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Research Paper

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The Ministry of Trade (Kementrian Perdagangan Republik Indonesia) and Central Agency of Statistics (Badan Pusat Statistik) of Indonesia has been providing comprehensive Indonesia’s trading data. However, the information is mostly displayed in a table format. Hence, it is challenging to derive analysis and insights.

Our motivation is to address lack of a comprehensive visualization platform to show the impact of export and import on indonesia’s trade of balance. Furthermore, through this platform, users can essentially identify areas of deficit and improvement on the available data that Indonesia can work on.

It is important to do so because Indonesia is the 4th largest country in the world and one of the largest consumption markets at the global level. Export also has been the engine of Indonesia economy yet it has been declining steadily in 2012 due to lower commodity price and dwindling global demand. Moreover, now in 2019, Indonesia’s export has dropped by 9.99 percent as compared to 2018.


From the comprehensive datasets readily available in the Central Agency of Statistics (over 85 data sets), we will focus on the 3 main objectives. It is as follows:

  1. Gain overall insights on the Export and Import activities in Indonesia by countries and regions since 2002. We will also identify the top trading partner of Indonesia.
  2. Identify the yearly trends of Exported and Imported Oil and Gas and Non Oil and Gas in Indonesia by countries. This would give us a better understanding on potential type of goods that Indonesia could focus on.
  3. Gain insights on the yearly trade balance trends to identify potential trading opportunity for Indonesia.


The Data Sets we will be using for our analysis and for our application is listed below:

Dataset/Source Data Attributes Rationale Of Usage
Export Import

(1996 - 2019, July)

  • Export:
Year, Total, MIGAS (Oil and Gas), NON MIGAS (Non Oil and Gas), Sector: Agriculture, Sector: Industry, Sector: Mining, Sector: Others
  • Import:
Year, Total, Consumption Good, Raw Material Support, Capital Goods.
The dataset will be used to understand the Indonesian Export and import figure from 1996 - 2019, July across multiple categories. At the end, we wish to spot the trend or pattern of Indonesia trading and economy situation.

Value of Exports by Major Countries of Destination (FOB value:million US$), 2000-2017


Value of Imports by Major Countries of Origin (CIF value: million US$), 2000-2017


  • Country of destination
Year spanning from 2000-2017
  • Country of destination
Year spanning from 2000-2017
The data set will be used to understand the export and import trading partner of Indonesia from year 2000-2017. We also will use this data set to identify the pattern of whether the import or export value is going up or down.

Value of Exports by Major Ports (FOB value: million US$), 2000-2017


Value of Imports by Major Ports (CIF value: million US$), 2000-2017


  • Province & Major Port
Year spanning from 2000-2017
The data set will be used to understand the export and import major port of Indonesia from year 2000-2017.

Volume and Value of Indonesia Import and Export per Commodity


  • Export:
Country of destination
  • Import:
Country of origin
The multiple data set will be used to look in detail the export or import value and volume per commodity to the or from Indonesian trading partners.


We did basic background research on some existing visualizations or dashboards we could drive inspirations from or make it better. Below are a few visuals we found:

Reference of Other Interactive Visualization Learning Point

Title: Export Destination Country For 10 Main Commodities [[File:|300px|frameless|center]]

Positive Points:

  1. The bar graph shows the comparison of export in Jan-Jul 2017 to Jan-Jul 2018 for a specific commodity, e.g. Textile and Product Textile. It allows immediate comparison of export performance for the top trading partners of Indonesia.

Negative Points:

  1. There is no data label and it is hard to manually trace the graph to the figure.
  2. It only gives information in 2017 and 2018 from January to July
  3. There are no interactive tools that allow the user to choose the year or the commodities that they want to see
  4. The y-axis should start from 0 instead of a dash symbol