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Research Paper

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Problem and Motivation


Selected Dataset

The Data Sets we will be using for our analysis and for our application is listed below:

Dataset/Source Data Attributes Rationale of Usage

Resale Flat Price (Jan 2015 - Aug 2019)

  • Month
  • Town
  • Flat type
  • Block
  • Street Name
  • Storey range
  • Floor Area sqm
  • Flat Model
  • Lease Commence Date
  • Remaining Lease
  • Resale Price

This dataset will be used to understand the resale transacted price and see the price trend change over year.

Background Survey

Our team did background research on the topic before creating the storyboards. It will expose us to the different types of charts and graphs that we can use for the project and consider how we can make it better. Some of the visualisations that we draw inspiration from are as follows:

Reference of Other Interactive Visualization Learning Points

Title: Historical Average of HDB Resale Prices in Ang Mo Kio


Source: https://getaflat.herokuapp.com/charts

  • This is a time-series chart which allow users to see the trend in resale prices by room type over time
  • The axis titles are missing
  • We will be using this chart as a reference and improving it by adding filters such as the age of flat and story range

Title: Distribution of 4-Room HDB Resale Prices By Town

Source: https://public.tableau.com/profile/priyadarsan.shankar#!/vizhome/Singapore4-ROOMHDBresalepricesvisualization/HDBdashboard

  • The box plots can be used to identify towns with high median resale prices
  • Outliers can be identified easily and we can see if the data is skewed

Title: Singapore Property Prices Heatmap

Source: https://www.greyloft.com/singapore/property-prices-heatmap

  • The heatmap focuses on the price per square foot by district.
  • Users can select the date range
  • The tooltips provide more information on the trend, the number of transactions and towns within the district
  • Easy to interpret the chart and the legends are useful.
  • The Central area stands out well. Good colour choice to represent the high price per sqf
  • We will do a heatmap on the average resale price by town and provide more information in the tooltip

Title: Heat Map of Median Resale Price

Source: https://public.tableau.com/profile/darrick8462#!/vizhome/HDBResaleAnalysisDDO/HDBRESALEDASHBOARD

  • The heat map shows the relationship between flat type and the storey range
  • We can improve this further by creating a heatmap based on an additional field called Estate Type (mature and non-mature estates)

Brainstorming Sessions

Proposed Storyboard

Tools and Technologies Used


