Three horrible guys Web Maps

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Click here for our web maps:

Layer Description
Merged_Shortest_Path A map showing the shortest path from the store to the centroid
Nearest Competitor A map that highlights the nearest competitor to each store
Buffers A map showing a 500m and 1000m buffer for each store
POP_Density A thematic map that shows normalized population density
Total_Delivery A thematic map that shows delivery counts
Continious_Sale A thematic map that shows total sales
Below_Above_Median A thematic map that shows areas below/above the median sales
OpenStreetMap A map used for background

The web map is generated using QGIS Cloud [1]. QGIS Cloud is a plugin in QGIS which allows a free user to publish 1 Web Map with up to 50mb storage provided. This allow users to view the map through a map platform. If there is a need to show the web map on another website, an iframe can be used to embed the web map onto the website.

G1G10 QgisCloud1.png
This is a view of how the map will look like on its hosted URL.

G1 G10 QgisCloud2.png
Users are able to interact with objects in the view to see more specific details of a specific point.

G1 G10 QgisCloud3.png
This can also show/hide various layers published on the web map