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PM 10 Concentration in Sofia

This is the annual PM10 concentration average of each station from 2013 to 2018. The data shows that the overall average is around 41 and PM10 concentration in Sofia is in decreasing trend. However, Nadezhda shows surge increase in 2017 for some reason.

Fig1 image.png

Monthly Average

Below is the monthly average data for break down of the data above. The same type of change happens every year, which is the decline of the concentration in summer and high concentration in winter.

Fig2 image.png

Typical Day of Sofia about PM10

The data shows the average one-day concentration in Sofia City. Interestingly, Druzhba's concentration is especially low from midnight to early morning compared to the other stations. The reason seems that the station is located in a local area and less crowded.

Fig3 image.png