ISSS608 2017-18 T3 Assign Manu George Mathew Q3
Using the combined group of suspected bad actors you created in question 2, show the interactions within the group over time.
Visualization and Analysis
Description | Illustration |
1.Characterize the group’s organizational structure and show a full picture of communications within the group
2.Does the group composition change during the course of their activities?
Looking at the interactions year wise,
3.How do the group’s interactions change over time?
The communication Trend is visualized as shown. |
Links and Guide to Dashboard
View the interactive Tableau design here:
Link to tableau dashboard in Sub Question 1 and 2
Link to tableau dashboard in Sub Question 2 and 3
By using the above Plots, we can infer that,
- The group is comprised of people who joined in November of 2015 if we exclude Richard Fox, Jane Tyler, Gail Feindt and Timothy Gibson.
- The only interaction Jenise Savaria had with the group was in 2017 when Rosalia Larroque placed the purchase order with her.
- The above purchase was unusual as all the past purchases have been handled by Gail Feindt. This brings a possibility that Gail Feindt has backed out of the group's activities.
- Jane Tyler, Gail Feindt and Timothy Gibson have been in the organization the longest over time.
- We aslo see that Alex Hall left the company in 2016 and Madeline Nindroff left them in 2017.
- By observing the Target Label axis of the Dashboard, we can see that, over the years, the number of people being contacted is showing a decline.
- Checking the over time transaction patterns, it is highly possible that Jane Tyler and Timothy Gibson are not part of the group's operations. Thus the criterion for suspicious people could be changed to more than 8 interactions with the group.