Lesson 10

From Visual Analytics for Business Intelligence
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Va.jpg IS428 Visual Analytics for Business Intelligence


Weekly Session


Visual Analytics Project

Course Resources


Network Visualisation and Analysis: Knowledge Discovery in Linked Data


Data Visualisation Through Their Graph Representation

  • Basic concept of graph
  • Data and graph
  • Where to find the data?

Network Graph Drawing

  • Hierarchical tress
  • Spanning trees
  • Networks
  • Directed graphs
  • Treemaps

Network Graph Layout Techniques

  • Force-directed techniques
  • Multidimensional scaling
  • The pulling under constrains model
  • Bipartite graphs

Applications of Network Visualisation

  • Organisation network
  • Business network [1]
  • Political network [2]
  • Social network [3]
  • News network

Network Graph Visualisation and Analysis Tool in R

Network graph data wrangling

Network graph analysis and visualisation packages in R

Network graph visualisation packages in R

High Recommended

Interactive network graph visualisation packages in R

Network Graph Visualisation and Analysis Tool


  • Tutorial: Quick Start [6], Visualization [7], and Layouts [8]


  • Visual Analysis of Complex Networks for Business Intelligence with Gephi [10]
  • Graph Drawing [11]
  • Graph Analytics - Lesson Learned and Challenges Ahead [12]
  • Learning to Read and Interpret Network Graph Data Visualizations [13]
  • The Visualization of Networks [14]
  • ViZster: Visualizing Online Social Networks [15]
  • Adam Perer. "Finding Beautiful Insights in the Chaos of Social Network Visualizations". In Beautiful Visualization. O’Reilly Press. [16]
  • Visual Complexity [17]