SMT201 AY2018-19T1 EX1 Cho Xiu Qi
Part1: Thematic Mapping
Thematic map showing the distribution of public education institution by school type
For this thematic map, I added the school information layer and categorized by school types using categorized labels under layer properties. To make it more obvious that the categories represent the different school types in Singapore, I changed the marker to a book SVG marker. Under school_info, Centralised Institutes are represented by a blue book, Junior College by a yellow book, Mixed Level by a purple book, Primary by a red book and Secondary by a green book. I used OpenStreetMap so that it is clear what types of schools can be found in a particular area.
Thematic map showing the hierarchy of road network system of Singapore
Using the RoadSectionLine GIS data from LTA, I categorized the data by the road types attribute (RD_TYPE). As seen from the map, expressways are represented by the purple lines, major roads by the green lines and minor roads by the red lines. I added in OpenStreetMap instead of CoastalOutline as OpenStreetMap is able to show clearly the different areas in Singapore and hence we can see the different road types in various areas.
Thematic map showing 2014 Master Plan Landuse
With the MasterPlan Landuse GIS data, I used a categorized symbology on LU_DESC to display the various types of land uses using different colors. Since there are many types of businesses, I decided to merge them together to form “BUSINESSES” and did the same for business parks which are renamed as “BUSINESS PARKS” in the legend.