ISSS608 2017-18 T3 Assign Li Hongxin Conclusions
Revision as of 19:12, 7 July 2018 by (talk | contribs)
Are Pipits actually thriving across the Preserve? Probably Not.
There are still a big amount of Pipits across the Preserve; However, the Pipits are not thriving as before based on the following reasons.
- The number of Pipits keep growing till 2015, but had a sharp decrease from 2016.
- The gathering area of Pipits moved away from the dumping site since 2015.
We can conclude that the Pipits were not thriving since 2015. But we don't have 100% percent confidence that the Pipits were influenced by dumping site due to 2 reasons.
- We are not sure of the exact construction time of dumping site. 2015 was just a hypothesis we raised based on the visualization.
- The population of other bird species also decreased at the same time even if they live far away from the dumping site.