ISSS608 22018-19 T1 Assign Song Song Chenxi Task3

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TRIO.jpg Air pollution in Sofia


Data preparation

Task 1

Task 2



Task 3

Urban air pollution is a complex issue. There are many factors affecting the air quality of a city. Some of the possible causes are:

·       Local energy sources. For example, according to <a href="">Unmask My City</a>, a global initiative by doctors, nurses, public health practitioners, and allied health professionals dedicated to improving air quality and reducing emissions in our cities, Bulgaria’s main sources of PM10, and fine particle pollution PM2.5 (particles 2.5 microns or smaller) are household burning of fossil fuels or biomass, and transport.

·       Local meteorology such as temperature, pressure, rainfall, humidity, wind etc

·       Local topography

·       Complex interactions between local topography and meteorological characteristics.

·       Transboundary pollution for example the haze that intruded into Singapore from our neighbours.

In this third task, you are required to reveal the relationships between the factors mentioned above and the air quality measure detected in Task 1 and Task 2. Limit your response to no more than 5 images and 600 words.

Part A air pollution with Local meteorology such as temperature, pressure, rainfall, humidity, wind 


Group8 Figure31.png



Group8 Figur32.png

From the Correlation Matrices, PRCPAVG (Daily average precipitation amount) is most positively related to concentration with correlation coefficent 0.35.

Next, RHAVG (Daily average relative humidity) is also positively impact the air pollution with coefficient 0.21 followed by VISIB with correlation coefficent 0.09.

On the other hand, the TASACG (Daily average temperature) is most negatively related to concentration with correlation coefficent -0.39.

Next, sfcwindAVG (Daily average wind speed) is negatively related to concentration with correlation coefficent 0.36.



Group8 Figure33.png


Part B P1P2 with Local meteorology such as temperature, pressure, humidity

Group8 Figure34.png


Group8 Figure35.png


Temperature, humidity as well as pressure these factors seem to be all have lightly impact on P1

and P2,which P1 and P2 positively correlated entirely.

