot be directly used. So, I will mainly focus on data cleaning and data preparation in this section.

Raw data 2018-03-07 SMU LCS data file

There are two worksheets in this raw data. The first worksheet record all response data from all participants. The second worksheet contains all the column name (legend) for the first worksheet.


Issue 1: When I take a closer look into the data, I realized that all the assessments are in measures format instead of dimensions.

Solution: Use tableau to pivot the selected survey assessment values.
      Detail steps 1. Select column from 'I01' to the end. 2. Under the drop down menu select 'pivot'. 3. Rename the Pivot Field Name to Assessments, Pivot Filed Value to score.


Issue 2: The column name (legend) and data rows are in two separate worksheets. Without knowing about each column's name, it is impossible for us to conduct the visualization.

Solution: Use tableau built-in function to join these two dataset together.
      Detail steps 1. Import the raw data into tableau. 2. Drag the worksheets to the connection field and choose left join (SMU on left side, Legend on right side). 3. Under left join, select Assessments = Code.


Interactive Visualization

The interactive visualization can be accessed here:https://public.tableau.com/profile/tian.mingze#!/vizhome/assignment_15840201936860/Story1

The followings are some of the interactive technics that used by this application:

Interactive Technique Rationale Brief Implementation Steps
Filter participant postion with a single value selection list
Provide flexibility for analysts, the analyst can choose the participant position that they are interested to analyse. The checkboxes are not used in this case because it requires the analyst manually uncheck the unwanted value. And the dropdown menu is not intuitive enough in this case. Thus, a single selection value list is preferred.
  1. Use calculation field to convert the position from digit value to plain text (ie. undergraduate, staff ...)
  2. Rename the calculation field as 'Choose Participant Position'
  3. Put both the calculation field and the 'position' dimension into the filter to filter out those useless value (ie. others, exchange...)
Filter different libraries with a single value selection list
It is unnecessary to use a drop-down menu right here since we only have two different libraries. This also provides the flexibility for analysts, the analyst can choose the library that they are interested to analyse.
  1. Use calculation field to convert the Campus dimension from digit value to plain text

2. Rename the calculation field as 'Choose Library'


My analysis contains four visualizations and one comment field and they located in a different dashboard. So, I decided to use a storyboard. By using this storyboard, the analyst can easily navigate to between different dashboards.



This Overview dashboard provides an overall result for all quantitative survey assessments. For this section, Instead of calculating each assessment's average score, I use the count number of promoters. Because, the average score is not a good way to measure participants' satisfaction level. I used a combined bar chart to make a comparison between importance and performance and sort the bar chart based on importance. Based on this combined bar chart, the analyst can have an overview of each service's importance and performance.

Interactive Technique Rationale Brief Implementation Steps
Dynamic Title
By adding this dynamic title, all the filter value will appear in the title. The visualization will become more intuitive for the analyst.
  1. Double click the title and choose insert. Select the two calculation field (Choose Library, Choose Participant Position)
  2. Use the red colour to highlight important information.

Gap between Importance and Performance & suggestions

This page is mainly for us to find out the service gap between library users' expectation and its actual performance. Relevant library service needs to be improved if the gap is too wide. Gap equals to 50 means there are 50 library survey participants belive that this specific service is important to them but its performance is bad.

Interactive Technique Rationale Brief Implementation Steps
Dynamic Tooltip
When the analyst hovers his mouse on this treemap, he will be able to see an interactive tooltip which shows the suggestions on this assessment. He can adopt further actions (ie check the satisfactory level, important comments) based on this suggestion.
1. Create another calculation field 'tooltip_for_treemap' to generate appropriate suggestions based on the gap between library users' expectation of this service and this service's actual performance.

2. Put this calculation field under 'detail' and insert into the tooltip.

Level of Satisfaction & Comments

This page is mainly for the analyst to check library users' satisfaction level by detractors, passives, promoters and their comments.


Analysis & Insights

Undergraduate Students

Li Ka Shing Library

  1. Among the undergraduate students who think the quite learning space provided by Li Ka Shing Library is important(select 6/7 or 7/7 for the importance field), around 48% of them are not satisfied with the performance (did not select 6/7 or 7/7 for the same performance field) of this service. (736 out of 1535 responds)
  2. Among the undergraduate students who think the group discussion space provided by Li Ka Shing Library is important, around 46% of them are not satisfied with the performance of this service. (606 out of 1310 responds)
  3. Among the undergraduate students who think the printing, scanning and photocopying facilities in the Li Ka Shing Library is important, around 23% of them are not satisfied with the performance of this service. (347 out of 1514 responds)

Kwa Geok Choo Library

  1. Among the undergraduate students who think the quite learning space provided by Kwa Geok Choo library is important, around 43% of them are not satisfied with the performance of this service. (113 out of 265 responds)
  2. Among the undergraduate students who think the group discussion space provided by Kwa Geok Choo library is important, around 44% of them are not satisfied with the performance of this service. (105 out of 239 responds)
  3. Among the undergraduate students who think the opening hours in Kwa Geok Choo library is important, around 30% of them are not satisfied with the performance of this service. (72 out of 247 responds)
  4. Among the undergraduate students who think the printing, scanning and photocopying facilities in the Kwa Geok Choo library is important, around 27% of them are not satisfied with the performance of this service. (66 out of 248 responds)

Postgraduate Students

Li Ka Shing Library

  1. Among the postgraduate students who think the quite learning space provided by Li Ka Shing Library is important, around 40% of them are not satisfied with the performance of this service. (83 out of 205 responds)
  2. Among the postgraduate students who think the group discussion space provided by Li Ka Shing Library is important, around 35% of them are not satisfied with the performance of this service. (67 out of 191 responds)
  3. Among the postgraduate students who think the printing, scanning and photocopying facilities in the Li Ka Shing Library is important, around 23% of them are not satisfied with the performance of this service. (44 out of 189 responds)

Kwa Geok Choo Library

  1. Among the postgraduate students who think the printing, scanning and photocopying facilities in the Kwa Geok Choo library is important, around 68% of them are not satisfied with the performance of this service. (15 out of 22 responds)
  2. Among the postgraduate students who think the opening hours in Kwa Geok Choo library is important, around 45% of them are not satisfied with the performance of this service. (10 out of 23 responds)


Li Ka Shing Library

  1. Among the faculties who think the search engine in Li Ka Shing Library is important, around 38%of them are not satisfied with the performance of this service. (18 out of 47 responds)


Li Ka Shing Library

  1. Among the staffs who think the book management service (books are usually on shelves) in Li Ka Shing Library is important, around 32% of them are not satisfied with the performance of this service. (23 out of 71 responds)
  2. Among the staffs who think the search engine in Li Ka Shing Library is important, around 27% of them are not satisfied with the performance of this service. (20 out of 73 responds)

