Group09 user guide

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Access the dashboard here. If you want to try to run the application locally, you can access the git repository here.


This user guide will cover the setup and use of the Purple Haze AQI dashboard. The dashboard merges the World Health Organisation World Development Indicators and OECD Exposure to PM2.5 data into a comprehensive, easy-to-read and friendly visual format.

Running the Project Locally

Ensure you have the aqi_app on your local machine. ‘cd’ into the directory and simply type ‘R’ without quotes to start R on your terminal session. If shiny has not been installed on the machine, run ‘install.packages(‘shiny’)’ without quotes. Then, type ‘shiny::runApp()’ without quotes. Accessing the Web Interface If you have no desire to run the dashboard locally, it is still fully functional on Simply open your favourite web browser and enter into the address bar and the dashboard should load up.

Navigating the Dashboard


To the left of every page in our dashboard is our hamburger menu that can be closed with the 3 lines pictured in the image to the right. The first 4 entries, World Overview, AQI vs GDP Comparison, AQI over Time and Pollution Factors Comparison, all have icons and are static and persistent. Wherever you are in the dashboard, you will be able to see these if the hamburger menu is open. Below these 4 entries is a contextual input selection. Depending on which tab you choose to enter, these will change into inputs that will affect the visualisations on that page. Each page has a different set of inputs; thus, this contextual input selection will change on each page. Note that any changes made to these inputs will immediately result in your graphs being recalculated and refreshed

World Overview


The first entry, world overview, has 2 inputs, Date and Pollutant, and 2 graphs, a synchronized map and a magic quadrant scatterplot.



The graphs on these pages are only able to show the data of one year at a time due to their nature. This dropdown list allows you to select which year you want to see the data for. The dataset we used covers years 1990 to 2017 and the input reflects that.


Several measures are available here: “Mean Population Exposure to PM2.5”, “Percentage of Population exposed to more than x micrograms/m3” and “Percentage of Population Covered”. This selects the pollution measure that will be depicted in the visualisations.


AQI vs GDP Per Capita Worldwide

2 synchronized maps are shown here. By panning and zooming on either map, the other side will do the same so that the view on both maps is always the same. The left map shows the level of pollution that was selected on the left input panel for that date for each country, while the right map shows the GDP per Capita of each country for the date selected in the left input panel.

GDP Per Capita vs Pollutant Levels Per Country

This magic quadrant scatterplot shows each country being in various quadrants of high/low GDP per Capita and Pollution, for the year and pollutant selected on the left input panel. All values here are not absolute. Rather, they are a relative percentile to other countries. A high GDP per Capita, for example, would mean that the country is above the 50th percentile of all countries in the world for that year in GDP per Capita.

AQI vs GDP Comparison




Several measures are available here: “Mean Population Exposure to PM2.5”, “Percentage of Population exposed to more than x micrograms/m3” and “Percentage of Population Covered”. This selects the pollution measure that will be depicted in the visualisations.

First Country/Second Country

Select 2 countries that you want to compare in AQI and GDP Comparison and that will be included in the AQI Comparison Over Time slope graph as well.


AQI vs GDP Comparison

This is a plot of the pollutant level for the pollutant selected in the input panel against the GDP per Capita of the 2 countries selected. It is meant to show any correlation between the rising GDP per Capita, i.e. economic development of the country and the delta in pollution that results in for that country.

AQI Over Time




Several measures are available here: “Mean Population Exposure to PM2.5”, “Percentage of Population exposed to more than x micrograms/m3” and “Percentage of Population Covered”. This selects the pollution measure that will be depicted in the visualisations.

Top/Bottom N Countries

Select between top/bottom 5/10/15/20 countries to show in the two slope graphs. These countries will make up the data on the two slope graphs (top N countries on the left graph and bottom N countries on the right).


AQI Comparison over Time

This is a slope graph showing the levels of the pollutant selected in the input panel for the Top/Bottom N Countries selected, in addition to the 2 countries you selected as well. It charts the levels of the pollutant against time and enables you to see how the countries’ levels overlap and deviate over the years.

Pollution Factors Comparison



First Country/Second Country

Select 2 countries that you want to compare the AQI Factors over Time for.

AQI Factors over Time

2 plots are shown side by side: one shows the Mean Population exposure to PM2.5 for the 2 countries you selected, the other shows the Percentage of population exposed to more than 15 micrograms/m3 for those same 2 countries. These graphs aim to show how rising pollution in a country does not necessarily affect everyone at once. For that information, the right graph will show what percentage of the population is truly affected by an increase in pollution.