SMT201 AY2019-20T1 EX2 Ho Wei Jie Clint

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Criterion Scores





Top Left: Target Roads
Top Right: Buildings
Bottom Left: Natural Features
Bottom Left: Digital Elevation
NASA's EarthData Search

National Communicable Disease Quarantine Centre – Gombak

The main objective is to locate a suitable location within Gombak, the selected location, to build a National Communicable Disease Quarantine Centre with a contiguous area of minimally 10,000m2. Also, the following factors must be met:

  • Economic Factor: The selected site should avoid steep slope
  • Accessibility Factor: The selected site should be close to existing.
  • Health Risk Factor: The selected site should be away from population i.e. housing areas and offices in order to avoid disease spreading to the nearby population.
  • Natural Conservation Factor: The selected site should be away from forested land, park and water.


Shown in the top left picture. The accessibility factor is linked to roads, specifically – Service Roads and Tracks. During the construction phase of the Gombak National Communicable Disease Quarantine Centre, it is ideal that the quarantine centre be located near these specific types of roads to easily transport all the relevant building materials. This could potentially save construction time and cost. However, it is observed that these most of these roads are located at the northern part of Gombak and that there are a total of 2 tracks and 186 service roads, where these two types of roads are marked by different colors.