ISSS608 Visual Analytics Vast Challenge Mini Challenge 2
Data overview
The following lists the data used for the analysis. The data is obtained from VAST Challenge 2018: Mini-Challenge 2.
Data description
File name
1. Boonsong Lekagul waterways readings.csv
Water sensors readings of 9 locations in the preserve, original data contains 5 columns, namely, "id", "value", "location", "sample date" and "measure". Brief introduction as following:
- "id" - identifier of each record
- "value" - the value of corresponding measure
- "location" - the location of each record taken from
- "sample date" - the day when the sample was taken
- "measure" - the measure name of each record
There is no missing value in this dataset, whilst, a large amount of record has zeros in value
Records are taken from 11 Jan 1998 to 31 Dec 2016
Total 106 different kinds of measures
Total 10 locations
Every row represents a unique record
2. chemical units of measure.csv
This table contains two columns, one is measure name, the other is unit which corresponding to the measure
Each measure has a corresponding unit, except for Macrozoobenthos
3. Waterways Final.jpg
This picture is a map of Boonsong Lekagul waterways
reveals the where the water sensors located and an approximate dumping point
R, Excel, Tableau