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<li>*Visualisations for Mobile Sensor Readings - without region names: https://www.dropbox.com/s/s3yv3tudpjmknud/MobileSensorVisualisations.twb?dl=0</li>
<li>*Visualisations for Mobile Sensor Readings - without region names: https://www.dropbox.com/s/s3yv3tudpjmknud/MobileSensorVisualisations.twb?dl=0</li>
<p>*The file could not be imported to Tableau Public as the data from 8th April to 10th April could not be stored in the process of extraction. Instead, the link above directs you to the dropbox with the tableau workbook file containing necessary visualisations used for this assignment which can be downloaded. </p>
<p>*The file could not be imported to Tableau Public as the data from 8th April to 10th April could not be stored in the process of extraction, which could make major changes to the visualisation outcomes. Instead, the link above directs you to the dropbox with the tableau workbook file containing necessary visualisations used for this assignment which can be downloaded. </p>

Latest revision as of 17:17, 12 October 2019

Nuclearpowerplant.jpg VAST Challenge'19 MC2:Citizen Science to the Rescue

Overview & Data preparation


Interactive Visualisation


Interactive Visualisations

The list of links to tableau public below are the separate links for:

  1. Visualisations for Static Sensor Readings: https://public.tableau.com/profile/myeong.eun#!/vizhome/VisualisationsforStaticSensorReadings/Uncertaintiesinreadings
  2. Visualisations for Mobile Sensor Readings - with region names: https://public.tableau.com/profile/myeong.eun#!/vizhome/MobileSensorReadingsWithShakemap/Avgradiationbyregion
  3. *Visualisations for Mobile Sensor Readings - without region names: https://www.dropbox.com/s/s3yv3tudpjmknud/MobileSensorVisualisations.twb?dl=0

*The file could not be imported to Tableau Public as the data from 8th April to 10th April could not be stored in the process of extraction, which could make major changes to the visualisation outcomes. Instead, the link above directs you to the dropbox with the tableau workbook file containing necessary visualisations used for this assignment which can be downloaded.