Geographical Segmentation with Spatially Constrained Cluster Analysis
- Basic concepts of geographic segmentation
- Conventional cluster analysis techniques
- Approaches for clustering geographically referenced data
- Hierarchical clustering with spatial constraints
- Minimum spanning trees
- Regionalization with Dynamically Constrained Agglomerative Clustering and Partitioning (Redcap)
Must do
- Complete:
- Chapter 2: Hierarchical clustering of Unsupervised Learning in DataCamp.
- View
- Lecture on “Spatially Constrained Clusters” by Luc Anselin (link to 1hr and 20mins video).
- Read
Assuncao, R. M., Neves, M.C., Camara, G. and Costa Freitas, C.D. 2006. “Efficient Regionalization Techniques for Socio-Economic Geographical Units Using Minimum Spanning Trees.” International Journal of Geographical Information Science 20: 797–811.
Chavent, M., Kuentz-Simonet, V., Labenne,A. and Saracco, J. 2018. “ClustGeo: an R package for hierarchical clustering with spatial constraints” Computational Statistics. 33: 1799-1822.
In-Class Exercise
- Hands-on Exercise 6. The handout and data sets are available at course eLearn.
R Packages
AMOEBA: A Multidirectional Optimum Ecotope-Based Algorithm [1]
ClustGeo: Hierarchical Clustering with Spatial Constraints [2] and Introduction to Clustgeo [3]
skater: A function from spdep package that implements a SKATER procedure for spatial clustering analysis.[4]
spatialcluster: An R package for spatially-constrained clustering using either distance or covariance matrices. [5]
Guo, D. 2008. “Regionalization with Dynamically Constrained Agglomerative Clustering and Partitioning (Redcap).” International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 22(7): 801-823.
Rovan, J. and Sambt, J. (2003) “Socio-economic Differences Among Slovenian Municipalities: A Cluster Analysis Approach”, Developments in Applied Statistics, pp. 265-278. [6]
Demeter, T. and Bratucu, G. (2013) “Statistical Analysis Of The EU Countries from A Touristic Point of View”, Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov, 6(55): 121-130. [7]
Brown, N.S. & Watson, P. (2012) “What can a comprehensive plan really tell us about a region?: A cluster analysis of county comprehensive plans in Idaho”, Western Economics Forum. pp.22-37. [8]