IS428 AY2019-20T1 Assign Fresi

From Visual Analytics for Business Intelligence
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Problem & Motivation

St. Himark is a vibrant community with a population of 246,839 people located in the Oceanus Sea. It also home to the Always Safe nuclear power plant, a 200 Megawatts electric (MWe) pressurized water reactor (PWR). The Always Safe nuclear power plant provides 72% of the city’s electricity and provides jobs for 700 highly skilled professionals. It has always been the pride of the city, yet it was not quite built to be compliant with the recommended safety standards developed by international organizations and is now ageing.

The nuclear plant sustained moderate (but not life-threatening) damage during the earthquake resulting in some contamination being released. Further, a coolant leak sprayed employees’ cars and contaminated them at varying levels. The city has installed stationary sensors which could be used to determine affected areas, but they don’t cover all parts of the city. Luckily, the Himark Science Society has stepped in with citizen scientists to help crowdsource this important task. Utilize these various sensors to understand which parts of the city are most affected. Meanwhile, mayor Jordan, city officials, and emergency services are overwhelmed and are desperate for assistance in understanding the true situation on the ground and how best to deploy the limited resources available to this relatively small community.

With the huge amount of contamination data collected from the sensors reading, there is a need to build an interactive comprehensive visualization platform to monitor which parts of the city are the most affected.

The interactive visualization will focus on:

  • The monitoring of Static sensors reading, one at the entrance to the Always Safe nuclear power plant and eight dispersed around the city.
  • The monitoring of 50 mobile sensors that travel in and out of the city.
  • Understanding the observation and identify the anomalies from the static and mobile sensor reading.
  • Identifying the area/s that are heavily affected by the contamination and dispatch necessary help for its citizens.

Dataset Analysis & Transformation Process

The data zip folder contains 1 shapefile folder, 4 maps of St Himark city, and 3 CSV files. The 3 CSV files are:

  • StaticSensorLocations.csv
  • StaticSensorReadings.csv
  • MobileSensorReadings.csv